How can the good text cultivation be realized?

Chapter 234 Completion of the Ghost Event

Chapter 234 Completion of the Ghost Event
There is no doubt that this wooden carving should be the body of the evil thing.

Zong Ze ignored those damage values ​​just now.

In fact, when [Jade Blade Gou Lei Sword] penetrated the barriers and tentacles formed by the black air, and penetrated into Xie Mei's body, the victory had already been established.

[Jade Blade Hooking Thunder Sword] has strong restraint and lethality against this kind of evil.

When it suddenly detonated the [Nine Forging Thunder Technique] in Xie Mei's body, it was no less than stuffing a blockbuster into the stomach of the enemy.

Under the sweep of the thunder light, Xie Mei was crushed without the strength to fight back.

This time Zong Ze acted decisively, and did not give Xie Mei a chance to cast her strange spells.

Otherwise, the battle might not end so smoothly.

He raised his foot and lightly kicked the shattered pieces of evil wood carving aside, trying to stay away from this girl named Lan Wenqing, so as to avoid new situations and hidden dangers.

As the evil wooden carving was shattered, the girl was also liberated from the evil state of being manipulated.

At the same time, a new line of reminders appeared in front of Zongze.

This is an interactive scene, so the prompts and authority in the style of "Word Cultivation" can be implemented throughout the process.

【Kill the evil thing · magic wooden puppet】

The reminder is very simple, without too much complicated content, but it can be regarded as confirming that the evil thing has been destroyed.

After this reminder appeared, the surrounding light and shadow also changed at any time, and darkness descended again, as if time had accelerated from dusk to night in an instant.

Zong Ze understands that this is his change from exiting the interactive scene and returning to reality.

In reality, he is still in Lan Wenqing's room, and nothing has changed much.

The comatose Lan Wenqing fell to the ground disheveled and unkempt, her breathing was fairly steady, but her body was obviously thinner, her ribs protruded and she looked a little malnourished. Perhaps during the time of turning into a demon, the demon did not Too concerned about the life and death of Lan Wenqing's body, after all, she is just a tool person.

The house was in a mess and hadn't been cleaned for almost half a month.

Zong Ze opened it to confirm that the evil wooden carvings had been completely destroyed, and then put away the [Jade Blade Hooking Thunder Sword]. The spirit sword that had just completed the feat of eliminating demons also contained the thunder light, and all the arc lights surging around it were contained in the sword body .

He sheathed the spirit sword, took out the cell phone in his pocket with his backhand, and turned on the flashlight.

With the help of the light and the super vision granted by [Forging Pupils], he quickly found the light switch by the wall.

A mere half a month is not enough to damage the circuit.


With the crisp sound of the switch being pressed, the room was instantly filled with light from the lights.

The sudden brightness made Zongze feel much more comfortable.

It also allowed him to see the whole picture of the house.

When he looked towards the living room, he immediately understood where the stench came from.

Because there are a lot of corpses piled up in the living room, but don't worry, those corpses are all animals.

Mainly stray cats and dogs, and a small amount of poultry.

The corpses of these animals were all shriveled, with rough fur, and most of them had their chests and abdomens ripped open.

Combined with Lan Wenqing's blood-stained mouth and the porcelain bowl that once contained blood in Lin Kang's house, Zong Ze instantly understood the purpose of these animal carcasses.

It seems that the evil has not yet had the courage to hunt and kill humans, and even Zongze has reason to suspect that it has turned this place into such a gloomy appearance. In all likelihood, it is still afraid of the sun. You must know that the scorching sun is a natural element for exorcising evil spirits.

Whether it is an evil or a ghost, it is difficult to be completely immune to the damage caused by the sun before the cultivation base is completed.

So he came to another conclusion, that is, the evil spirit body controlled by this evil thing should choose to be dispatched at night, and it will also take the elevator, which is reflected in the fact that Zongze came up and saw it in the elevator blood fingerprints.

In addition, the small amount of food in Lin Kang's house, including canned food and instant noodles, should also be obtained by the evil spirit.

Zong Ze took a little look at the environment in Lan Wenqing's room, and came to some conclusions in his mind.

At present, the incident has not been completed. This is because the trigger of the incident, that is, Lin Kang, does not know the situation here. Anyway, this time there is "Word Cultivation" to wipe his ass, so he can act more boldly.

