low-key is king

Chapter 97 What is the crime?

Chapter 97 What is the crime?

"Do you really think this will save him?"

Now that the six-star killer has already made a move, he naturally believes that no accidents will happen, even if the black-clothed man's method of earth escape is only five-level extremely miraculous.

Hearing a sneer from the mouth of the six-star killer, the man in black felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

Although he was not unable to move, he could only watch helplessly as the dagger pierced King Zhendong's back.


Seeing this, the man in black completely gave up struggling, and there was even a trace of hatred in his eyes.

The second son of the palace seems to be extremely shrewd, why would he ignore his reminder?

If Lu Xun had listened to her that day and asked Lu Mingyang to find a hidden place to hide for a while, there would be no disaster today.

It's good now, I have to lose my life here.


After the six-star killer restrained the man in black casually, a low voice came from his mouth. In his consciousness, he would be able to complete the task in the next moment and take the life of the king of Zhendong Lu Mingyang.


However, at the next moment, the six-star killer only felt his body tighten.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a furry thing wrapped around his neck, making it impossible for the short sword in his hand to move forward.

At this moment, the dagger tip that was emitting a cold light was less than an inch away from Zhendong King Lu Ming's back, and even pierced his robe, making his skin feel a little bit cold.

This is really a slight difference, and it is the result of the death of the body and the elimination of the dao.

It's not that Lu Mingyang didn't want to avoid it just now, but he couldn't dodge it at all. With his current state, how can he contend against a six-star killer?
But the accident happened suddenly, the extremely sharp dagger failed to pierce Lu Mingyang's back after all, allowing him to regain his life.

At this moment, the onlookers, including the fourth-rank physician Cao Song, and the man in black who was bound like a quagmire, all stared wide-eyed, because they all saw an extremely incredible scene.

On the neck of the six-star killer, there was indeed a circle of furry things. Looking along this furry thing, their eyeballs almost popped out of their eye sockets.

They all clearly saw that the black cat that was lying lazily on Lu Xun's shoulder just now, its black tail had become several times longer and wrapped around the six-star killer's neck.

"This...this...damn, this is actually a big monster?!"

At this moment, whether it was Cao Song or the man in black, there was a huge wave in his heart, and there was an urge to scold his mother, which was completely unexpected.

These two people knew enough about Lu Xun by asking themselves, but they never knew that besides the bookboy of the Six Realm Martial Artist, this second son of the palace had a hole card that was hidden so deeply.

Looking at the six-star killer bound by the black cat's tail, the man in black had reason to believe that the black cat must be a great monster not lower than the sixth level, maybe even... the seventh level?
"No! Impossible! How could there be a seven-level monster in this small Watanabe City, and there is no monster in him!"

When this idea rose up in the mind of the man in black, she immediately denied it, and Cao Song over there had almost the same idea, because it was completely incomprehensible.

This Qingxuan world where human beings live is not without monster races, and there are many, but most of them are lower five-level monster races.

In this world, monster races that break through to the fifth middle level are strictly monitored.

The monster race is ferocious, this is the human world, those big bosses on the mountain, it is naturally impossible for the monster race to wreak havoc on the human territory.

If there is a big monster in the middle five realms somewhere, and if they dare to hurt people wantonly, the final end will definitely be death, without exception.

But now, a big monster that was at least at the sixth level appeared in front of them, and controlled a six-star killer as soon as he made a move.

You must know that the six-star killers of the Hidden Killing Society have at least reached the level of a six-level martial artist, and may even be a six-level monk.

Unexpectedly, under the restraint of that cat's tail, he couldn't move at all, which could explain some problems.

"The six-level demon? No, it might be the seventh level!"

Compared with the various thoughts in other people's hearts, the six-star killer bound by the black cat's tail, a heart is about to jump out of his chest.

Compared with the few people watching, the six-star killer who is the person involved naturally knows the power in the cat's tail better.

In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for him to be able to restrain the power of a six-level martial artist with only the cultivation of a six-level martial artist.

"The Great Demon of the Seven Realms..."

When this idea rose up, the Six-Star Killer felt a burst of despair at first, and then seemed to think of something, and suddenly shouted: "This is the territory of the human race. How dare you hide the seven-level monster in the Zhendong Palace? What should you do?" crime?"

This may be the last card of the Six-Star Killer, at least he clearly knows that the head of the East Prince's Mansion in Xuanyang Kingdom Town may be a monster of the seventh realm, and he has never filed a record, otherwise he would not rashly accept this reward task .

