wait for hell

Chapter 1 Missing Person Chapter Return

Chapter 1 Return of the Missing Person
"Dear listeners, we are now interrupting a missing person announcement. The missing person, Zhao Bin, male, 22, is a sophomore at Yingzhou City University."

"The time of disappearance was four days ago. According to the relevant students, before Zhao Bin disappeared, he had repeatedly confessed to Bai Ying's beauty and was rejected. The suspected relationship problem caused..."

"The physical characteristics of the missing person are as follows, wearing a black T-shirt on the upper body, blue jeans on the lower body, and carrying a backpack..."


at dusk.

Yingzhou City, Unit 4, Happy Home, 602 households, middle-floor duplex.

A middle-aged woman opened the door, and said kindly to Du Yuan who was standing outside: "Son, you are back..."


Du Yuan nodded jerky, and looked into the room again.

On the sofa in the room, a middle-aged man with a back comb was sitting. The man put down the newspaper in his hand, and smiled gently at Du Yuan, "How is the matter going?"


Du Yuan walked into the house, and the woman behind him said, "Son, are you hungry? Mom will cook for you."

"Not too hungry, I'll go upstairs first."

"Okay, okay, then mom will call you after cooking."

The woman looked at the back of Du Yuan going upstairs with a smile, her eyes were full of maternal love and tenderness.



In the bathroom, cold water flowed from the faucet, slowly filling the sink.

In front of the mirror was a stern-looking young man with black shattered hair and calm and indifferent eyes.


Du Yuan exhaled, felt the coolness of the water flow with his fingertips, and that absurd idea resurfaced in his heart.

"Could it be that if I wash my face again, I can return to my original world?"

However, Du Yuan knew that it was impossible.

Three days ago, after he got up, he washed as usual, but after washing his face, he opened his eyes again, and everything around him changed except for him.

He came to a strange yet familiar world.

What is familiar is that the people here, from language to culture, are the same as the world before him. What is strange is that many details of this world are completely different from before.

of course……

For him, the strangest thing is that couple.

Thinking of this, Du Yuan took out the DNA test slip in his pocket and held it tightly in his hand.

"My parents, that's not the case."

Du Yuan washed his face with cold water, and returned to his bedroom on his own.

This bedroom is very neat.


Du Yuan sniffled, and said with some disgust: "It's this familiar smell again. It's obviously a brand new bed sheet. Where does the smell come from?"

He couldn't bear it any longer, so he lay down and glanced under the bed again.

There was nothing under the bed.

But the stench was getting stronger and stronger.

Du Yuan squinted his eyes, for some reason, the smell was very familiar to him.

But no matter how he checked, he couldn't find the source of the smell.

"Endure one more night."

Du Yuan told himself so.

However, just as he was about to go to bed, a faint sound sounded from under the bed.


Du Yuan was taken aback.

He looked down again at the bottom of the bed.

On the floor under the bed, a drop of viscous yellow liquid slowly smudged on the ground.

Followed by.

Another drop of liquid dripped.

Du Yuan's gaze moved upwards. On the support board of this bed, a drop of liquid was condensing, and the source was the Simmons mattress placed on the support board.

"Is it corpse fluid?!"

Du Yuan said thoughtfully: "No wonder the smell is so familiar."

He turned his head and made sure the bedroom door was closed, then he opened the bedside table and took out a sharp knife from inside.

Throw the quilt, sheets, and pillows on the ground beside him, and there is only a Simmons mattress exposed in front of him.

The sharp blade easily cut through the fabric of the Simmons mattress, and the smell could no longer be concealed.

After a few minutes.

Du Yuan stared at the slashed mattress inexplicably, to be precise, he stared at the corpse in black T-shirt and blue jeans lying inside.


In Du Yuan's mind, a thought flashed through.

"Throwing corpses is easy to be found, and it is not safe to dig a hole to bury. We should make nitric acid and hydrochloric acid and mix them into aqua regia according to the proportion, so that the corpses can be wiped clean."

But soon, he smiled strangely.

Then, he said in a low voice: "How could I have such an idea? I am no longer that wanted murderer. My life has just begun."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuan took the time to open the backpack carried by the corpse.

In the backpack were some unfinished food, a few bottles of what looked like eye drops, a book that looked like a diary, mixed with a few pieces of paper that seemed to be shiny with oil, and some that looked like they were from a temple. A safe amulet from inside, and a wallet.

He took out his ID card from his wallet and compared it with the corpse.

