Chapter 390
Why can't new movies grab the box office when they're released?

It's simple, because the audience is different!

The first batch of audiences who went to the cinema to watch "The Invisible War" must have seen "The Man From Earth".Audiences who haven't watched "The Man From Earth" will still choose this movie.After all, word-of-mouth fermentation is not so easy, and this is not yet an era of developed networks.

Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no impact at all. After all, the filming has been directly compressed from more than [-]% to [-]%. This impact is real.

On the day "Invisible War" was released, the attendance rate was very high, nearly 100%, and it had reached 97%.

But for some reason, director Jin Sen was a little worried. After receiving the box office report in the morning, he decided to check out the details of his opponent during the midnight show.

Jin Sen wore a hat, sunglasses, and covered half of his face with a scarf and windbreaker to prevent the paparazzi from secretly taking pictures.

"Sir, do you... have a cold?"

The conductor was a little suspicious, who is this? Although it's a bit cold outside and snowing, they shouldn't be so tightly surrounded, afraid of being seen by others?Is watching a movie a shameful thing?
"No, what is the fastest time for a piece of "The Man From Earth"?"

Jin Sen asked in a hoarse voice, he was afraid that his acquaintances would recognize his voice.

The conductor said: "After half an hour, are you sure?"

"One from the back row."

Jin Sen said, after all, those in front are easily seen by those behind.If you sit in the back, you won't be noticed when the show is over and people are almost gone.

After getting the movie tickets, Jin Sen sat in the waiting room next to him, watching the ticket sales.After 10 minutes, a total of 25 people came to buy tickets to watch the movie.Among them, sixteen people chose "Invisible War", while nine people chose "The Man From Earth".According to the conductor, it was the time when "Invisible War" was close to midnight, and basically all the movie tickets were sold out.However, the attendance rate of "The Man From Earth" dropped sharply, and there were still a dozen or so tickets left.

"It seems that "The Man From Earth" is nothing to be afraid of!"

Jinsen also has a lot of research on the box office, knowing that this situation is the most typical example of being influenced by another movie.If it wasn't for the release of the new movie, it is estimated that "The Man From Earth" would be much better, at least the attendance rate can be maintained at [-]%.Now it seems that it can only reach [-]% of the attendance rate.

The time was getting closer, and Jinsen felt that there would not be too many people coming to buy tickets. Five minutes before the opening of the screening, Jinsen checked the tickets and entered the screening hall.After finding his seat, Kanemori didn't take off his sunglasses either.He was thinking, how much box office potential does "The Man From Earth" still have?

You know, in the past five days, the box office of "The Man From Earth" has exceeded 1300 million, and today's attendance rate is still over [-]%.This is no longer a dark horse, but a raptor crossing the river!

"If it is affected by this movie, can "Invisible War" break through the box office of 3000 million?"

Jin Sen suddenly became irritable for no reason, and he also understood where this irritability came from.

You know, the two films are not at the same level. "Invisible War" claims to have invested tens of millions, while "The Man From Earth" claims to have spent only 20 on a budget.Even if the box office of "Invisible War" exceeded 3000 million, in terms of revenue, it was already far lower than the box office of "The Man From Earth" which was 300 million.

More importantly, 3000 million box office is just the profit line of "Invisible War"! ! !

Although the actual investment is only more than 600 million movies, more than 3000 million must be profitable.In fact, the sharing of movies is very complicated. If the distribution company does not have theaters, then it is not the sharing method of Bright Media, but after deducting 5% of the special funds for the film industry and 3.3% of the special business tax, the remaining 91.3 50% of the share will be given to movie theaters, and 7% will be shared by theater chains.The producers and distributors can only enjoy 43% of the share.

Bright Media has movie theaters and theater chains, plus their strong ability, so they generally take 15% of the share, and 7% of the theater chain, plus about 6% of the movie theater share, that is to say, the box office revenue is the same as The producers are about the same.As for the producers, it's too miserable to work so hard and only get 28% of the total box office share.No wonder, if the box office does not have more than three times the investment amount, it is basically not profitable, and it can even be said to be a loss.

If it weren't for the continuous income such as DVDs, this movie would definitely not be able to pay back.

Because at this time, Chinese films were released overseas, not to mention exported overseas, and few even the surrounding countries wanted to import them.

The box office of "Invisible War" needs to reach 100 million before it can barely pay back.The box office that exceeds this part is pure profit.

There is no way, the current film market in China has not been fully developed, and there are too few screens.

Just as he was thinking wildly, other moviegoers had already entered one after another.Jin Sen took a glance and found that the attendance rate was about the same as he thought, more than [-]%.For a newcomer film, this is already a very rare achievement.

"It seems that this movie is really good!" Jin Sen thought.

With the dragon's mark raised, Kimson began to look at the film with a critical eye.

Any director needs to learn repeatedly to improve.

"The mirror movement here is flawed, it would be better if it was faster, delaying the rhythm."

"The close-ups of the characters here are not delicate enough."

"The sensation here is a little bland..."


After a while, Jinsen picked out more than a dozen faults.

However, what Jinsen also has to admit is that the script is really good.From his point of view, it is a pity that this script was filmed by a newcomer, and many essences were not filmed.Even so, Jin Sen suddenly understood why the word-of-mouth of this movie was polarized. With such a good plot, coupled with such director skills, it would be difficult not to polarize the word-of-mouth!

But Jinsen also suddenly understood why the movie was so popular.

Because the scene it chose was a university teacher's dormitory, and the scene was close to the reality of young people, it resonated with young people.Again, although the plot is profound, it is not obscure.Even some people without professional knowledge can understand the plot of the movie after listening to the lines.

As a sci-fi movie, this is rare!
Well, it also added a touching emotional drama and a twisted ending.

All of these are the prerequisites for the movie to sell well.Wen Xi looks at mountains but not peace, and the same goes for movies.The seemingly eloquent movie has a thrilling reversal, and it really wins the hearts of the audience!
When Jin Sen saw the end, his heart became heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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