low-key is king

Chapter 88 What kind of favor is it?

Chapter 88 What kind of favor is it?
"My lord, Mr. Chang's medical skills are far superior to Cao's!"

Cao Song's words are words of self-effacement. To be honest, when he saw Chang Wenzhao take the initiative to pay a visit and said that he wanted to see a doctor for the prince, he was also extremely shocked.

Chang Wenzhao is the chief physician of the Wanguo Business League branch in Watanabe City, and the only two fourth-rank physicians in the city. He used to be in the business alliance branch, and Cao Song had acquainted with this person several times.

It's just that Cao Song had some major issues on his mind before, and he didn't want to cause extra problems, and Chang Wenzhao looked down on Cao Song's character, so the two didn't have a close friendship.

A fourth-rank physician like Chang Wenzhao would not have taken notice of him at all given the situation in the Zhendong Prince's Mansion before.

It's not like the concubine didn't ask Chang Wenzhao to come over to treat the prince, but she always returned without success.

Before this, Cao Song was naturally happy to see the results, but today Chang Wenzhao took the initiative to come to the door, so he was a little uncertain.

Why did the chief physician of the IWC branch make a 180-degree turn in his attitude?
Don't look at the previous changes in the palace, which have already been spread through certain channels, but the Zhendong Palace only quelled the civil strife, but there is not much improvement in the situation of the palace.

After all, there is still a huge Luoyou Mountain on the head of Zhendong Prince's Mansion, even if it is the leader of the trading alliance under the mountain, the Wan Guo Business League may not dare to wrestle with Luo Youshan.

What's more, it's just a branch of Watanabe City. Don't tell me that the manager Zheng and the Mr. Chang in front of you are not afraid that today's events will be spread, and then spread to Luoyou Mountain's ears, and be hated by the saintess of Luoyou Mountain?
These thoughts flashed through Cao Song's mind, but compared to him, Zhendong King Lu Mingyang was a little strange to this gentleman, after all he had been in a coma for a whole year.

On the contrary, Xu Fengyi, the concubine at the side, had heard a lot of rumors about Chang Wenzhao, and explained a few words in Lu Mingyang's ear, which made the latter finally stand up.

"Mr. Cao is absurd!"

Chang Wenzhao replied lightly, although he didn't know why Cao Song changed his mind, but he still looked down on this person's character and didn't want to have too much contact.

"Xiu'er, serve tea!"

The concubine at the side did not neglect, although this is the residence hall of the second son Lu Xun, it has everything that one could expect. Since Lu Xun is not here, they can be regarded as half masters.

"I don't know who entrusted Mr. Chang to come here?"

Lu Mingyang's mind turned very quickly. He had already been introduced by Cao Song and Xu Fengyi just now, and he already knew Chang Wenzhao's identity, so he was very curious about why he came here.

Lu Mingyang naturally knew the current situation of Zhendong Prince's Mansion, almost no family sect dared to join Zhendong Prince's Mansion, for fear of causing Luo Youshan's displeasure.

The former All Nations Business Alliance naturally didn't want to go into this muddy water, but today, Chang Wenzhao went to the outpatient clinic in person, and this incident is quite unusual.

Because of the lessons learned by Cao Song before, once Lu Ming was bitten by a snake, he would not ask Chang Wenzhao for diagnosis and treatment without asking anything. What if this was another secret plan of the empress?
"Hehe, I owed a friend a little favor, and today I'm here to repay the favor!"

A black-clothed figure appeared in Chang Wenzhao's mind, and he thought that he had gained a lot after getting the first-grade perfect Qingxin pill.

If both Zheng Qian and Chang Wenzhao were still skeptical about Lu Xun's identity when they got the Perfect Qingxin Pill, then after that auction, they no longer had any doubts.

Zheng Qian is indeed a person who knows how to do business. Even if the Wan Guo Business Alliance lost money to his grandma's house that day and sold a five-grade formula with five hundred top-grade gold beads, he didn't hate Lu Xun because of it. Instead, he became more interested.

However, Chang Wenzhao's visit today has nothing to do with the auction. Having studied the Yipin Perfect Qingxin Pill, he wanted to repay the favor as soon as possible.

"My king's illness is no longer a serious problem, so don't bother Mr. Chang!"

Naturally, Lu Mingyang wouldn't believe the nonsense of "a friend". In his opinion, Chang Wenzhao just made up a random reason, and he didn't dare to let a fourth-rank doctor mess with him again.

Zhendong Prince's Mansion has undergone major changes one after another, so it is reasonable to be cautious, so Chang Wenzhao is not too unhappy, but his wish to diagnose and treat Lu Mingyang is undoubtedly in vain.

"That... the Second Young Master isn't in the mansion?"

Finally, Chang Wenzhao couldn't help asking, he was just a drug addict, but not a fool, so he could tell at a glance that this was not the King's Hall of Zhendong, and he even saw the book boy Asha and the black cat.

Today, Chang Wenzhao came to repay the favor. If Lu Xun was not here, it would be a bit boring. Even if the other party could accept his favor afterwards, the effect would be greatly reduced.

To be honest, Chang Wenzhao still has a lot of doubts and wants to ask Lu Xun. If Lu Xun really made that first-grade perfect Qingxin pill, then he really needs to ask for advice.