"A person who is about to die, dare to question my Zhendong Palace?"

Under everyone's dull eyes, Lu Xun said in a cold voice with no expression on his face, which made the six-star killer's heart sink to the bottom, and then he felt the restraint around his neck getting tighter and tighter.

"Lu Mingyang, let me live, I swear to God, I will never tell what happened today!"

Since he can't be tough, then the six-star killer can only be subdued, but his few words just drew the faces of Lu's father and son to sneer.

In this world, empty talk is the most untrustworthy thing.

"I can promise to do one thing for you, or kill someone. For example, how about Yang Xun, the city lord of Watanabe City's city lord's mansion?"

It seemed that he saw the eyes of the Lu family father and son, and felt that his breathing was becoming more and more difficult. The six-star killer knew that if he didn't bring out something practical, he might lose his life.

It has to be said that since this six-star killer took over this task, he still has a good understanding of the situation in Watanabe Castle, knowing that the biggest hidden danger in Zhendong Prince's Mansion is the City Lord's Mansion of Watanabe Castle.

And if the six-star killer made a move, how could Yang Xun, a mere fourth-rank martial artist, survive?

This is the last card of the six-star killer, he believes that the other party should agree to him.

"Have you lost your mind? I said that you are a six-star killer anyway. I can kill even you in the Zhendong Prince's Mansion, so why would I be afraid of Yang Xun, a martial artist from the four realms?"

This time it was still Lu Xun who spoke, and hearing the truth in his words, the six-star killer's face under the mask turned pale.

He suddenly discovered that his biggest hole card didn't seem to work at all.


The boss got impatient listening to these nonsense, and after receiving Lu Xun's signal, its black tail moved slightly.

Then, in the eyes of the six-star killer, there was an extremely inconceivable look.

"How could I die? How could I die in this small Xuanyang country?"

Until the moment of death, this six-star killer did not die with peace.

This is a small border country, and it is a small border town in a small border country. The strongest is just a martial artist from the four realms.

Even in the entire Xuanyang Kingdom, the sixth-level martial masters or sixth-level monks are rare. This six-star killer never thought that he would capsize in the gutter.

When accepting this task, the six-star killer never thought that he would fail. Even if it wasn't an assassination, the six-level martial artist in Zhendong Palace might not be able to stop him.

But now, the facts are in front of his eyes, the six-star killer has calculated thousands of times, and he has never calculated that he will fall into the hands of an inconspicuous black cat in the end.

From the beginning to the end, the six-star killer only made one move, and even the dagger didn't even touch the target's skin, before being pinched by a cat's tail and breaking his neck bone, he couldn't die anymore.

For a while, the second son's courtyard in Zhendong Prince's Mansion seemed a little quiet.

This was already the second Hidden Killer to die here, and this time it was a six-star killer.

The man in black, who also came from the Hidden Assassin Society, had been stunned for a long time.

Now that the six-star killer was dead, it was naturally impossible to restrain her, but she remained motionless as if bound by a stronger force.

At this time, the man in black finally understood why the second son of the palace didn't let Lu Mingyang leave the mansion in time for refuge.

It turns out that there is such a big hole card, so what else can we avoid?
But she couldn't figure it out, this mere second son of the prince's mansion, who seemed to have only the cultivation level of a first-level martial artist, why would there be so many strong people around him?
It's nothing more than a martial arts master of the sixth level, but now even the great demon of the sixth level, and maybe even the great monster of the seventh level, has come out, which is as incomprehensible as a fairy tale.

On the other side, Cao Song's eyes were also dull. The second son's hole cards were really one after another, which made people dizzy and made the last hope in his heart disappear.

Even Cao Song was thinking that what he saw might not be all the cards in the second son's cards. He didn't know when it would come, this one would give him another big surprise, or scare.

With a thought, the cat's tail, which had grown longer just now, automatically retracted, returned to its normal length, and curled up on Lu Xun's shoulder again.

It seems that what happened just now is just an illusion of everyone, this is an ordinary pet house cat, harmless to humans and animals.

But the desolate and motionless body of the six-star killer was showing them a fact.

That is, those things that happened before are definitely not my own hallucinations, but actually happened.

It's just that no one noticed that when the black cat jumped back to Lu Xun's shoulder, the face of the second son of the palace suddenly became extremely pale, as if all his strength was drained in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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