low-key is king

Chapter 804 How can I not be afraid?

Chapter 804 How can I not be afraid?
Ningmen headquarters!

Compared to the previous Yuanmen headquarters where only Wei Xiuyuan was left, the Ningmen headquarters was not so bleak. At least there were still some seventh-level geniuses left, such as the seventh-rank mechanism master Gou Qing.

It's just that although there are still a few of them staying in the Ningmen headquarters, when they glanced at the head of the sect master from the corner of their eyes, they all felt extremely melancholy in their hearts, which lingered for a long time.

Thinking back to when Ningmen was first established, it became one of the few forces in the academy, and many talented mechanism masters came to vote. This is a paradise for mechanism masters.

But now, there are only three or two such kittens left in the huge Ningmen. Strictly speaking, this is not worthy of the name, and their enemy is considered to be in full swing.

Ning Wenji was also in a state of serious injuries at the moment. Sitting upright, his breath was a little sluggish, especially when he saw the eyes of the people below him, he couldn't help but feel sad.

He knew that from now on, it was impossible for Ningmen to compete with New Moon Palace. From top to bottom, Ningmen was no match for New Moon Palace, including the background behind them.

What makes Ning Wenji feel a little aggrieved is that the dean of the organ academy, that is, his master, has a faint tendency to help Lu Xun, which makes him, a direct disciple, feel quite depressed.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Gou Qing seemed to be unable to bear this kind of atmosphere, and finally asked out after a long time, which also pulled everyone's attention back, and Qi Qi turned his attention to Ning Wenji, the leader.

"What else can I do? Dormant for a while, and then see if I can find a chance!"

Ning Wenji glanced at Gou Qing angrily, but this kind of answer made the seventh-rank mechanism master seem a little dissatisfied, and frowned secretly.

"Listen to the meaning of the sect master, do you want to continue to be an enemy of Lu Xun?"

When Gou Qing thought of something, she asked directly, and her tone was a little strange. The people next to her lowered their heads. They might also want to ask, but they didn't have the guts to do so.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Ning Wenji's eyes were full of light. You must know that he and Lu Xun have a family feud, and this kind of hatred will never be reconciled in a lifetime. It is absolutely impossible for him to let go of this hatred.

"I'm really afraid, how can I not be afraid?"

However, Ning Wenji's obvious provocative words received such an answer that he didn't know how to word it for a while.

Ning Wenji knew Gou Qing very well when he asked himself, as one of the few geniuses in the institution, Gou Qing has always been arrogant, even if he was afraid in his heart, he would never admit it.

What's more, Lu Xun had won a bet against Gouqing on the day of the admission examination, so in Ning Wenji's view, this person should not compromise with Lu Xun.

But what he didn't think about was that after Lu Xun's performance these few times, his amazing and fierce fighting power again and again, coupled with that monster's mind, Gou Qing was really scared of being beaten, and he was afraid to the bone.

Not to mention the Ningmen, now even the Ningmen Yuanmen Shangyi League has joined forces, and perhaps the disbanded Old Moon Palace, has been turned into this by Lu Xun.

Gou Qing is also a human being, he also has emotions and desires, and he will also feel fear. When he sees no hope of turning things around, the arrogance he once had has long since collapsed in a subtle way.

What happened today undoubtedly shattered all of Gou Qing's confidence.

He clearly knew that if he and Ning Wenji went to the dark again, the end would be extremely miserable.

When Gou Qing dared to target Lu Xun, it was because of the great power of the Ningmen and the alliance with the other two major forces. At that time, Lu Xun was just a new disciple.

The situation today is the complete opposite of what it was then.

The New Moon Palace was rising strongly, but Ningmen only had a few kittens and puppies left. He knew that no matter how hard he fought, Ning Wenji would not be able to defeat Lu Xun.

Strictly speaking, this is actually just a personal grievance between Ning Wenji and Lu Xun. It has nothing to do with Ningmen subordinates like them. Why was Ning Wenji tied up and buried with him?
Especially during this period of time, they have never heard of Lu Xun attacking any disciple who left Ningmen, which made their thoughts more firm.

"Master, listen to my advice, it's time to stop, otherwise Ji Shang's end may not be the most miserable!"

After turning these thoughts in her mind, Gou Qing spoke again, and there was a different kind of threat in her tone. After all, they all saw the scene where Ji Shang's blood was swallowed up.

There are many things in the world that are more terrifying than death, and what they fear most is that life is worse than death.

No one wanted to follow in Ji Shang's footsteps, and they couldn't help trembling at the thought of their whole body's blood being swallowed up.

Ji Shang might still be able to get back his own talent by relying on the methods of the Immortal Master of Changchun Palace, but they don't have such a strong master. Once they end up like that, they can only wait for death.

"You all think the same as Gou Qing?"

