low-key is king

Chapter 697 I don't!

Chapter 697 I don't!

Lu Xun is a genuine six-level perfect martial artist, and today he defeated Xiao Xu, who had just entered the seventh level, and the genius of this martial arts academy must be stronger than Jiang Xin, who died in Lu Xun's hands back then.

It is more difficult for a martial artist to fight across borders than for a scribe. Any cultivator knows this very well. How could Ning Wenji and the others not understand?
That is to say, from today onwards, among the three major powers of the Ningmen Yuanmen Moon Palace, not only the sixth-level monks want everyone to be in danger, but even the high-end powerhouses who have just entered the seventh level may have to think about themselves.

Their combat power may not be comparable to Xiao Xu, a martial artist who has just entered the seventh realm. If they are really going to be challenged by Lu Xun, they can't avoid the battle. Wouldn't they just watch Lu Xun take care of them?
Now everyone knows that this little boy who is only seventeen or eighteen years old is ruthless, and anyone who dares to offend him will have no good end. Waiting for their result, what will it be?

This is Lu Xun's use of the topic again, trying to subtly break the cohesion of the three major forces including Ningmen.

At that time, except for some diehards, no one wants to stay within the three major forces.

To be honest, after Lu Xun's several methods, first blocking the door, and then opening Xinyue Restaurant and Xinyue Store one after another, there are a series of measures against the three major forces including Ningmen.

Among other things, just going to the Xinyue Restaurant to eat, and going to the Xinyue store to buy pills, the price is twice as high as that of other college geniuses, and it has an immediate effect.

Now many people have chosen to leave Ningmen Yuanmen and Moon Palace because of this kind of differential treatment, and some people have switched to the New Moon Palace.

This undoubtedly made Ning Wenji and others gnash their teeth in anger, but what they can still accept is that if the backbone like Qi Ting and Xu Zhibai is still there, the three major forces will not fall.

The reason is that these monks in the seven realms don't have a special need for the food at the New Moon Restaurant, or the pills of the fifth and sixth grades, and their vital interests are not at risk.

But the situation is different now. After Lu Xun said these words, except for Ning Wenji, Wei Xiuyuan, the leaders of the seven realms, and some monks who have achieved the seven realms, almost everyone is in danger.

Especially some monks who have just entered the Seventh Realm or even achieved a small achievement in the Seventh Realm can't help lowering their eyes to Lu Xun, for fear that they will be remembered by the other party, and the next one to challenge is themselves.

If a monk with a small success in the seventh realm fights alone and is approached, he will hardly be an opponent for a newcomer to the seventh realm martial artist. That is to say, they are almost at the same level as Xiao Xu just now.

Since Lu Xun can easily kill Xiao Xu, and can make the other party unable to even admit defeat, then if he faces Lu Xun, will he also end up like this?

Looking at Xiao Xu's tragic death, no one wants to follow in this footsteps, and the conflict between Lu Xun and the three major forces is well known, this guy has a temperament of revenge.

It can be said that in the past, Lu Xun only targeted the monks of the three major powers in the fifth and sixth realms, but after today's war, he targeted the monks who had just entered the seventh realm or had a small success in the seventh realm.

What he said made the faces of the three major forces extremely ugly. Fortunately, today is the first day of the civil and military exchange meeting, and Lu Xun just made harsh words. If he really wants to challenge, he has to go back to the Arts and Teachers College.

"Does the Martial Arts Academy still want to challenge me?"

Lu Xun in the arena did not make this threat clear either. Seeing that he turned his eyes back to the Martial Arts Academy, and said a word, the ring was suddenly silent.

Everyone first glanced at Xiao Xu's body on the edge of the ring, and then swept across the bodies of Xie Chao, Wu Zhao and the others.

For a while, no one spoke, and a strange emotion flowed in the hearts of the martial arts geniuses.

This was really the first time in the history of the civil and martial arts exchange meeting. Many geniuses of the martial arts academy were forced to this point by a new student who had only joined the arts and martial arts academy for a few months.

But the fact is that, at this moment, who would dare to go up and seek humiliation among those six-level martial masters of the martial arts academy?

Even for martial artists who have just entered the seventh realm, they have to see how much better they are than Xiao Xu.

The former Xiao Xu, after Lu Xun showed the perfection of a six-level martial artist, had little power to fight back, and was simply crushed and beaten.

This is almost exactly the same situation as a junior martial artist of the seventh realm dealing with a new martial artist of the seventh realm.

And a martial artist who has reached the seventh level of success can't lose that face, and the difference between the two sides is one level, Lu Xun can refuse, so it's better not to go up and make people laugh.

In the martial arts academy, not all of them are despicable and shameless disciples like Zhe Yan, but more of them are magnanimous martial arts geniuses like Shi Dang Lu Ying.

Even though many martial artists are experienced and ruthless, even if they do evil things, they do it frankly.