"Zhao Bin?"

Du Yuan put the ID card back casually, and thought about it: "The person who disappeared four days ago, why did they appear here? Did they do it? I'm curious..."

Yes, Du Yuan was very curious.

Instead of being terrified.

It seems that this kind of thing has long been used to him in his opinion.

And what he was curious about was what method the person who killed Zhao Bin used to stuff the corpse into the mattress without anyone noticing it.

He is confident that he can do it, but it is definitely not so perfect.

Followed by.

Du Yuan took out the diary from his backpack again.

As soon as he opened it, the few oily yellow papers that were sandwiched in the diary fell off.

Du Yuan picked it up casually.

But the moment his fingertips touched the yellow paper, his fingers trembled slightly.

"This is... the feel of human skin..."

Du Yuan rubbed these pieces of human skin paper, he became more curious.

A missing college student died strangely and was stuffed into his mattress without a trace, and there was a paper made of human skin on the college student's body.

No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel weird.

Du Yuan held the human skins with one hand, opened the diary with the other, and sat beside the corpse, looking at it from the perspective of a reader.

The content of the diary is very trivial.

Probably a story about licking a dog and dying.

The more Du Yuan read, the more bored he became, but just when he was too lazy to read, the content on the next page made his face darken.


[April 4th, I don’t want to be a licking dog anymore, because I’m no longer who I used to be. I joined the group of seven, hahaha, the bitch who played with my feelings must not know, there are ghosts in this world , I am the chosen one, I am the protagonist]

[On April 4th, she smiled at me again, is she just testing me?Ridiculous, how could she know that we are no longer the same way, and I, Zhao Bin, are definitely not licking dogs]

[On April 4th, the mission of the seven people was too scary. That damn paper man was simply a devil. He actually asked me to live in the house of a ghost couple for seven days. I only completed one mission. Just a few bottles of clean water, how can I survive, no, I want to burn the yellow paper, I want to find it to reason, it just wants to play me to death]


"Seven people? Burn yellow paper to find it?"

Du Yuan rubbed his chin, feeling that the contents of this diary were a bit unbelievable.

Like it was written by a psychopath.

But the handwriting is not messy at all.

He carefully read the part of the diary about the organization of the Seven, and then turned to the next page.


[April 4th, it’s better to be a licking dog if you join the group of seven, what shit, she’s just playing with my feelings, this paper figurine is going to play with my life, I only have a few bottles of clean water where ghosts can be seen, I will definitely not survive]

[April 4st, I survived the first day. This mission seemed less scary than I thought. It seems that this ghost couple really regards me as their son?If I hadn’t had clean water and could see their true colors, I would have been fooled by them]

[April 4, I couldn't hold on any longer, I used clean water, and the ghost couple I saw was even scarier than yesterday, looking at me, it seemed like they were going to eat me]

[April 4rd, this may be the last time I write a diary. Playing with feelings is better than facing this damn ghost couple, damn it, they are getting more and more terrifying every day, I can't make it to the seventh day, they won't let me...]


The diary ends here.

Du Yuan looked at this absurd content in silence, like a diary written by a mental patient, and he was thinking about the credibility of the matter.

of course……

It's not that he just read the diary casually and believed what it said.

Rather, he felt that even he couldn't hide Zhao Bin's body perfectly in the mattress. If it was a ghost, it seemed to be explainable.

"So, they're ghosts?"

Du Yuan said something silently in his heart.

next second.

With a palm on his shoulder, a loving voice whispered in his ear: "Son, it's time to go downstairs for dinner."

For an instant.

Du Yuan's hair stood on end, and he looked behind him in disbelief.

The door of the bedroom opened wide at some point, and the middle-aged woman was standing behind Du Yuan, with a kind smile and kind eyes, as if she couldn't see the corpse lying on the ground at all.

Seems like Du Yuan didn't respond.

The woman urged: "Son, it's time to go downstairs for dinner."

Du Yuan's body was stiff. He looked at the woman who seemed to have a smile carved on her face. He couldn't get rid of the creepy feeling. He could only take a deep breath and try to keep calm.

The woman urged again: "Son, it's time to go downstairs for dinner."

This time, Du Yuan replied: "I see, I will tidy up the room and go down later."

 The stories in this book have no connection with the modern world, and the content is purely fictitious, and any similarity is purely coincidental.

  PS: I have never been able to accept soul wear, so Du Yuan
(End of this chapter)

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