low-key is king

Chapter 801 What did you say?I can not hear clearly!

Chapter 801 What did you say?I can not hear clearly!

"Why, Master Gu Hongzuo thinks that two simple words can make today's matter come to an end?"

Lu Xun's yin and yang rhetorical question rang out, full of thick sarcasm, which made many people feel strange, secretly thinking that this guy's courage is really not so big.

Some people even think that Lu Xun is unreasonable, you beat Ji Shang into such a state, and you don't know if you can recover in the future, but now you still want to hold on to it, is it a bit too ruthless?

Just now everyone had indeed seen the image in Liu Sanqing's water moon mirror, and knew that what happened today was indeed due to Lu Xun's reasoning, but it was his enemy who suffered in the end.

Whether it's Wei Xiuyuan, Ning Wenji, or Ji Shang, the leader of Shangyi League, the situation is dire. The other party didn't bother you because of the truth, so you can have fun secretly.

Many kind-hearted people shook their heads slightly, thinking to themselves that Lu Xun, you should accept it as soon as you see it, because if you really want to offend Gu Hong to death, you will be doomed to walk around without food in the future.

The other party is a strong person in the upper five realms, and has an extremely weird temper. Even if you can't move you on the surface, if you do a little trick secretly, you will definitely be overwhelmed and go around without being discovered.

"Then what are you doing?"

Sure enough, upon hearing Lu Xun's voice, Gu Hong turned his head with a dark face, looked at the young boy in black, and wished he could blow him up.

"At least let these guys apologize to me?"

Lu Xun also knew that it would be impossible for him to kill those teachers after all the teachers from the academy appeared, so he could only humiliate them from another aspect.

Hearing Lu Xun's words, many people were thoughtful. On the one hand, they felt that this was humiliating, but on the other hand, they felt that his request was reasonable.

Today's matter is not based on who is more miserable, it is Ning Wenji and Wei Xiuyuan who set up a poisonous plan, and spread false news, waiting for Lu to find himself in the trap.

If it weren't for Lu Xun's great ability and Liu Sanqing's rebellion, maybe today's other courtyard of Changchun Palace is his burial place, how could there be such a scene like this?

It seems that under such circumstances, it is not incomprehensible for Lu Xun to ask the other party to apologize to him, so everyone turned their attention to the geniuses of several major liberal arts schools.

This is simply a matter of extreme humiliation. If you can't kill someone, you can directly kill them. Looking at the pale and gloomy faces of the three people, everyone knew that they must be reluctant.

"I apologize, but I will not pursue what Master Gu Hongzuo did to me today, otherwise I will report to the court and investigate to the end!"

Lu Xun didn't seem to care about the gloomy faces of the three of them at all, he was threatening the academy teacher of the upper five realms at this moment, and he even said something like "Shanghai Yuanhui".

The council is the highest meeting mechanism of Daxuan Wenshi College. As long as more than half of the [-] teachers participate, the resolution of the council will take effect, and no one can violate it.

And a master of the fifth-level academy, intervening in the struggle of the younger generation under the watchful eyes of all the people, and even making a violent attack on a sixth-level academy student, this is a violation of the academy's rules anyway.

It would be fine if Lu Xun really trespassed on Changchun's manor, but Liu Sanqing's image stored in the Shuiyue mirror made it impossible for them to argue.

Obviously it was Ji Shang and others who set up a poisonous plan to lure Lu Xun into the bait, and Lu Xun also entered the Changchun Palace through regular channels, which means that the fault of Ji Shang and others was the fault of Ji Shang and others.

If it's just like this, even if there is a life-threatening incident involving the younger generation, and it's not within the academy, then Lu Xun can only be blamed for his carelessness and incompetence, and no one can say anything more.

It happened that Gu Hong, the teacher of the fifth-level academy, made a move, and everyone saw that he made a move on Lu Xun. If this matter caused a meeting in the upper house, he would definitely not be able to bear it and walk around.

The existence of Liberal Arts Academy is to protect these young geniuses who have not yet grown up.

If even the instructors in his own academy could take action at will because of personal grievances, then the Academy of Letters and Teachers would exist in name only.

Not to mention these upper-five-level powerhouses, within the academy, high-level disciples are not allowed to attack low-level disciples. This is also a kind of alternative protection that cannot be trampled by anyone.

If the former Gu Hong didn't pay much attention to Lu Xun, then when he heard the word "Yuanhui" at this moment, his heart couldn't help but tremble, and his sinister eyes swept Lu Xun back and forth.

Looking at the black-clothed boy who has no fear in his eyes, Gu Hong has reason to believe that this guy can do anything, not to mention that the other party has a reason.

Turning his eyes away from Lu Xun, Gu Hong took another look at the silent three-level powerhouse and five-level powerhouse. He knew that he couldn't escape, and he would definitely be manipulated by a brat today.

"Ji Shang, apologize!"

Gu Hong doesn't care if other people don't apologize, but at this moment, he has to make an attitude. When his heavy drink sounded, Ji Shang's heart couldn't help but sink to the bottom.

