low-key is king

Chapter 832 Why Do You Have So Many Questions?

Chapter 832 Why Do You Have So Many Questions?
"My heart is suffering, I can only let him go!"

Kong Xinyue replied pointingly, and then said seriously: "Master, one thing is another thing, the relationship between me and Lu Xun, no matter what, we can't ruin Ling'er's last hope!"

Lu Xun was quite moved by the words of the first genius of the Military Academy, and secretly wondered if his calculations were overdone?
Sometimes, there is no need to calculate at all.

"Girl, you are being led by the nose by this kid!"

Yu Chongxiao hated iron for being weak, and his words again finally made Lu Xun turn his head. The sincerity in his eyes made Yu Chongxiao's unhappiness disappear suddenly.

"Principal Yu, although I cannot promise to become a Taoist couple with Senior Sister Xinyue, I promise that as long as I, Lu Xun, live for a day, I will not let anyone bully Senior Sister Xinyue. This remark is a lesson from heaven and earth!"

When Lu Xun said these words categorically, both master and apprentice were stunned, and Kong Xinyue also remembered that Lu Xun helped her destroy the Old Moon Palace.

Such a promise is already considered extremely sincere, and it may even cost his own life.

Didn't you see Wei Xiuyuan and Jin Lan, the Taoist couple, chose to fly separately when the disaster was imminent?
In other words, some Taoist companions probably dare not promise to guarantee the safety of the other party with their lives.

In this world, there are always some unbearable pains, and when that time really comes, it is the time to test human nature.

Wei Xiuyuan obviously failed to stand the test, turning Jin Lan into an enemy, and finally died a very miserable death.

In this matter, Jin Lan can't be said to be the big winner, because she was hurt by the emotional matter.

And Lu Xun made this promise, and made an oath, that he would never break it, which undoubtedly made Yu Chongxiao feel quite gratified.

"You kid, you finally said a few words!"

Yu Chongxiao's tone can be regarded as eased, although he was still a little blunt, but it made Lu Xun greatly relieved, thinking that today's matter may have the hope of success.

"Lu Xun, are you so sure that Liu Qinghan will definitely come after he gets the news of Juque Excalibur?"

Kong Xinyue was also in a complicated mood, but she didn't get entangled in this matter anymore. Hearing the question in her mouth, Lu Xun and Yu Chongxiao couldn't help but glance at each other.

"I will definitely come!"

These were the words that Lu Xun and Yu Chongxiao blurted out at the same time. Compared with Kong Xinyue, they undoubtedly had a much deeper understanding of the Juque Excalibur, and they also knew what this ancient artifact meant.

If it is other fairy robes, I am afraid that Liu Qinghan, the natal sword master in the Nascent Soul Realm, may not be interested.

Luo Youshan has nothing, why bother to travel thousands of miles to Daxuan King's Capital, and risk offending the Arts and Teachers Academy?
But the ancient artifacts are different, and it is the famous Juque Excalibur, which is one of the top ten ancient artifacts.

Both Yu Chongxiao and Lu Xun could guess that there must be records in the fairy gate on a mountain like Luoyou Mountain.

No one can resist the temptation of an ancient artifact. If Liu Qinghan can get the Juque Excalibur, his strength will definitely be improved to a higher level.

Even relying on his identity as a natal sword master, he can wrestle wrists with strong men in the eleventh realm.

With all these things, neither Lu Xun nor Yu Chongxiao had the slightest doubt. This may be the reason why Lu Xun chose to come to the Military Academy immediately.

As long as Yu Chongxiao agrees, then this matter has a half chance of success.

"In that case, did the headmaster agree?"

Lu Xun looked at the dean of the Military Academy, hitting a snake with a stick, and hearing what he said, Yu Chongxiao couldn't help curling his lips, and at the same time admired this kid's mind.

"Hmph, I don't want Xinyue to remember me for the rest of my life because of something like this!"

Yu Chongxiao found a plausible reason for himself, as if he was telling Lu Xun that the dean agreed to you not because of your face, but because of the face of his disciples.

Of course, there are some other reasons, such as the importance Yu Chongxiao attaches to Lu Xun, and Lu Linger's cuteness.

And the most important reason is that Yu Chongxiao can be sure that Liu Qinghan will never be able to take away the Juque Excalibur, no matter how powerful the opponent's blood is.

After all, in Yu Chongxiao's heart, the Juque Excalibur already belonged to Kong Xinyue's private property, otherwise why would there be a vision on that day?
The reason why Kong Xinyue can't really possess the Juque Excalibur is because she is not strong enough.

Perhaps when it breaks through to the upper five realms, or even the Jindan Yuanying realm, it will be able to create a miracle.

As for Kong Xinyue's gaze, it stayed on Lu Xun's body. Only she knew that the next owner of the Juque Excalibur might be the black-clothed boy in front of her.

"Then thank you, Dean Yu, and Senior Sister Xinyue!"

Lu Xun bowed directly. As Lu Linger's second uncle, he had to show that the two of them could help so much, no matter how good the relationship between the two parties was.

