low-key is king

Chapter 847 Maybe he will take the initiative to come to apologize!

Chapter 847 Maybe he will take the initiative to come to apologize!

"Of course I have to say it, maybe after you say it, you can justifiably use the formula of immortality and eternal spring!"

At this time, Gu Hong seemed to be afraid that Lu Xun would discover something, so his tone became much more relaxed.

There is even a special kind of temptation, which makes the minds of the onlookers become extremely weird.

The attitude of this old guy is a bit weird, not at all like the anger and arrogance he had just arrived here before, it seems that he is deliberately tempting Lu Xun to say the name of that person.

Thinking of this, Gao Yuansheng was a little worried. In his opinion, Lu Xun should have met another immortal master from the Changchun Palace, and was favored by him, and taught him the formula of immortality.

But now Lu Xun is a student of Literary Teachers College, not a disciple of Changchun Palace. If he really tells the name of that person, not only he himself will be in trouble, but the person behind him will also be in trouble.

But Gao Yuansheng couldn't remind Lu Xun at this moment, after all, Gu Hong was watching over there.

And Lu Xun has already shown that there is someone behind him. If he doesn't get the name of that person today, many things will be out of control.

"All right!"

Just when everyone was thinking, Lu Xun finally nodded after pondering for a moment, but the smile on his face looked a little weird.

"I don't know the name Bai Laoxian, has Master Gu Hongzuo heard of it?"

Lu Xun didn't procrastinate too much, and directly said a person's name, but when the name came out, no matter it was Gu Hong, or the two deans Ouyang Shu and Gao Yuansheng, they all looked at a loss.

"Is there such a person as Bai Laoxian in Changchun Palace?"

Ouyang Shu and Gao Yuansheng looked at each other subconsciously, and they could see the doubt in each other's eyes, because in their impression, the name "Old Immortal Bai" never existed.

In fact, Lu Xun didn't know who Bai Laoxian was, he just said it according to what his senior brother taught him.

As for what effect the name will have after the name is spoken, he doesn't know.

"Lu Xun, are you entertaining me?"

After a short moment of astonishment, Gu Hong's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. Hearing an angry shout from his mouth, Ouyang Shu, Gao Yuansheng and others felt that things were going to get worse.

"Up and down my Changchun Palace, no matter whether it is an immortal master of the upper five realms, a disciple of the middle five realms, or even those who have been expelled from the Changchun Palace, there has never been anyone named Bai Laoxian!"

Gu Hong was a little impatient, and said the words in his heart directly, and then stared at Lu Xun sternly and said, "Lu Xun, do you know the consequences of deceiving a strong man in the upper five realms?"

It seems that Gu was really pissed off by Lu Xun. This kid made up some old fairy Bai, and he really regarded himself as the immortal master of the Changchun Palace. Is it so easy to fool him?
"Excuse me, what is the role of Master Gu Hongzuo in Changchun Palace?"

Just when Gu Hong was about to explode, Lu Xun suddenly asked such a question in a soft voice, which made the former stunned again, and then a kind of extremely humiliated anger rose up.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Master Gu Hong can only be regarded as a marginal figure in Changchun Palace if he can be sent to be a master in Daxuan Wenshi Academy?"

Lu Xun didn't wait for the other party to speak, and said something again, but what he didn't realize was that these words made the expressions of the other five-level powerhouses quite embarrassing.

Because what Lu Xun said was right, if it was really important in his own fairy gate, he would definitely not be sent out to be a teacher of the academy, which would be regarded as being marginalized.

Of course, there is one exception in the Faculty of Letters and Teachers, and that is the chief dean of the college.

The Chief Dean, whom Lu Xun had never seen before, probably had a high status in the Immortal Sect on the mountain.

"So what? Lu Xun, what do you want to say?"

Although Gu Hong really didn't want to admit it, he had to admit this fact, his face became more and more gloomy, and he made up his mind to let this nasty boy know the consequences of offending him.

"Master Gu Hongzuo, since you are only a marginal figure in Changchun Palace, there are some things, I advise you to go and understand them first, lest you make a big mistake and no one will be able to save you at that time!"

Lu Xun talked eloquently, and there was a hidden threat in these words, which made everyone think again, secretly thinking that the so-called old fairy Bai is really someone?
"Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you haven't heard of Bai Laoxian, it doesn't mean that other people in Changchun Palace haven't heard of it either. When the time comes, the trouble will get out of hand, and it will be hard to recover!"

Lu Xun said something again, this time even Gu Hong was a little skeptical.

Because as Lu Xun said, even if he is a strong man of the upper five realms, his status in Changchun Palace is not too high.

In the headquarters of Changchun Palace, there are a lot of strong people in the upper five realms, and Gu Hong, who is just a mere eleventh realm, is not even qualified to enter the conference hall.

In other words, some of the things he knows may not be all that Changchun Palace has.

The real secrets of the Changchun Palace have always been in the hands of a small group of people. If you want to know these secrets, you must at least reach the twelfth level. The current Gu Hong undoubtedly does not have this strength.

