low-key is king

Chapter 705

Chapter 705
"At least he is also a martial artist with a small achievement in the sixth realm, or even... a great accomplishment in the sixth realm!"

The burly man looked at the young man in black with a hint of fear in his eyes, and his heart was already filled with turmoil, because if he was in the same situation, he would not be able to achieve such an effect.

The black-clothed boy's kick seemed random, but the speed and angle were top-notch. No matter which direction his brother hid, he might not be able to escape the result of being cut off from his children and grandchildren in the end.

Being so young and possessing such strength, the burly man suddenly remembered what day it was today, and secretly thought that this could be some young genius from the martial arts academy.

"Big... big brother, kill... kill him!"

The wretched man at this moment seemed to have finally suppressed the piercing pain, but when he thought that he would no longer be able to mess with women, let alone visit brothels, he felt extreme resentment in his heart.

Hearing the roar of the wretched man in his ears, the burly man was unmoved. His eyes never left the boy in black, as if he was weighing the pros and cons of it.

"If you don't dare to make a move, get out!"

Lu Xun actually didn't care about these two young men, he heard him yelling in a deep voice: "If you have any background and are not convinced, feel free to seek revenge on me at the Liberal Arts College, my name is Lu Xun!"

"Lu... Lu Xun?"

After Lu Xun signed up for his surname, the thick man's voice trembled a little, and then he asked in surprise, "Is...it's Lu Xun from the New Moon Palace...my lord?"

It seems that this stout man is not ignorant. When he realized this fact, his horrified eyes turned to the group of young figures, and his heart was even more agitated.

"Since he is Lu Xun, isn't that Kong Xinyue who is number two on the hundred battle list?"

This was the horrified guess in the heart of the stout man, and apart from Kong Xinyue, the other party probably also had Xuan Shisan, the thirteenth prince of Xuan, Wang Huan, a seventh-rank physician, and Yun Xinyu, the natal sword master.

Each one of them is not something that guys with a little background like them can afford to provoke.

At this moment, the stout man was so regretful that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, and even glared at his brother over there.

And at this moment, the wretched man didn't dare to utter wild words anymore, he was a bully and feared the tough, if the other party was easy to bully, he wouldn't mind showing off his might.

But these people in front of them are obviously existences that they can't afford to provoke, any one of them can directly destroy him, and even destroy the forces behind him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mr. Lu is actually the real owner of Xinyue Restaurant!"

Long Zhijun uttered the truth at the right time, which made the people over there instantly understand that the name of Xinyue Restaurant of Daxuan Teachers College is now also famous in Daxuan King Capital.

It is said that the Xinyue Restaurant here is the same owner as the Xinyue Restaurant of the Arts and Teachers College, so it is the black-clothed boy in front of them. They are really humiliating themselves.

But just now, who the hell knew that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy turned out to be the biggest owner of Xinyue Restaurant, they could only consider themselves unlucky.

"I'm sorry, it was my brother who didn't know Taishan and offended Mr. Lu. Please forgive us this time, Mr. Lu, regardless of the fault of the villain!"

The stout man no longer dared to show his strength, while the wretched man knelt down on the ground at some point, hanging his head. How could he have the courage to talk like that?

"Get out of Daxuan King Capital, don't let me see you again!"

Du Baimei was still in a fit of anger, but he also knew that the young master should not want to kill people in front of his restaurant, it would be bad luck, so he directly shouted loudly, making several people feel like they were granted amnesty.

"Old Du, what are you doing!"

However, just when those people thought they had been pardoned and wanted to turn around and leave, they didn't expect the boy in black to speak suddenly, which made their hearts sink to the bottom of the valley.

Including Du Baimei's heart trembled, thinking to himself that he might have misunderstood the young master's meaning, today the young master wants to show his prestige in front of the New Moon Restaurant and kill these blind people?
"These visitors are all guests. Since we have taken the number, how can we drive the guests out?"

The words that came out of Lu Xun's mouth after that made everyone look at each other in blank disbelief, and made them leave or stay, and they didn't know if the other party was mocking him.

"No one is allowed to leave without eating this meal, do you hear me?"

Lu Xun deliberately said something with a straight face, but it made those people relax a little bit, secretly thinking that the other party couldn't have tricked him into the New Moon Restaurant, and then killed him secretly, right?

There is no need for this!

"What a money addict!"

Yun Xinyu couldn't help muttering, but it just made Lu Xun laugh, and stepped into the restaurant first, causing many people's eyes to be cast on the black-clothed boy.

Many people saw the scene outside the restaurant just now, and naturally knew Lu Xun's identity.

This is the real behind-the-scenes owner of the New Moon Restaurant, and also a newly promoted talented student of the Liberal Arts Academy.

Nowadays, Lu Xun's name is not only well known in Literary Teachers College, but also in Daxuan King Capital.

