low-key is king

Chapter 740

Chapter 740

"One, two, three, four... turned out to be a four-star black card?!"

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, they counted the number of stars on the black card in a moment, and Qiqi gasped.

At this moment, everyone is speculating that the leader of the headquarters of the Universal Chamber of Commerce must have given the four-star black card as a gift to Lu Linger, who has just turned nine years old.

But as we all know, even in the entire Great Xuan King City, the number of four-star black cards issued is probably only a little more than the number of hands.

And in whose hands, they all have a rough guess.

The three-star black card of the International Chamber of Commerce is relatively good. As long as you spend enough money and have some status, you can get it, such as Xuan Shisan, or the son of the Zhe family, Zhe Yan.

But the meaning of the four-star black card is completely different. At this level, the consumption amount is only the most basic thing.

You have to be a real big shot in the Daxuan Dynasty to get it from the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance.

There should be one in the hands of the Daxuan Emperor Xuantian, and there should be a few people in the hands of the teachers of the upper five realms of the Teachers College.

However, it is said that the two lower-ranking patriarchs of the four major families in Wangdu have not been awarded a four-star black card by the All Nations Business Alliance. One can imagine how rare this four-star black card is.

But now, Wan Mingli took out a four-star black card. Judging by his appearance, he was going to give it as a congratulatory gift. The meaning it represented was a bit intriguing.

Thinking of this, Xuan Shisan couldn't help turning his gaze to the boy in black. Thinking of the scene he saw in the Ten Thousand Nations Business Alliance, he suddenly felt a little relieved.

Because this seemingly inconspicuous young man is actually a super VIP with a five-star black card, which is ten times rarer than a four-star black card.

On this basis, Wan Mingli handed out a four-star black card to Lu Linger, which didn't seem like a big deal, anyway, Lu Linger wanted Lu Xun to take care of her.

But Xuan Shisan knew that other people might not know, so when they saw the four-star black card, they all felt envious.

That is not only a bigger discount when you buy things in the International Business Alliance, but also a status symbol, and you will be superior to others wherever you go.

The four-star black card of the Ten Thousand Nations Chamber of Commerce is like a passport. As long as you don't have a deep hatred and unintentionally offend someone, if you can sacrifice a four-star black card, the other party will probably feel jealous.

The things derived from the four-star black card are extremely extensive. This is the influence of the International Chamber of Commerce. No one wants to get a four-star black card without dreaming.

It's a pity that the vast majority of people don't even have the qualifications to own a black card, let alone a three-star or four-star black card, so they can only be deeply envious.

"Ling'er, come on, press your finger here, and from now on, this four-star black card will belong to you!"

Wan Mingli didn't pay attention to the other people's strange eyes. He saw him stretch out his hand to make a move towards Lu Linger, but after saying this, he saw the other person's eyes and turned to a certain black-clothed boy.

"Take it!"

Lu Xun knew that Wan Mingli came here intentionally to sell favors, or maybe it was for some people to see, so he nodded slightly.

Only then did Lu Linger jump over joyfully, and pressed her little finger on the position designated by Wan Mingli.

A black light flashed, and at that moment, everyone sensed that there was a special aura in the four-star black card, which made them all thoughtful.

This may also be a unique anti-counterfeiting method of the World Business Alliance, but this method is undoubtedly redundant.

May I ask whoever picked up or took away this four-star black card would dare to pretend to go to the International Chamber of Commerce to buy something, wouldn't it be offered to the door?

In fact, all the five-star black cards issued by the Union of Nations are recorded, and there is no mistake about who owns which four-star black card. If you pretend to be a fake, you can only bring shame on yourself.

As for the five-star black card, that is another level, and it is not something Wan Mingli, the head of the headquarters of the Shanxia Dynasty, can say casually, let alone have the authority to check it.

This was just a trick of Wan Mingli's speech. When he saw the little girl leaving her breath in high spirits, he knew that he had completed today's task. It was like making up for the mistake of making a favor into a transaction.

"Master Wan, I heard that you recently obtained a piece of deep-sea sinking iron, do you intend to sell it?"

Yu Chongxiao, the dean of the Military Academy, seemed impatient for a long time. Now that the gift-giving matter over there came to an end, he couldn't help but ask.

But when this question was asked, many people had strange looks on their faces, especially Wan Mingli, who was asked, subconsciously glanced at Lu Xun over there.

"What? Didn't Lu Xun tell Dean Yu?"

Wan Mingli was a little puzzled, didn't you, Yu Chongxiao, come to drink?How could you not know about this?

"tell what?"

Yu Chongxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered something. After all, Lu Xun just took out a little deep-sea sinking iron before, so it wouldn't be related to the deep-sea sinking iron in Wan Mingli's hands, right?
"Wan Mou did get a piece of deep sea sinking iron before, but he has already sold it to Lu Xun!"