After thinking for a while, he walked up to Lan Wenqing, and raised his hand to test her breath and pulse.

After reconfirming that her life was not in danger, she left the room.

Just a few steps out of the house, he was in the aisle when he received a voice transmission from Mo Ke.

"Aze, this man has passed out."

"He stretched out his hand to host a wisp of evil energy, and it was gone just now."

Mo Ke's spiritual consciousness is much stronger than him, and he can transmit the sound of spiritual consciousness in a wider range.

Zong Ze nodded, he knew that Mo Ke could capture his movements through his consciousness.

He quickened his pace and walked through the dark corridor back to the room where Lin Kang was.

From the other end of the aisle, the orange light emitted from Lan Wenqing's room only illuminated half of the aisle, while the other half was still in darkness.

Back in Lin Kang's room, Zong Ze also directly turned on the light.

At this time, Lin Kang was indeed in a coma as Mo Ke said.

Zong Ze didn't think it was strange, because Lin Kang was actually a "tool man" of evil things, and according to Lin Kang himself, the time for him to wake up was very limited, but during this period, he was still in a state of recovery several times.

When he lost his mind, it was the will of the evil that took over his body.

All the incense candles lit in the house were also extinguished, and the copper bell hanging on the door jingled.

Mo Ke carried Lin Kang to the sofa, and she walked to the window of the living room, raised her hand and opened the heavy curtains. The sky outside was glowing with blue and white light, which indicated that dawn was not far away.

After dawn, the city will recover and a new day will come.

Zong Ze withdrew his gaze and focused on the house itself. Maybe the evil object manipulated Lin Kang to go out, otherwise it would be impossible to explain these sacrificial candles.

Also, the arrangement of the brass chains and bells that sealed off the anti-theft door was also suspicious.

That arrangement clearly seemed to be on guard against something.

He shook his head, walked to the coffee table, picked up the cup just now and went to get another glass of water.

After walking back, it splashed directly on Lin Kang's face.


A cup of cold water was poured over his head and face, and Lin Kang, who was originally in a coma, suddenly shivered.

The external stimulation quickly made him unconscious. The water flowed from the nostrils into the airway, giving him the illusion of choking on water. He got up swiftly and took a big mouthful of breath.


Then he shrank back as if remembering something.

This is a stress response rooted in one's own fear, which is difficult to eliminate in a short period of time.

Even in the future, Lin Kang will be dominated by the psychological shadow caused by this period of time.

This is the so-called psychological trauma of fear, and Zongze is not surprised by it.

To be honest, if Lin Kang behaved very calmly, or if he quickly got out of the shadows, that would be something that needs to be guarded. The current behavior is a normal reaction.

"It's all over."

He stretched out his hand towards Lin Kang.

Lin Kang looked at Zong Ze, and the frightened expression on his face faded slightly after the memory of before coma emerged.

" it over?"

He asked in disbelief, Zong Ze's appearance and the lights in the room could give him a new sense of security, but now he needs an affirmative answer from Zong Ze to strengthen this sense of security.

In this regard, Zong Ze just nodded, and then turned around and pointed to the aisle outside the door.

He turned his body slightly so that Lin Kang's eyes could see the situation further away. ,

When Lin Kang found that the lights at the end of the aisle were also on, he finally strengthened his sense of security.

"'s over!"

He murmured to himself tiredly, leaning on the sofa.

At the same time, a new reminder appeared in front of Zong Ze.

[Spiritual Event: Resentment completed]

[Event completion: [Free practice progress × 1800], [Free magic/supernatural power progress × 1000], [Randomly master and manifest a martial skill], [Era rule realization progress 1%], [Deceitful skills: "The Jue of Resentment and Charm (Volume [-])"], [Crafting Cultivation Technique: "The Jue of Resentment and Charm (Volume [-])"])]

[Related items have been automatically included in [luggage]]

[Epoch rule realization progress +1%]

[The progress of the current era rules is 8.5%]

[The current world rules will be further improved]

[The prelude to the change of the era will start when the realization progress of the era rule reaches 10%]


Lines of prompts appear, proving that the event has been successfully completed.

Today's era rules have reached 8.5%, and 1.5% more will make up 10%.

