low-key is king

Chapter 836 Good luck to you!

Chapter 836 Good luck to you!
"Hahaha, Lu Xun, your strength is not good enough, let me do it!"

Just when many Masters of the Military Academy sensed the movement outside, a loud laughter suddenly resounded through the sky, and immediately above the sky, a graceful figure appeared.

"Luoyou Mountain Saintess, Liu Qinghan!"

Wang Dingbo and Zhu Qi, who were also in the sky, recognized the details of the graceful figure at first glance, and couldn't help but glanced at each other, secretly thinking that Lu Xun's plan had really attracted this Luoyoushan saint.

Whoosh!Whoosh whoosh!
A series of sounds of breaking wind came from the military academy. It turned out that it was Liu Qinghan's loud laughter, which alarmed the masters of the military academy, and their expressions were a little unsightly.

Liu Qinghan is alone at the moment, and even Liu Ying is hiding far away, after all, there are only seven realms, and the former will have to take care of her when the time comes.

But this is the military branch of Liberal Arts Academy, no matter how high the status and status of Liu Qinghan, no matter how talented in cultivation, he is still an outsider after all.

At this moment, she trespassed into the Military Academy without any information, which was obviously not in accordance with the rules.

"Liu Qinghan, this is Literary Teachers College, you came here uninvited, do you really think there is no one in my college?"

Lu Xun obviously also saw the figure in the sky, a gleam of hatred flashed in his eyes, and the loud voice in his mouth caused a sneer to appear on Liu Qinghan's face in the sky.

"It's true that this is the territory of the Teachers College of Letters, but this Juque Excalibur does not belong to the Academy of Letters Teachers. Do you think it makes sense for me to say so?"

Liu Qinghan was aloof, and when he said this, his eyes were not on Lu Xun, but on the masters of the Military Academy, which made everyone's expressions change slightly.

"As far as I know, the history of this giant black sword existing here is earlier than the Academy of Letters, let alone the Academy of Soldiers. Those who can live there!"

Liu Qinghan talked eloquently, and after finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the Juque Excalibur, and said: "After all these years, your Liberal Arts Academy has not been able to refine the Juque Excalibur, so you are naturally incompetent people, so why bother to seize it?" Don't let it go?"

It has to be said that Liu Qinghan's eloquence is excellent. These few consecutive words have completely wiped out the relationship between Juque Excalibur and the Academy of Letters and Arts, so that she can stand on the commanding heights of morality.

The branches of Literary and Teachers College are far apart, and the movement of Juque Excalibur may not be able to be transmitted to other branches, so Liu Qinghan has enough time to take the initiative.

After all, in today's military division academy, Yu Chongxiao from the upper five realms is not here, and Liu Qinghan, who is carrying two natal flying swords, will not be afraid of anyone, even if all the soldiers from the infantless realm come together, she will not be afraid.

What's more, what Liu Qinghan said is not unreasonable. The history of Juque Excalibur is indeed longer than that of Liberal Arts Academy.

This is a well-known fact, and even the Military Academy was built on the location where the Juque Excalibur was.

"Miss, let me use an analogy. If someone builds a building on the border of Luoyou Mountain, can you say that the entire Luoyou Mountain belongs to him?"

Liu Qinghan continued to speak. Although this analogy is a little inappropriate, it also shows from the side that the Juque Excalibur is not a property of the Arts Teachers Academy, let alone a Military Academy. You have no right to take it as your own.

If it was an ordinary martial artist from the outside world, even if it was a martial artist of the tenth realm who spoke like this, he would have been beaten out by many teachers and masters of the Military Academy long ago.

However, Liu Qinghan is powerful and unstoppable, and secondly, with Luo Youshan behind him, except for the dean Yu Chongxiao, they are all a bit cautious and dare not act rashly.

"That's all, let's not say that my lady is bullying you. Since the Juque Excalibur is unowned, I can compete fairly. How about letting those little guys try it first?"

Liu Qinghan seemed extremely magnanimous at this moment, but when everyone heard her words, there was a strange feeling in their hearts. Why did this black giant sword no longer belong to the Military Academy in just a few words?

"After they fail, I will give it a try again. If you can really refine this giant sword, please don't make any troubles!"

The successive words came out of Liu Qinghan's mouth, which made many teachers and gentlemen of the Military Academy find it difficult to refute. Who told them that they really did not have the right to own the Juque Excalibur?
If the Juque Excalibur had already been refined by the people of the Military Academy, even if it was placed here, no one would dare to rob it, it would already be considered private property.

But the Juque Excalibur has been standing here for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. The teachers and gentlemen of the Arts Teachers College have no evidence at all that it is a thing of the Military Teachers College, so naturally they have no way to refute it.

Coupled with Liu Qinghan's strength and background, when she said these words, everyone felt a little difficult, and suddenly turned their attention to the few young people over there.