Such a battle of real swords and guns in the arena, even the martial masters of the seven realms can't afford to lose face.

"Kong Xinyue, you and I have reached the seven realms, how dare you fight against Zheyi?"

In this eerie and quiet atmosphere, a loud voice suddenly came from the Martial Artist Academy, it was obviously the voice of Zhe Yan, a martial artist of the Seventh Realm Consummation.

And the object of his challenge is not Lu Xun, but Kong Xinyue, the most powerful person in the New Moon Palace.

Kong Xinyue is the second existence on the hundred battle list, and Zhe Yan is the fourth in the martial arts list. In terms of cultivation base alone, both of them are indeed at the completion of the seven realms.

But what is compared in the arena is not the skills of scribes, but the real combat power.

Even if the monks in the Seventh Realm Stepping into the Sky Realm can already fly off the ground, it is impossible for them to fly in the sky and refuse to fight against the martial masters in the same realm, right?

The Literary and Teachers College can't help this kind of civil and military exchanges, but also wants the younger generation of these colleges to experience the battle of life and death, otherwise they will be flowers cultivated in the greenhouse and cannot withstand the real wind and rain.

Everyone knew that Kong Xinyue would definitely lose against Zheyan, who was in the same situation and at the same stage, but at this time the other party issued a challenge. Grab the ring.

"Hey, hey, I said you are treating me as if I don't exist? There is always a first come, first come first, right?"

Just when Kong Xinyue and Zheyan were about to leave one after another, there was a yelling sound from the ring, it was Lu Xun who made it, and it seemed quite dissatisfied.

This loud voice made the two geniuses stagnate, and then they turned their gazes to the arena, thinking each other thoughtfully, wondering what kind of demon moth this kid is going to show again?

"Who is that, you are Orihiko's dog leg, it's you, I want to challenge you, do you dare to accept it?"

Lu Xun glanced over Kong Xinyue's body, then raised his arm, and pointed at a certain figure in the formation of the martial arts academy, which made the figure tremble slightly, his face full of disbelief.

The person Lu Xun pointed out was not even as good as Xiao Xu just now, and only a martial artist with a perfect six-level cultivation. He never thought that the indiscriminate disaster would come so suddenly.

In the past, the geniuses of the Martial Arts Academy challenged the geniuses of the Arts Teacher Academy, and the other party never took the initiative to challenge.

And generally speaking, among the martial artists in the same realm, those who challenge are the scribes with a higher rank, so that they have a sense of superiority.

But now it's obviously the other way around. A new student from the Arts Teacher Academy is the first to challenge the genius of the martial arts academy, and the challenge is still a martial artist from the same situation.

However, at this moment, when everyone saw that the target of Lu Xun's challenge turned out to be a martial artist genius who had completed the six realms, the words "bullying" popped up subconsciously in their minds.

This guy had just beaten to death a martial artist Xiao Xu who had just entered the seventh level, and he was about to challenge a genius martial artist who had completed the sixth level. Is this something a fucking human can do?

"What? You and I are both consummated in the Sixth Realm. Could it be that everyone in the Martial Arts Academy is so timid as a mouse?"

Lu Xun talked eloquently on the ring, then turned his arm, pointed to the Literary Teacher Academy, and said: "I heard that, in the past, you challenged all the literary masters who were a little higher than a rank!"

At this moment, Lu Xun was showing his status as a new disciple to the fullest, but no matter what he said, everyone felt awkward.

You are such a monster, can you be regarded as those ordinary scribes and monks?
If Lu Xun hadn't been so strong just now and directly killed Xiao Xu who had just entered the seventh level, then the martial artist who had completed the sixth level would have readily accepted it immediately.

But now, even if he borrowed his courage, he wouldn't dare to fight Lu Xunfang in the ring.

If one is not careful, it is a trivial matter to abolish the dantian, and it is very likely that one's life will be lost on the ring.

Fighting with other people, if you can't beat them, you just admit defeat and leave, that's an extremely easy thing, but they all saw Xiao Xu's aggrieved just now, so they couldn't even speak.

"I... I... I don't!"

The genius of the six-level perfect martial artist who was stared at by everyone, his face was flushed, but in the end he choked out these two words, which caused an uproar in the entire ring.

"Can you still refuse a challenge from the same realm?"

Lu Xun looked puzzled, turned his eyes to the high platform in the north, looked at Yu Chongxiao, the dean of the Military Academy, and glanced at Shen Li, the instructor of the Military Academy, to ask.

Hearing this question, many geniuses of the martial arts academy felt that their faces were dull, and today their faces were really slapped.

When was a challenge from a student of the same realm and rank at the Arts Teacher Academy, the Martial Arts Academy didn't dare to accept it. If it was before today, I'm afraid people would laugh at it.

But the fact is happening right in front of your eyes. Believe it or not, at least any genius of the sixth realm of Wushi Academy will probably make the same decision when challenged by Lu Xun, right?
(End of this chapter)

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