Imperial Beast: The pet is just for me to bond

Chapter 34 Black Bear Dancing the Mountain

Chapter 34 Black Bear Dancing the Mountain
Lin Wu wants to accept disciples.

Unlike Po, Chen Wen is human.

Abao learned Xingyiquan, so he can only use it as a signboard for the martial arts school to advertise.

Chen Wen knows Xingyi Quan, but he can inherit Xingyi Quan.

So, after a little thought, he extended an invitation to Chen Wen.

"Do you want to enter the martial arts circle? Do you want to inherit the inheritance of Xingyiquan?"

Hearing Lin Wu's inquiry, Chen Wen immediately understood his intention.

After careful consideration, Chen Wen shook his head apologetically, and said, "Sorry..."

"No need to apologize, learning martial arts cannot be forced!"

Lin Wu waved his hand, but he was still unwilling to say: "With your talent, your future achievements will definitely be higher than mine, and you may not be able to become a great master of Xingyiquan..."

Chen Wen still shook his head and said, "Director Lin, thank you very much for your kindness, but..."

Pointing to A Bao and the beast in the distance, Chen Wen continued: "The times have changed!"

When Lin Wu heard this, he felt lost.

Indeed, although due to Chen Fan's reasons, Gu Wu has shown some signs of revival, but this era is still the era of beast masters, and the era of beasts.

After all, Gu Wu's generation of grandmasters are no match for epic beasts.

In this era, Guwu is just a new school for training beasts.

And Xingyiquan is just a larger branch of this emerging school.

Then, Chen Wen said bitterly: "More importantly... I have no money!"

"No money?"

Chen Wen sighed: "Based on my family's situation, it would be very stressful to raise Ah Bao and let him learn martial arts, plus me..."

Speaking of this, Chen Wen shook his head.

Lin Wu was speechless. Ordinary families really couldn't support one person and one pet to practice ancient martial arts.

Speaking of this, Lin Wu also gave up on accepting Chen Wen as his apprentice.

He can make an exception and not charge apprenticeship fees, but he can't pay Chen Wenwenwu, right?
Not to mention that rushing is not a business, but it is a matter of bad manners.

Although he did not accept Chen Wen as an apprentice, Lin Wu did not change his attitude because of this, and still taught Abao and Chen Wen dutifully.

In the morning, Lin Wu taught everyone basic training.

The basic training is mainly the tempering of strength, the practice of footwork and moves.

Strength training, combined with modern methods, such as bench press, squat, pull-up, back muscle stretching and so on.The difference is that when exercising strength, Lin Wu will point out which muscles will exert force, and which moves this force is suitable for.

The practice of footwork and moves is the foundation of Xingyiquan.

Generally speaking, only by practicing footwork and moves well can you learn the twelve forms of Xingyiquan.

Because of A Bao's "stealth learning", he achieved it in one step.

But according to Lin Wu, if the foundation is not solid, the ground will be shaken. If you want to practice your style of play, you must lay a solid foundation, understand the technique of using the moves, and practice the moves into instinct.

It is not difficult for Ah Bao to understand the power-generating skills of the moves, but it takes time to practice the moves into instinct.

Basic training in the morning and boxing teaching in the afternoon.

Lin Wu didn't hide his secrets, and in the next few days, he handed over all the five elements of Xingyi Quan to A Bao.

During the period, although Chen Wen followed suit, he only made gestures and did not practice.

He didn't lie, Chen Wen was going to hold on to A Bao first when the family didn't have enough money.

Of course, Chen Wen didn't mean to use the "heart of martial arts" as a display, but instead of learning moves for the time being, he only learned pile skills and exercises.

But even if you don't practice the moves, the consumption of light pile skills is still very high, forcing Chen Wen to want to use "bonds" to share Abao's "iron food" talent.

However, thinking that there were not a few stones with aura in total, Chen Wen did not grab the stones from A Bao after all, so he could only take a step to see.


On the afternoon of the last day of the holiday, Lin Wu called Chen Wen aside again.

In an instant, all the students in the field cast envious eyes on Chen Wen.

"After these few days of study, Ah Bao has mastered the Five Elements Boxing."

Lin Wu looked at the well-behaved and ignorant A Bao in front of him with satisfaction. If he hadn't taught it himself, he would never have believed that a beast could learn the three-body pose, five-element boxing and bear shape of Xingyiquan within six days.

Moreover, although Ah Bao's learning has not yet reached the level of proficiency, he has already reached the level of proficiency in fists and feet.

He finally believed that there really are martial arts geniuses in this world.

At the same time, he also had new ideas about another martial arts genius.

But now, he is going to teach Ah Bao the last lesson of the holiday.

"For the rest of the day, I won't be able to learn all the twelve forms. Think about it..."

After a slight pause, Lin Wu said, "I decided to teach Ah Bao a style of play."

A Bao looked at Lin Wu blankly.

But Chen Wen was a little excited, and said to A Bao: "The fighting style is a powerful attack skill, just like the palm that Xiong Er slapped you away that day, once you learn it, you can defeat Xiong Er."

Ah Bao's confused eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words, and the flame of revenge was ignited in his eyes.