At the same time, as the progress of the realization of the rules of the era improves, the world will continue to change.

You must know that this 1% effect is not within the scope of Qihai City or Tongcheng City, but the whole world.

On the regional scale here, even a small change can trigger a series of chain reactions.

This was the case with the herds of sea beasts that appeared on the Yellow Sea before, and it was the same with the evil creatures encountered now.

After confirming the completion of the incident, Zong Ze didn't want to stay here any longer.

Because it will be dawn soon, there is no point in continuing to stay here, leave as soon as possible and let "Written Immortal" wipe his ass, and when Lin Kang recovers, he will find a way to call the police.

Thinking of this, he waved to Mo Ke.

"Ake, let's go."

Mo Ke nodded, glanced at Lin Kang, and came to Zong Ze's side.

At this moment, Lin Kang was a little distracted, as if he hadn't recovered completely.

Zong Ze didn't bother to continue talking to him. After all, he was not a psychotherapist, and he didn't want to give Lin Kang psychological counseling and comfort. Leaving was the best choice.

Just when he and Mo Ke were holding hands and preparing to leave, Lin Kang suddenly stopped him.

"You... wait!"

Hearing this call, Zong Ze stopped in his tracks.

He turned around and looked at Lin Kang with searching eyes, waiting for his next words.

I saw Lin Kang stood up tremblingly, his body was very weak, he was in a state of hunger and malnutrition.

This is almost exactly the same as Lan Wenqing, after all, they are just tools of evil things.

As evil beings, they don't care if they are full or not. Those food supplements can only serve as a way to maintain their lives, so that they will not starve to death.

Lin Kang walked towards them, Zong Ze and Mo Ke stood still.

Lin Kang stopped one or two meters away from them. The sour smell on his body made Zong Ze and Mo Ke slightly frown, but they didn't dodge.

He was waiting for Lin Kang's next words.

"I just recovered part of my memory..."

"I saw some pictures in an unconscious state."

After Lin Kang bowed his head and pondered for a moment, what he said made Chen Xuan a little interested.


"Tell me, maybe I can find the truth."

Zong Ze raised his chin and motioned for him to continue, and his intuition told him that there seemed to be a follow-up incident hidden here.

Moreover, there are still many strange things in this incident that cannot be answered by the behavior of evil things.

Now it seems that there may be clues hidden in Lin Fusu's memory.

Including Lan Wenqing may also have something worth digging.

"I saw a black-robed Taoist who brought these red incense candles and canned food."

"He wears a red bell, just like the one that hangs over the door."

"Whenever he rings the bell, I follow the rhythm of the bell."

"The layout here was made by the black-robed Taoist."

Lin Kang added that when Zong Ze and Mo Ke were thinking about it, he suddenly remembered something.

He suddenly tore open the clothes on his chest, and removed a pendant from his neck.

This pendant is made of copper and has the image of a small man on it.

Zong Ze raised his eyebrows when he saw this pendant, because the image of this pendant is the same as that represented by the evil object, which shows the connection between the two.

He raised his hand to take the pendant, but was stopped by Mo Ke.

"I come."

Hearing what A Ke said, Zong Ze didn't try to be brave, and asked Mo Ke to take the pendant.

I saw black smoke rising from the pendant.

However, Mo Ke had been prepared for a long time. A layer of silver-white spiritual light covered the surface of the pendant to prevent the black smoke from escaping. Lin Kang was shocked by this method, and he was even more certain that Zong Ze and Mo Ke were masters.

Zong Ze didn't care about what he saw, anyway, "Word Cultivation" will end.

After they leave, Lin Kang will most likely forget their presence, so it doesn't matter if he shows his hand now, I saw Mo Ke holding the pendant and pinching it slightly, and the silver glow shrank and covered the surface of the pendant.

After doing these things, she raised her hand and threw the pendant to Zongze, and nodded at him.

Zong Ze grabbed the jade pendant, looked at it for a while and knew what it was.

"I see, is there any other information you can give us?"

To be on the safe side, he continued to ask.

Lin Kang showed a thoughtful expression, but finally shook his head.

"That memory is so vague that I can't recall it..."

It seems that the trigger of the follow-up events is not Lin Kang, maybe you have to explore by yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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