Among them, the Lu Xun brothers and sisters are not considered members of the Military Academy, but in the hearts of many teachers and gentlemen of the Military Academy, the Juque Excalibur is in a sense actually a thing of Kong Xinyue, and the latter has to come make a decision.

Moreover, Kong Xinyue is also the most proud direct disciple of Dean Yu Chongxiao, at least for this Juque Excalibur, she has more decision-making power.

The masters have another idea, that is, Liu Qinghan said just now that Kong Xinyue and the others should refine the Juque Excalibur first.

If Kong Xinyue could successfully refine it during this process, there would be nothing wrong with the Luoyou Mountain Saintess.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Kong Xinyue failed, even the dean of the upper five realms did not have the Juque Excalibur that could be successfully refined, how could it be refined by a woman of the tenth realm of Nascent Soul?

Judging from these circumstances, what Liu Qinghan got was just an opportunity to refine the Juque Excalibur.

If it fails in the end, people may still be seen as a joke. For the Military Academy, it is not a loss.

"Xinyue, what do you think?"

Wang Dingbo's eyes rolled, and he finally spoke loudly, which also made Liu Qinghan's eyes turn to the first genius of the Military Academy, with a strong sense of confidence in his eyes.

"Promise her!"

Kong Xinyue suppressed the excitement in her heart. These three words were full of hatred, as if there was a strong unwillingness and a different kind of provocation.

"Hmph, even if we fail, she may not succeed!"

Immediately after, Kong Xinyue snorted coldly, as if to vent her dissatisfaction, and the next moment, she saw Liu Qinghan's gaze turned to Lu Xun.

"Let's get started, good luck!"

Liu Qinghan directly sat down on the sky, his seemingly magnanimous tone was filled with a strong sense of confidence, it seemed that he believed that those three little guys could not be refined successfully.

Moreover, there was a cold light in Liu Qinghan's eyes, it seemed that she had already sensed that it was not Kong Xinyue, the number one genius of the Military Academy, but Lu Xun brothers and sisters that caused the Juque Excalibur to move.

Under Lu Xun's deliberate control, the Juque Excalibur, which originally only reacted to him, also had a subtle connection with Lu Xue's blood, and it was also a cover for Liu Qinghan.

This may also be the real reason why Liu Qinghan chose to show up. As long as the Juque Excalibur really responds to Lu's blood, she will have a greater chance. She feels that the Juque Excalibur is already in her pocket.

Hiding in the dark before, Liu Qinghan felt very clearly that although the blood of the Lu Xun brothers and sisters could resonate with the Juque Excalibur, it was far from being able to successfully refine it.

The reason is that the cultivation of the two brothers and sisters is too weak. Both of them have only reached the sixth level, and they have not even reached the seventh level. How can they successfully refine an ancient divine sword like Juque?

But Liu Qinghan is different, she is a natal sword master in the Yuanying Realm of the ten realms, and she has the background of Luoyou Mountain.

More importantly, she has the more pure Lu family blood than the Lu Xun brothers and sisters, that is, the Hongmeng blood.

The legendary Hongmeng bloodline is a heaven-defying bloodline that can reach the fifteenth stage, even if Liu Qinghan was separated from Lu Linger, after years of adaptation, it already belongs to her.

From Liu Qinghan's point of view, things that Lu Xun and Lu Xue, a pair of brothers and sisters in the six realms, couldn't do, they would definitely be able to do with ease once they got started.

That Juque Excalibur must also belong to her.

About half a stick of incense time passed, Kong Xinyue couldn't hold on at first, seeing her coughing up a mouthful of bright red blood, she fell backwards in embarrassment, her face was already full of disappointment.

And to the surprise of many masters in the Military Academy, after Kong Xinyue fell away, the Lu brothers and sisters were still touching the huge black sword, and the black light on it was still there.

This made them a little confused. Didn't they say that the changes were all caused by Kong Xinyue?So what's going on now?

"It seems that we guessed right, we were fooled by Lu Xun!"

Wang Dingbo's face was a bit ugly. Thinking of what Zhu Qi said just now, he was almost sure that when Lu Xun arrived for the first time, he played a trick on himself and the dean.

"Then tell me, can he refine it successfully?"

Zhu Qi's focus is on another matter, seeing his eyes flicker slightly, now he really has something to look forward to.

"Whether he can succeed or not, he will definitely not succeed today anyway!"

Wang Dingbo obviously knew the truth of some plans, and at this time he said a word that was somewhat convoluted, and Zhu Qi immediately understood it.

Apart from Yu Chongxiao and Kong Xinyue, these two were the only two who knew the plan.

Therefore, they all knew clearly that the biggest purpose of today's plan was to obtain Liu Qinghan's blood essence so that they could save Lu Ling'er.

Just as Wang Dingbo said, even if Lu Xun had the chance to successfully refine the Juque Excalibur today, he would probably give up on his own initiative.

If Liu Qinghan didn't use it, how would he get the opponent's blood?

(End of this chapter)

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