Seeing Ah Bao's active appearance, Lin Wu looked at Chen Wen curiously, and asked, "Who is Xiong Er?"

Chen Wen briefly replied: "A violent bear, Po has lost to it."

"It's such a strong competitive spirit!"

Lin Wu felt emotional, and then said to A Bao: "Then you have to study hard, my style of play is specially designed to restrain direct skills such as 'slapping'."


Ah Bao has already seen the scene where he is stepping on Xiong Er with one foot and eating Baihuami with both hands.

Chen Wen asked curiously, "Director Lin, what kind of move is it?"


After coughing twice, Lin Wu restrained his facial expressions, and said slowly: "In Xingyi Wuxingquan, the splitting fist is like an axe, the collapsing fist is like an arrow, the drilling fist is like an awl, and the horizontal fist is like a beam.

Hengquan belongs to the earth, and the earth is neutral in nature, combining hardness and softness.

Xingyi is bear-shaped, straight and unyielding, and the most powerful.

The move I'm teaching this time is 'Black Bear Carrying Mountain'. This style of play is created by combining bear shape and horizontal fist. "

Po: (@_@)
Chen Wen: (@_@)
"Unlearned and incompetent!"

Looking at Chen Wen and A Bao who were full of bewilderment, Lin Wu couldn't help but reprimanded him heavily, and then explained in simple words: "The horizontal fist can attack and defend well, while the bear is the most vigorous and vigorous. It combines the strengths of both" Black Bear Danshan' not only has a strong defense, but also has impressive power..."

Listening to Lin Wu's careful explanation, Chen Wen soon had his own understanding of "Black Bear Carrying Mountain".

In short, it is to look at the enemy's attack, move the strength to the arms to block the enemy's attack, and then wait for the opportunity to make a counterattack.

It sounds simple and looks simple, but it is not easy to learn.

To learn this trick, three conditions must be met.

First, you must have a pair of strong arms.

There is an old saying that a bear has the strength to erect its neck, and its strength lies in its arms.According to Lin Wu, the bear's arms are tough, thick and powerful. After exercise, they can move mountains and mountains and resist all attacks.

Although this is an exaggeration, the arms of bears are indeed broad and strong, and they can withstand most attacks even if they are unlucky.

A Bao is also a bear pet, and he was born to meet the first condition.Although its two fat arms are soft, the real situation is that the bones are tough and the skin is thick and thick, which can not only shoot with great force, but also block heavy blows.

Second, it is necessary to learn the strength movement technique of Hengquan, to support the inner strength (reiki for the beast) to support the arms, and to learn the force relief technique.

This is an extremely difficult task for other people or beasts. With the blessing of martial arts talent, Ah Bao learned the skills of moving energy and unloading force in minutes.

Therefore, there is only the last difficulty in front of us, which is the grasp of the position and timing of the block.

In this regard, Lin Wu arranged special training for Abao.

Chen Wen's eyelids twitched involuntarily when he saw several older students leading the beasts to the front.

Under A Bao's frightened eyes, Lin Wu smiled and said, "Practice is the best way! Don't worry, I will show mercy to them, so don't worry about being beaten to death by them."

"Yeah, I'll make my gibbon use less force!"

"My violent bear only uses [-]% of its strength!"


Listening to everyone's assurances, Ah Bao didn't feel any peace of mind.

Today's Abao is still in its infancy, about sixty to seventy centimeters tall, and is the shortest among the beasts present.

Looking at the size and number of other beasts, Ah Bao couldn't help swallowing, and covered his panda eyes with his short hands.

It's a pity that you can't hide from it!
Amidst Chen Wen's cheering, Ah Bao stepped onto the ring as if he was dying.


"Strong punch!"

The armpit punched quickly, directly through Po's arms, and hit it on the chest.

Abao flew upside down, rolled a few times on the ring, and hit the guardrail.



Perhaps because of familiarity, Ah Bao blocked the attack with a wave of his arm.

However, before he had time to unload his strength, Ah Bao's entire bear turned into a ball again and rolled on the ring.


Lin Wu chose to practice pet animals with relatively good basic qualities, so A Bao was very passive during the training, and was even unable to resist.

However, this training is indeed meaningful.

After repeated failures, Ah Bao's reaction became faster and faster, his blocking became more accurate, and his strength and unloading became more and more proficient.

In addition, Chen Wen gradually discovered another advantage of A Bao after watching A Bao being shot and getting up again and again.

Thick skin and flesh.

In fact, Chen Wen had noticed it before.

When A Bao and Xiong Er were fighting, after being slapped by Xiong Er, A Bao was only slightly injured.

As far as Chen Wen knew, if an ordinary mortal-level pet beast did not defend properly, it would usually be seriously injured and lose its combat power after being hit by the attacking skills of the enemy pet beast.

At that time, Ah Bao was only weak in fighting will, and he still had the power to fight again.

Now Ah Bao's defense seems to have improved again, and he was shot flying so many times without any injuries.

"what is the reason behind the scene?"

"The Heart of Martial Arts? Or the 'Iron Food' talent?"

Chen Wen stroked his chin and secretly guessed.

(End of this chapter)

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