In fact, Lu Xun's request was not difficult at all, and it was considered a step down for Gu Hong.

It's just that sometimes, verbal humiliation is more unacceptable than physical pain.

The reason why Ji Shang was so chilled was because he suddenly felt that even if it was his master, even if Gu Hong was a strong man in the upper five realms, it seemed that he couldn't beat that kid named Lu Xun.

He originally thought that once Master came, he would be able to seek justice for himself, and would definitely make Lu Xun's life worse than death.

At that time just now, he had already thought of many ways to concoct Lu Xun.

I didn't expect the people behind this guy to come so fast, even three strong men from the upper and fifth realms came as soon as they came. On the contrary, Gu Hong's side was in a weak position and had to compromise now.

At this moment, Ji Shang felt extremely aggrieved, but seeing Master's urging eyes, he didn't dare to say another word, so he could only turn his face to the direction where Lu Xun was.

"Lu Xun, I was wrong today, I'm sorry!"

Ji Shang, whose voice was as soft as a gnat, only felt his face being pressed on the ground and rubbed vigorously at this moment. Since he became Gu Hong's disciple, he has never been so aggrieved as he is today.

It's just that Ji Shang's voice is too low, maybe only Gu Hong who is beside him can hear it, but most people can tell what he said from the shape of his mouth.

"What did you say? I can't hear you!"

Lu Xun would not let the other party fool him like this. Hearing him shouting loudly almost made Ji Shang's lungs explode. If there was no blood to vomit, he might be able to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"louder please!"

Gu Hong really didn't want to stay here any longer, at this moment he was extremely angry, and even had a little bit of dissatisfaction with Ji Shang, so he yelled directly.

In Gu Hong's mind, since you have promised to apologize, why are you making trouble with these moths? Isn't this putting the handle in Lu Xun's hands, so that the other party has a reason to humiliate again?

Gu Hong, who used to think that Ji Shang was all-round and exquisite, really hated iron and steel at this time.

For a person like him, a disciple who may not be able to recover his cultivation talent, deep down in his heart, he already has the idea of ​​giving up.

It's just that Gu Hong still doesn't express these emotions on the bright side due to the relationship between master and apprentice for many years.

No matter how weird his temper is, it won't make people feel that he doesn't even care about his direct disciples, that would be too heartless.


I don't know where Ji Shang's strength came from. At this moment, his body trembled, and he uttered these three words aloud in an extremely aggrieved manner.

At this moment, everyone could hear clearly, and their hearts were filled with emotion.

This is really an extremely humiliating thing. Everyone knows that when Ji Shang utters these three words aloud, even if he can recover in the future, he will probably not be able to hold his head up in front of Lu Xun for the rest of his life.

Killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads. For a person like Ji Shang, asking him to bow his head to Lu Xun in front of so many people would probably make him feel more uncomfortable than killing him.

But from another point of view, if Ji Shang really had to choose between life and face, I'm afraid he would choose the former without too much hesitation.

After all, the green hills are still there, so you are not afraid of running out of firewood!
"Lu Xun, are you satisfied now?"

Gu Hong's mood was naturally extremely unpleasant, seeing him ask a question with a sullen face, and then seeing Lu Xun shake his head slightly, making him so powerful that he almost couldn't hold it back.

"Ji Shang apologized, but the two over there haven't yet!"

Lu Xun raised his arm and pointed in another direction, immediately making Ning Wenji and Wei Xiuyuan look depressed, but they knew that they couldn't escape no matter what.


Gu Hong suppressed his anger forcibly, even if he was not the master of those two, he had made a decision for the other at this time, he really couldn't bear the pressure of the academy.

It would be fine if there were no Yu Chongxiao Gaoyuansheng and others here, but with these few people present, Gu Hong was doomed not to be able to do anything to Lu Xun, since that was the case, then he could only compromise.

At the beginning of Ling'er's birthday party, Gu Hong naturally heard clearly in the Xuande Hall of the Imperial Palace, so he knew that among the many teachers in the academy, at least four chose to support Lu Xun.

That is to say, once this matter gets to the court, Lu Xun already has four votes to support it.

Coupled with those kind-hearted people who hate evil like hatred, once they know that Lu Xun is responsible for what happened today, Gu Hong might be overwhelmed and walk around.

Therefore, Gu Hong couldn't afford to take this risk, and he didn't dare to take this risk. If he was really impeached by the Academy, even if it was just to remove his position as a teacher, he might have no face to return to Changchun Palace.

There are some things that Gu Hong regards as more important than his own life. If he is really so disheartened and kicked out of the academy, even if he is a strong man in the fifth realm, he will be ridiculed by countless people in the fairy sect on the mountain.


When the voices of Ning Wenji and Wei Xiuyuan resounded in the sky outside Changchun Palace at the same time, everyone was moved with emotion.

Today's biggest winner, after all, is that black-clothed boy named Lu Xun!

(End of this chapter)

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