Ning Wenji ignored Gouqing, and when he asked this question, the others didn't say a word, obviously acquiescing.

They were not stupid, and naturally they would not hang themselves from a tree with Ning Wenji.

"Hmph, I really thought..."

"Sect Master!"

Just when Ning Wenji was about to say something to change the decision of these guys, a somewhat hasty voice came from outside the door, making him swallow the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

The visitor was no stranger to Ning Wenji and Gou Qing. He was a genius monk who had just entered the seventh realm in Ningmen, but at the moment there was a hint of panic on his face.

"Didn't I ask you to send Master Wei home? What happened?"

Ning Wenji asked directly. It turned out that there was no one in the Yuanmen before, and Wei Xiuyuan was seriously injured. Some accidents might have happened. He still did his part in the alliance and sent someone to send him back to the Yuanmen headquarters.

It's just that this person's face at this moment made Ning Wenji feel extremely uneasy, wondering if something unexpected happened after all?

"Is it because Lu Xun couldn't help but make a move?"

Ning Wenji immediately thought of a possibility, but a gleam of light flashed across his face, secretly thinking that if Lu Xun really dared to attack a seriously injured person, the rules of the academy would definitely not spare him.

"It's not Lu Xun, it's... it's Jin Lan, she...she killed Clan Master Wei!"

The man raised his head. Although his voice was trembling, everyone in the hall could hear him clearly, and they immediately gasped.

This is really an extremely unexpected and reasonable news!

"What's going on, tell me in detail!"

Ning Wenji took a deep breath, and finally asked the question, but no matter what the process was, the result could not be changed. He, Ning Wenji, undoubtedly lacked another powerful ally.

"At that time, I sent Master Wei back to the headquarters of Yuanmen. As soon as I went out, I saw a figure walking in. After she left, I boldly went in again and took a look. Only then did I find that Master Wei was... dead. !"

This person seems to have calmed down a bit, and picked out some important processes to talk about.

And from the beginning to the end, he didn't dare to enter the headquarters of Yuanmen to take a peek. It wasn't until after Jin Lan left that he went in and saw Wei Xiuyuan's body.

"Sect master, Jin Lan... Lu Xun deliberately didn't kill him!"

After Gou Qing listened to the man's description, a strange idea had already arisen in her mind, and she couldn't help reminding her, which made Ning Wenji wake up like a dream.

"Could it be that at that time, he was already planning ahead?"

Ning Wenji took a deep breath, even though he didn't want to believe this fact, he still knew that it might have been planned by the boy in black, right?
This is really not only avenging the great revenge, but also leaving himself completely, it is simply killing two birds with one stone!

With such a mind, who wouldn't be afraid?
When this matter was reported back to the Ningmen headquarters, Ning Wenji knew that no matter what he said, it would be impossible for Gouqing and the others to change their minds.

Wei Xiuyuan, who had saved his life in the other courtyard of the Changchun Palace, did not expect that he would die in the end, and it was in such a way that he was assassinated in the headquarters of Yuanmen by a Taoist couple who once shared the same bed.

If Lu Xun's fighting power is restricted by the rules of the academy, then his extremely monstrous mind makes Gou Qing and others no longer have the courage to fight against him.

Because such a person can easily bypass the rigid rules of the Liberal Arts Academy, and you will not know how you died until you die, which is simply terrible.

By this time, Lu Xun's terror in mental strategy has far exceeded his so-called combat power.

Especially in this situation where there is no absolute strength to crush, who is not afraid?
"Master, I'm sorry!"

After turning around these thoughts in her mind, Gou Qing didn't hesitate any longer, and directly saluted Ning Menji with her fists, and several other people followed suit.

Leaving Ningmen would at best make Ning Wenji jealous. To be honest, Gou Qing, a mechanism master with a great achievement in the seven realms, was not afraid of Ning Wenji, and it was not without background behind him.

But compared to Ning Wenji, Lu Xun is a bit too scary.

As long as they offend Lu Xun, there will be no good end, and they don't want the same result.

Among the major forces in the alliance, Jin Lan was rendered inhuman by her own poison; Wei Xiuyuan died so inexplicably;

The Moon Palace had already been disbanded by Lu Xun long ago, presumably after today, the Yuanmen Sect will also collapse, and the next one to be disbanded will definitely be the once brilliant Ningmen Sect.

As for the Shangyi League, in Gou Qing's view, it is only a matter of time before it disbands?
And these major forces were once well-known within the academy.

How long has that guy Lu Xun been here? In less than a year, he has wiped out so many academy forces.

Thinking about it, I feel a little scary. No matter how confident Gou Qing is, no matter how arrogant he is, he has to admit that the arrival of Lu Xun has completely changed the situation of the younger generation of the Arts and Teachers College.

And this pattern of change is still going on.

(End of this chapter)

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