"Lu Xun?"

When Chang Wenzhao asked such a question, the faces of several people in the field changed slightly. Except for Asha and the big black cat over there, everyone was shocked.

Even the eldest son Lu Zheng, who had been observing the flowers and plants, glanced this way, and then went to study his flower again.

"Could it be related to him again?"

Cao Song's eyes kept flickering. Now he was poisoned by Asha and had to obey Lu Xun, but he always thought that Lu Xun was just protected by a six-level martial artist, and he was not a big threat.

Even if he saw Lu Xun refining a perfect Qingxin Pill that day, Cao Song only thought that Lu Xun had a bright future as a doctor. As for the others, hehe.

But now, although Chang Wenzhao didn't say it clearly, he suddenly mentioned the second son Lu Xun at this moment. Based on the thoughts of several people in the field, naturally they immediately thought in this direction.

Thinking about it, Chang Wenzhao saw that the few people present were not outsiders, so he mentioned it. If he was in the public, he would never mention Lu Xun.

Xu Fengyi also felt a burst of emotion in her heart, secretly thinking that the second young master who saw through her details at a glance, is really hiding something, this undoubtedly gave them another surprise.

Lu Mingyang's heart was not only shocked, but also proud. It seems that the second son who was so stubborn ten years ago can really stand alone now.

"Since the prince has some scruples, it's inconvenient for Chang to force it!"

If the other party didn't answer, Chang Wenzhao naturally wouldn't ask any more questions. After he finished speaking, he reached out and touched his wrist, and a jade bottle suddenly appeared in his palm.

"This is a fifth-grade Peiyuan pill, which should help the prince recover his vitality, and the time to recover to the peak will be earlier!"

However, Chang Wenzhao's next few words stunned everyone in the arena.

Even Asha, a sixth-rank martial artist, had never seen a fifth-rank elixir. This Chang Wenzhao was really willing to spend his money.

"What? Fifth Grade Peiyuan Pill?"

The person who made this exclamation was Cao Song, a fourth-rank doctor. You must know that the fifth-rank medicine is the realm he dreamed of. His lifelong pursuit is to refine a fifth-rank elixir with his own hands.

As a fourth-rank doctor, Cao Song certainly knew the value of a fifth-rank pill, and he knew what kind of pill the so-called fifth-rank Peiyuan pill was.

For a moment, Cao Song even thought that Chang Wenzhao had broken through to a fifth-rank doctor, but the next moment he denied this guess, because he could clearly sense the other party's aura, that is, a monk of the fourth realm.

In this way, Chang Wenzhao would not have made this fifth-grade Peiyuan pill by himself, and a branch like Watanabe City would not have a fifth-grade pill, even if it was at a large auction.

Cao Song thought a lot for a while, and also guessed that this fifth-grade Peiyuan Pill was probably transferred from a higher-level branch of the Watanabe Castle Ten Thousand Kingdoms Merchant Alliance.

"What kind of favor is it? Is it worth a fifth-grade Peiyuan pill?"

Cao Song was about to go crazy. You must know that the fifth-grade elixir, even if it is obtained from the capital of Xuanyang Kingdom, is a precious elixir that can be sought after by powerful people from all walks of life, but now Chang Wenzhao casually gave it away.

At this moment, Cao Song's fear of the second son of the palace undoubtedly became stronger again. He felt that he could not see through Lu Xun more and more. This strange thing happened one after another.

"Mr. Chang, this ceremony is too heavy, this king cannot accept it!"

Lu Mingyang finally recovered from the shock, and after pondering for a moment, he shook his head slightly.

As the Zhendong King who once fought on the battlefield, he can naturally guess the meaning behind this incident.

It seemed that Lu Xun had done Chang Wenzhao a great favor in this matter, but what kind of favor was it that made Chang Wenzhao willingly take a fifth-grade elixir in return.

What Lu Mingyang thought in his heart was that if what Lu Xun did was more valuable than this fifth-grade Peiyuan pill, then wouldn't it be a disadvantage for Lu Xun to take this fifth-grade pill rashly?

In fact, Lu Mingyang really thought too much about this, and it was because Chang Wenzhao was a drug addict that he was so obsessed with that first-grade perfect Qingxin pill, and it really made him research some ideas.

For more than a month, Chang Wenzhao has been studying that Qingxin Pill. He has a feeling that by studying this Qingxin Pill, he is not too far away from being a real fifth-rank physician.

Strictly speaking, this is Chang Wenzhao's own accumulation, but that first-grade perfect Qingxin pill is indeed an opportunity.

This is the real reason why he paid a huge price for this fifth-grade Peiyuan Pill from the branch of the International Business Alliance in the capital.

It's a pity that Chang Wenzhao naturally wouldn't reveal the inside story casually.

As a drug addict, he doesn't even know how much impact a fifth-grade Peiyuan pill will have on these people in front of him.
To be honest, when Chang Wenzhao said that he would use the fifth-grade Peiyuan Pill to repay Lu Xun's favor, Zheng Qian, the manager of the branch of the Wanguo Business League, was also taken aback, but in the end he couldn't persuade him, since it was Chang Wenzhao's own money anyway. .

(End of this chapter)

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