low-key is king

Chapter 877

Chapter 877

To be honest, Qi Ting was a little confused at this moment.

Xuan Shisan's "I understand" seemed to be giving him a guarantee, making him think that his joining the New Moon Palace was a certainty.

Although this chess academy genius is in charge of the personnel affairs of the New Moon Palace, can he have more power than Lu Xun, the Palace Master?
From Qi Ting's point of view, the other party just wanted to put on an air in front of outsiders, and that's all. It seemed that Lu Xun didn't take those things to heart at all.

The only thing Qi Ting couldn't figure out was the so-called "busy".

Suddenly, for a moment, some fragments flashed across Qi Ting's mind.

If anything strange happened during this period, it might be something that even his master dared not say.

Qi Ting was suddenly knocked out that night, and after sleeping for several days, he was rewarded by Gu Hong, the head teacher of the medical school, which made many people in the medical school feel envious.

Qi Ting was at a loss at the time, he didn't do anything, why Master Gu Hongzuo seemed to be quite happy, this made him puzzled.

But he didn't dare to ask about this. He had a vague feeling that someone might have knocked him out and pretended to do something. This might be the truth.

Now Lu Xun came to thank him out of nowhere, saying that he had done a great favor, Qi Ting was not too stupid, and after pondering, he connected the two things.

It's a pity that even if Qi Ting guessed something, he would never know the cause and effect of all this, and what happened when he was in a coma, he never wanted to know for the rest of his life.

After some things couldn't be figured out, Qi Ting shook his head violently. Now he wants to join the New Moon Palace. As for those who have and don't, as long as Lu Xun doesn't say anything, it's useless for him to think more.

Seeing Qi Ting's movement of shaking his head, Lu Xun couldn't help but smiled, raised his glass and gestured to the other people at the table, then left with a faint smile, causing everyone at the table to turn their eyes to Qi Ting.

"Senior Brother Qi Ting, congratulations!"

An academy genius who had just entered the seventh level raised his wine glass and congratulated Qi Ting with envy on his face. The envy in his heart was real.

Let me ask, among the geniuses of the Liberal Arts Academy today, who wouldn't want to join the New Moon Palace?

It is not only a status symbol, but also a lot of benefits, such as eating at the New Moon Restaurant.

Every month, the New Moon Restaurant has a member welfare day, as long as you are a member of the New Moon Palace, you can go to the New Moon Restaurant to eat and drink at half price, which is really enviable.

Others, such as the half-price pill day in the Physician Hall and the half-price weapon day in the Military Master Hall, are talked about by many young geniuses in the academy. Among other forces, are there such good benefits?
Not to mention the people from Ningmen Moon Palace who have already been dispersed, even the geniuses in Qiankun Guild complained from time to time, and some even secretly quit the club and wanted to join New Moon Palace.

Now Qi Ting undoubtedly has this opportunity, with the Palace Master Lu personally greeting the palace inspection, will there be any surprises?

For these flattering toasts, Qi Ting never refused to come, and later heard that this person did not use his cultivation to resist the smell of alcohol, and was finally helped out of the New Moon Restaurant.

Leaving aside these afterwords for the time being, Lu Xun, who finished toasting a round of wine, returned to the rear early.

In the courtyard, apart from the three uncles and nephews of the Lu family, there was no other outsider, not even Kong Xinyue Xuan Shisan.

"Second brother, for such an important event, you should inform the emperor and the empress, right?"

Lu Xue blinked, and then saw Lu Xun take out a water moon mirror from his wrist, exuding a special aura.

It made her understand immediately that the second elder brother called herself and Ling'er over for this matter.

The so-called riches and honors do not return to their hometowns is like traveling at night in brocade clothes. Now Lu Xun has become the No.1 of the younger generation of the Liberal Arts and Teachers College. For a small country of Xuanyang, it is considered a supreme honor.

Lu Xun didn't think much about it, but he has been reincarnated for hundreds of generations and knows human nature, so he believes that if such news reaches Xuanyang Kingdom, it will definitely be an earth-shattering event.

"You have to tell them about Ling'er's recovery from blood exhaustion as soon as possible!"

Lu Xun touched Lu Ling'er who had just left the customs, and when he sensed that the other party had reached the perfection of the five realms, he secretly thought that this is really a double blessing.

"Let Linger pass on the news this time!"

Lu Xun handed the Shuiyue Mirror to Lu Linger, which made the latter a little excited.

The pain of more than three years is now relieved, how can she be at peace again?

"it is good!"

Seeing that Lu Ling'er took a deep breath, then stretched out her hand and touched the surface of the Shuiyue Mirror, a few lines of small characters appeared on the Shuiyue Mirror, making Lu Xun brother and sister smile at each other.


Xuanyang Kingdom, the imperial palace!

Ever since the special envoy of the Jinjia Kingdom returned home, almost everyone in the surrounding countries knew that there was a genius from the Liberal Arts Academy in the Xuanyang Kingdom, and naturally there would be no more unscrupulous people coming to provoke him.