It can be said that Lu Xun's words really stunned Gu Hong. There seemed to be a mysterious aura about this boy in black, which he had to pay attention to.

"Master Gu Hongzuo, I think you should go and understand it before talking about it?"

Ouyang Shu, the dean of the medical school, spoke in a timely manner to persuade Gu Hong, which was considered to be a step down for Gu Hong, because he had already seen that Gu Hong had some intention of compromising.

Of course, this kind of compromise was only before Gu Hong learned the truth.

If it turns out that Bai Laoxian is a fictional character created by Lu Xun, he will definitely not let it go.

"Okay, then I'll give Dean Ouyang a face!"

Gu Hong really wanted to find a step to get down, and he knew that if he didn't go down, he might even offend Ouyang Shu.

So he said something bitterly, and his figure quickly disappeared into the sky where the New Moon Palace was located.

"Is this solved?"

Xuan Shisan and the others all looked at each other in blank dismay. They thought that Gu Hong was coming aggressively and would make a mess no matter what, but he didn't expect that he would retreat directly after Lu Xun said a few words.

"Lu Xun, that old fairy Bai..."

Kong Xinyue was a little hesitant to speak, she guessed in her heart that Lu Xun was fooling Gu Hong, who made the name Bai Laoxian not even heard of the Immortal Master of the Upper Five Realms in Changchun Palace?

When Gu Hong finds out the truth, the enmity between Lu Xun and Lu Xun will deepen again. Kong Xinyue doesn't want to see Lu Xun provoke such a powerful enemy.

Before Lu Xun beat Ji Shang seriously, strictly speaking, it was just a fight between the younger generation, and Ji Shang was not dead, so there is still room for reconciliation between the two sides.

But now, Lu Xun is deceiving a strong man of the upper five realms in full view.

Once this matter is false, then Gu Hong's face will definitely not come down. With such a strong temper, face is probably more important than life.

"Don't worry, maybe when the time comes, Gu Hong's hometown... the teacher, will take the initiative to come to apologize!"

There was a smile on Lu Xun's face, and he almost blurted out the word "old guy". The next moment he saw the strange eyes of the three strong men from the academy, he finally stopped in time.

But at this time, how could the people care about Lu Xun's slip of the tongue? They were more concerned about Lu Xun's last sentence, how could such a thing happen?

The temperament of Gu Hong, the head teacher of the medical school, is known to be extremely weird.

Whether it is Mr. Master, or the geniuses of the younger generation, or even those teachers, they will not take the initiative to deal with them unless necessary.

It is extremely difficult to make him admit defeat in his heart, let alone ask him to come to the door to apologize?

Therefore, everyone took Lu Xun's words as a joke, and no one would take it seriously.

"Okay, let's go, don't disturb me during this time, I want to retreat!"

Lu Xun didn't say much, and he actually didn't expect Gu Hong to really apologize to him.

How deterrent a name can be, what he needs to do most now is to cure Lu Linger's blood exhaustion.

"Lu Xun, if you need help, just say it!"

Ouyang Shu, the dean of the medical school in the distant sky, can naturally guess what Lu Xun will do next.

As the number one physician of the Liberal Arts Academy and even the Daxuan Dynasty, his words are undoubtedly extremely important.

"Thank you Dean Ouyang for your kindness, I will definitely tell you if there is a need!"

Lu Xun didn't directly reject the other party's kindness, but everyone could tell that although his words were polite, it was a genuine refusal, and he couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion in his heart.

Not everyone in this world has the courage to refuse the help of a fairy doctor. Everyone knows that if Ouyang Shu is really there to help, Lu Xun's plan this time will be truly foolproof.

But Lu Xun knew that the debt of favor was the most difficult to repay, let alone the debt of favor of a strong man in the upper five realms.

So he still decided to work harder, anyway, Ling'er shouldn't be in any danger this time.

A farce ended in this way. When Lu Xun brought Lu Linger back to the room, except for a few experts in the upper five realms, everyone in the New Moon Palace was reluctant to leave for a long time.

What happened today undoubtedly allowed them to see Lu Xun's eloquence and intelligence again.

And some caring people are guessing in their hearts, who is the so-called old fairy Bai, and is there such a person?

If Lu Xun really lied to Gu Hong, there might be some changes in this matter.

Even Gao Yuansheng and Gui Dongnan, who had already left on the surface, had been secretly paying attention to the location of the Crescent Palace.

As for Kong Xinyue, Lu Xue and others, they paid more attention.

What they are most concerned about is whether Lu Xun can completely cure Ling'er this time, and whether the latter can regain the bloodline against the sky and possess a cultivation talent that is difficult for ordinary people to match?

Thoughts came one after another, but what they didn't know was that Gu Hong, the master who returned to his palace, had already opened the Shuiyue mirror immediately, and sent a message to a certain strong man in the headquarters of Changchun Palace .

(End of this chapter)

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