Wan Mingli didn't hide this, but after hearing his words, many geniuses of the New Moon Palace who didn't know the inside story, as well as several other deans, were all dumbfounded.

"No wonder he was able to take out the deep sea sinking iron before, that's how it is!"

After everyone was shocked, they felt a touch of emotion, and at the same time secretly thought that this guy Lu Xun was really rich and powerful, and he could even afford deep-sea sinking iron.

"In my opinion, this kid's strength has improved greatly. He should use the deep-sea sunken iron as the last metal quenching thing. Maybe there are not many left?"

After all, Wan Mingli is a strong man in the upper five realms. He can see Lu Xun's situation at a glance, and he is also showing Yu Chongxiao that there is no deep sea sinking iron on me. If you want to find it, you can go to that boy Lu Xun.

"Leader Wan, you don't have Shenhai Shentie, and you probably haven't sold Gendanzhi yet?"

Ouyang Shu, the dean of the medical school next to him, seemed to have wanted to intervene a long time ago, but Wan Mingli's face changed when he found an opportunity at this time, wondering how could this old guy know that he had Gendanzhi?

Speaking of which, although Gendanzhi is not as rare as deep sea sunken iron, it is also a rare main material for refining elixir. I don't know where Ouyang Shu got the news from?

"Looking at you, you must have it, Master Wan, make an offer!"

At this moment, Ouyang Shu showed the arrogance of the number one doctor of the Daxuan Dynasty, he didn't ask the price at all, but asked the other party to set the price, with an attitude that he was bound to win.

"Dean Ouyang, I'm really sorry, I do have a Gentiana plant, but I've promised it to someone else, you'd better wait until next time!"

After pondering for a moment, Wan Mingli finally shook his head slightly, not knowing whether the reason he said was an excuse or if it really happened.

"Could Master Wan tell me who it is? Maybe I can discuss it with him!"

Ouyang Shu still refused to give up, but after saying this, Wan Mingli couldn't help showing a strange look in his eyes, as if he felt that the other party's question was just nonsense.

"Xuanji Hall, surnamed Song!"

Wan Mingli's face looked like a smile but not a smile, but when he uttered the word "Xuanji Temple", the whole hall was silent for an instant, and Ouyang Shu's expression also froze.

Because they all know that the Xuanji Hall is one of the three palaces and four halls surrounding the core immortal gate on the mountain, and it is also a huge force with the largest number of doctors, and there are endless immortal doctors in it.

Wan Mingli's words were extremely simple, but Ouyang Shu knew who he was talking about in an instant, because he was born in the Xuanji Temple, and he can be said to be a big shot in the Xuanji Temple.

But no matter how noble Ouyang Shu's status was, he couldn't afford to offend that powerful Xuanji Hall surnamed Song, so he immediately dismissed his coveting of Longdanzhi.

Everyone in the hall felt a little itchy, as if they had indirectly come into contact with some important people on the mountain, but Wan Mingli and Ouyang Shu were silent at the moment, so naturally they didn't dare to ask more questions.

"It turned out to be that one!"

Only a few other dean-level figures had a vague idea in their hearts, and they vaguely guessed who the strong man Wan Mingli was talking about, and they were all shocked.

The level of Ge Changqing of the Taihang Sect next to him is undoubtedly lower. He and Southeast Gui are at a loss, and he always feels that he is a bit out of place with these big men.

This is not the gap between cultivation bases, but knowledge and experience.

The birthday banquet was still going on, but everyone's minds, once again because of the arrival of Wan Mingli, had a lot of expectations. Will there be any more distinguished guests?

"Master Wan, this kind of free food opportunity, you don't call me, you are not enough friends, right?"

Just when everyone was thinking, a slightly complaining voice suddenly came from outside, and then a figure flashed in, attracting everyone's attention.

"Who is this?"

For this person, most people in the hall feel a little strange, even Lu Xun has never seen this person, but he can be sure that this person's strength is definitely not inferior to Wan Mingli over there.

Everyone also thought the same way, because if it wasn't for a strong man of the same level, the other party would not dare to speak to Wan Mingli in such a tone. You let Ge Changqing of the Taihang Sect try it?
"It's Gu Hetong from Tingxin Building!"

Fortunately, there was a well-informed Xuan Shisan here. Hearing his astonished voice, almost everyone realized who it was, and they all gasped again.

Tingxinlou, it is one of the three major forces recognized by the Yamashita Dynasty. No one knows who is behind it, but it can stand up to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Chamber of Commerce and the Hidden Killing Society.

This is an organization specializing in intelligence business. It is said that among the eight dynasties under the mountain, there is no intelligence that Tingxinlou cannot get.

As long as you can afford the price, they will definitely give you the most satisfactory information.

(End of this chapter)

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