Therefore, for nearly a year, Xuanyang Kingdom has never been calmer than before.

The monarch Lu Mingyang also took this opportunity to develop his national strength, and the scale of the Shenji Battalion has also expanded to as many as 2 people. It is now called the Shenji Army.

If Lu Mingyang wanted to, relying on the [-] magic machine army alone, he could sweep away the surrounding countries, even the unprecedentedly powerful Jinjia country would not be the opponent of Xuanyang country.

It's just that compared to these low-end combat power, Xuanyang Kingdom's high-end combat power has never been enhanced, and there are still only three six-level powerhouses on the surface.

One is Kuang Shan, a subordinate of the original Profound Realm, the other is the Fire Ape that Lu Xun subdued in Jinfeng Country, and the last one is naturally Lu Mingyang himself.

However, relying on some natural materials and earth treasures that Lu Xun had left behind at the beginning, Lu Mingyang has now broken through to the perfect level of the Six Realms, such a speed is not uncomfortably fast.

Today is the night of the full moon in the mid-autumn festival in August, under the high moon, Xuanyang Kingdom naturally has something to say about such a festival, and a banquet is held in the inner courtyard of the palace, which is quite a lively scene.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, civil servants and military generals stood in a row and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to Lu Mingyang, the king of Xuanyang. Today's grand court meeting is just a situation. After the end, it's time to go to the banquet and drink.

"Everyone is flat!"

Lu Mingyang, who was sitting at the top, was now more and more powerful as a monarch. Hearing the soft voice from his mouth, all civil servants and generals stood up together, with excited expressions on their faces.

Because of a certain person, the country of Xuanyang is safe and peaceful, and there are no foreign enemies on the border. It can be said that they have had the most relaxed period since the mutiny of the Zhendong Palace.

All of these things seemed to be flourishing, and some old ministers from the former court who originally criticized King Zhendong's reputation as a dishonorable title gradually accepted this reality and stopped speaking strangely.

If this continues, Xuanyang Kingdom will experience an unprecedented prosperous age. This is not only the blessing of their civil and military officials, but also the blessing of the people of Xuanyang Country.

Just when Lu Mingyang was about to announce the end of this grand court meeting and let all the officials go to drink and have a banquet, a large crystal mirror behind him shone brightly at this moment.

"This...this is?"

All civil servants and military generals who saw this crystal mirror changed their expressions, and then their hearts suddenly rose with excitement, especially Prime Minister Zhao Qidong and his two sons.

Because everyone knows that this big mirror placed behind the throne in the Hall of Supreme Harmony is a water-moon mirror that can transmit messages over long distances, and it is specially used to transmit important information from King Daxuan's capital.

As for the information that can be transmitted from King Daxuan, you don't need to look at it to know that it was transmitted by the second prince, and there may be news about the two princesses, which are of great interest to everyone.

All of them know that Xuanyang Country can have such a prosperous and prosperous age, who brought it?
If it weren't for Lu Xun, who joined the Literary Teachers College and was valued by the teachers of all the colleges, maybe the golden armored army would have already attacked.

"Quick, hurry up and invite the queen!"

Lu Mingyang, who sensed the movement and turned his head, was also extremely excited. Originally, the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics, but today's situation is special, so he can't care less.

The empress had originally been waiting behind the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and only waited for the end of the Great Court Assembly to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet with her husband. She didn't expect such a surprise, and she rushed here in a short while.

"Grandfather, grandmother, I am Ling'er!"

When Empress Zhao Lijing just turned out from behind the screen, she saw such a line of small characters, which made her burst into two lines of hot tears, and her figure also staggered.


Fortunately, Li Hua, the maid next to her, hurriedly supported her so that the queen did not fall to the ground, but her trembling figure showed how excited she was.

To be honest, for those adult children, whether it was the daughter Lu Xue who left home early, or the sons Lu Zheng and Lu Xun, the queen was not too worried.

But for that precious granddaughter who has only lived a good life for six years and has suffered endless pain since her sixth birthday, Zhao Lijing has never really felt at ease.

She also knew that Lu Xun took Ling'er away to find a cure for blood exhaustion at the Liberal Arts Academy.

But she also knew that if Linger's life could not be found a cure, she might not survive her next birthday.

The empress has been worried all the time, worried that one day there will be a sudden news from King Daxuan, a news that she absolutely cannot accept.

Whenever she thought of this, she couldn't eat and couldn't sleep.

Until this moment, when Zhao Lijing saw the line of small characters on the Shuiyue mirror, his mind was completely relaxed.

Since Ling'er can still send messages, it means that the situation is not too bad, which can be regarded as a special kind of comfort.

Compared to Queen Zhao Lijing, Monarch Lu Mingyang was naturally more calm.

Although he was equally excited and excited, he knew that Lu Xun and the others sent news from such a long distance to come back, definitely not just to report safety.

The next news should be the highlight.

(End of this chapter)

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