Everyone knows that Lu Xun is the freshman king of this class of Liberal Arts Teachers College, and many veteran geniuses can't hold their heads up.

"Mu Qing, come here!"

Long Zhijun, who entered the restaurant, waved at someone, and then that person ran all the way here. He looked like a young man in his 20s, with a shrewd look on his face.

"Master Lu, let me introduce you. This is Mu Qing, the manager of the restaurant I hired. Thanks to him for helping me a lot during this time, otherwise I would really be too busy!"

Long Zhijun introduced the young man to Lu Xun with a smile. Not everyone can take up the job of a restaurant manager, and he must be familiar with Lu Xun.

If there is no eye relationship with this big boss, I am afraid that Mu Qing will not stay long.

"Hey, hey, according to what you mean, me and the old... Qing and Lao didn't help much, did they?"

Du Baimei on the side quit a little bit. Lu Xun left the matter of the New Moon Restaurant to the three of them, but strictly speaking, Long Zhijun had more things to worry about. It acts as a deterrent.

After all, there are many restaurants on this street, and opening a new restaurant will naturally attract a lot of pressure. If it weren't for Lao Qing and Lao Du, Long Zhijun alone would have been swallowed to the bone.

"Do you still need me to say the credit of the two of you? The young master must keep it in his heart!"

Long Zhijun has also practiced in this period of time, and the two sentences made Lao Qing and Lao Du quite comfortable, so naturally they will not be jealous of the former and only introduce Mu Qing.

"Mu Qing, didn't you want to meet that mysterious boss for a long time? Now that you see it, why don't you hurry up and salute?"

Seeing that Mu Qing was in a daze, Long Zhijun immediately smiled and reminded him again, which made Mu Qing wake up like a dream, and hurriedly bowed to salute, but was a little too excited to speak.

Speaking of which, Mu Qing's background is not too bad. There are naturally some reasons why he is willing to be a steward here, but these reasons are not enough for outsiders to understand.

He has always been fascinated by that mysterious owner, especially in the past seven days, the income of Xinyue Restaurant has shocked him, he has never seen such a profitable business.

Although Mu Qing was not in charge of the accounts, the prices on the recipes were written clearly, and he could remember exactly which customers ate what dishes and how much jade beads they spent.

If you do a rough calculation, in one day, the net profit of Xinyue Restaurant is nearly two hundred jade beads, which is a total of two million high-grade gold beads.

A business that can earn 200 million high-grade gold beads in a day is really unheard of by Mu Qing.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of person the behind-the-scenes boss was.

Unexpectedly, seeing him today turned out to be a boy who was many years younger than him. This made Mu Qing excited, but at the same time, some strange emotions were brewing.

"Mu Qing, do you keep the largest wing room on the second floor?"

After introducing the two of them, Long Zhijun led Lu Xun and the others towards the second floor while talking. This was also what she had ordered in advance, knowing that Lu Xun would be here to entertain guests.

"This one……"

Unexpectedly, after Long Zhijun's question fell, she saw a look of embarrassment on Mu Qing's face, which also made her stop, and turned her head in disbelief, as if there was something she couldn't figure out.

"You don't give the wing room to someone else, do you?"

Long Zhijun's complexion has darkened, and his heart is extremely unhappy, secretly thought that Mu Qing acted safely and shrewdly before, why didn't he even listen to his own words today?

This undoubtedly made Long Zhijun lose face in front of Lu Xun. If he can't handle such a small matter well, how can he achieve great things in the future?
Therefore, she looked at Mu Qing with a hint of anger.

"The wing room...is indeed occupied by someone!"

Mu Qing drooped his head, and when he realized the shopkeeper's gaze was about to explode, he hurriedly said: "Treasurer, that man... we, Xinyue Restaurant, really can't afford to offend him!"

"Who is it?"

Hearing what Mu Qing said, the anger in Long Zhijun's heart dissipated a lot. After all, although Lu Xun's talent is amazing, there are indeed many people who can't afford to offend in the Daxuan King Capital.

What's more, Mu Qing didn't know the background of Xinyue Restaurant beforehand. It is said that those who don't know are not guilty. If some kings have dignified figures come, how would he dare to insist?

King Daxuan hides dragons and crouching dragons, among other things, there are many strong people in the upper five realms, and Xinyue Restaurant is just a newly opened restaurant, so there must be a lot of people who can't afford it.

Hearing Long Zhijun's question, the other geniuses of the New Moon Palace were also a little curious, guessing what kind of person they are, so that the New Moon Restaurant can't afford it.

"Prince Daxuan!"

When Mu Qing uttered these four words, a name popped up in the minds of everyone nearby.

Especially the thirteenth prince, Xuan Shisan, would not be unfamiliar with that name in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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