"But there is one more problem..."

After thanking him, Lu Xun was hesitant to speak, which made the boss Yu Chongxiao dissatisfied. Can you finish talking in one go, kid, without panting so much.

"Why do you have so many questions, little guy?"

The words that Yu Chongxiao rushed out of his mouth made Lu Xun a little embarrassed, but there are some things he must do first, so as to ensure nothing goes wrong.

"Dean Yu is a strong man in the upper five realms. If you had been staying in the Military Academy, maybe Liu Qinghan would not have the guts to come to seize the treasure!"

Lu Xun finished what he wanted to say in one breath, and Yu Chongxiao was taken aback for a moment. The next moment, he understood that this kid in front of him wanted to be perfect.

Although Liu Qinghan is a natal sword master in the Nascent Soul Realm, but compared to the powerhouses in the Upper Five Realms, it is not enough.

Back then at Linger's birthday party, Yu Chongxiao was the first to arrive and saved Lu Xun's life.

Luoyou Mountain is powerful and mighty, but this is the School of Letters and Teachers, not the imperial courtyard of any small country. Many teachers have the background of the fairy gate on the mountain, and the school is also protected by all parties.

Although the Juque Excalibur is said to be an ownerless thing, it is after all where the Military Academy of the Art Teacher Academy is located. If Liu Qinghan dares to rush in rashly, there will inevitably be some troubles.

"After half a month, there will be a small army casting meeting at the Demon Slaying Platform, and I will attend it!"

After pondering for a moment, Yu Chongxiao found an excellent reason the next moment. As for the location of the Devil Slaying Platform he mentioned, Lu Xun naturally had heard about it.

Qingxuan Tianxia is surrounded by immortal gates, which are divided into three palaces, four halls and eight immortal mountains. Each of them can make many dynasties under the mountain tremble. It is a real behemoth.

Demon Slaying Terrace, like Luoyou Mountain, is one of the Eight Immortal Mountains.

It is said that the patriarch who created the Devil Slaying Platform once beheaded a strong demon who was at the peak of the thirteenth realm with a single sword, and became famous at that time.

It's just that with the passage of time, there has never been an astonishing figure like the ancestor in the Demon Slaying Terrace, and his status in the Eight Immortals Mountain has been declining, even worse than that of Luoyou Mountain.

As we all know, the army divisions are the most numerous on the Devil Slaying Platform, and every once in a while, there will be an army casting meeting.

Yu Chongxiao said it was "small", but in fact it attracted countless immortal soldiers.

Yu Chongxiao would go to almost every Demon Slaying Terrace Casting Meeting, and leave with this reason, I believe that the Luoyou Mountain Saintess will definitely not have any doubts.

"Lu Xun, what are you going to do next?"

Kong Xinyue was a little excited. She originally thought that Lu Linger's blood exhaustion might be powerless, but she didn't expect that Lu Xun had learned the formula of immortality in the midst of ups and downs, and now he was only short of the last step of blood essence.

"Hehe, let's see if Shao Lichun, a double agent, is good enough?"

A special figure flashed in Lu Xun's mind, and the chuckle that came out of this mouth also reminded Kong Xinyue of something.

Did this guy secretly plan everything after that at that time?

Crescent Palace, in a certain airtight room!
"Shao Lichun, have you remembered everything I told you?"

Lu Xun looked at the sixth-rank peak doctor in front of him solemnly. He had already finished what he wanted to say, and this person in front of him was an extremely key figure in this plan.

If Shao Lichun revealed any flaws when he was in contact with Kou Li, then there would be no need to proceed with all of this, and the other party would not be fooled by it.

"I remember everything clearly!"

Shock flashed in Shao Lichun's eyes. Although he didn't know what the so-called Juque Excalibur was, he also knew that it must be something big.

Lu Xun's plan was to let him, Shao Lichun, bring the news to Kou Li. As for the subsequent matters, he would not have to worry about it.

"Don't worry, I already have an idea of ​​where your parents are being held. As long as you complete this task, I promise to reunite your family!"

Lu Xun knew what Shao Lichun was most concerned about. Sure enough, after he finished these few words, the sixth-rank peak doctor looked solemn, and made up his mind to complete this task no matter what.

For some reason, the current Shao Lichun undoubtedly believed in Lu Xun even more.

He clearly knew that even if Lu Xun did not kill him but let him go, Kou Li would definitely not let his parents go easily.

So Shao Lichun had only one way to go. To be honest, he was still a little nervous, but when he thought of his parents' lives being controlled by human hands, he knew that he had no right to be nervous.

"Palace Master, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

Shao Lichun bowed slightly towards Lu Xun, and left the room without turning his head after the words were finished, with a sense of sadness and sadness.

"I hope... it will be successful!"

Lu Xun looked at Shao Lichun's back and murmured.

He has done everything he can. As for whether the plan will be successful in the end, it still needs a bit of luck, or a bit of God's will.

(End of this chapter)

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