The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 59 The Bad News and the Hitchhiker

Chapter 59 The Bad News and the Hitchhiker

After Carl left Macon City, he drove all the way north, preparing to go to the nearest airship stop and take the airship to the Sky Arena.

Along the way, Jiaer's mood was very complicated. He didn't know what would happen to him after he found Hisoka. The person he thought he had been looking for for a long time was about to meet so soon, and he felt that the world was really small.

There was also the sudden appearance of Shaerte, and he felt from him that he was not a normal person. He glanced at the book that Shaerte gave him in the co-pilot position, and continued to drive forward.

After driving for a while, I found that I was running out of gas, so I hurried to find a nearby gas station to refuel.

Taking advantage of the spare time of refueling, Jiaer got out of the car and went to the toilet to urinate. He felt that his stomach was a bit empty, so he walked into the convenience store of the gas station and started to pick out some food to fill his stomach.

He wandered around to pick up a basket of things and came to the cashier to pay, when he was suddenly attracted by the news of an old newspaper on the cashier.

After paying the bill, he told the boss:

"Can you give me this newspaper?"

"Of course, this is old news. If you want it, you can take it."

The boss handed it to Jiaer generously, and Jiaer walked out of the convenience store with a thankful smile.

He held a large leather bag to eat in one hand, and carefully read the contents of the newspaper with the other. After reading it, he really regretted that he only cared about his own plan and didn't care about his other relatives.

Before reaching the car door, the food in Jiaer's hand was involuntarily scattered all over the floor, and the newspaper also fell on the ground.In the next second, the newspaper on the ground began to get wet bit by bit with the text of international news.

The content of the news mainly reads:
Orson Munro, the former king of Memphis Empire, died of illness a few years after the death of his son Baron Munro at the age of 65.Afterwards, the old queen came forward and declared that it was Prince Carl who forced Orson to death, so his sons began to fight for the new throne. Years of wars have caused the people of this country to be in dire straits.

Although Jiaer knew in his heart that he could no longer say that Orson was his grandfather anymore, childhood memories suddenly came to mind.

The flame of revenge ignited in Jiaer's heart. This domineering old man who loved him and brought him to see the world shouldn't die like this, and their mother and father also need the enemy to pay the due price.

With a trembling body, Jiaer slowly picked up the scattered food on the ground. After getting into the car, he let his tears flow while eating.

He was determined in his heart that if he saw Hisoka and confirmed his situation, he would kill Membis at all costs and let those damned people go to hell.

After a while, the car started and left the gas station. A gust of wind blew the newspaper under the feet of another boy.

The teenager looked tall and thin, wearing a leather jacket, a pair of leggings, Martin boots, and long hair.

The two eyes exposed in the hair seem to be hypnotic, and they can always see what is most persistent in the heart of the person in front of them.

He walked into the convenience store unhurriedly, and was paying the bill after buying a hot dog for one person. The boss asked curiously:
"Dude, I see there are two people behind your car, don't you want to buy two more copies?"

"Well, they don't need to eat, they're puppets."

After finishing speaking, the boy walked out of the convenience store, got into the car leisurely, and walked away.

"Puppet, hell, I thought it was a living person!"

The boss sighed in surprise, he had never seen such a lifelike doll, and he couldn't tell it from the back of the car.

On the long highway, Jiaer slowly calmed down his emotions and continued to accelerate forward.

It's deep winter now, and the green on both sides of the road has disappeared. Occasionally, there are hay clumps being driven by the wind and rolling across the road.

Suddenly, Jiaer saw dust rising in the rearview mirror, and then an off-road car appeared in the field of vision, getting closer and closer to Jiaer's car.

Within a few seconds, Cal could already hear the roar of a motor whizzing past the side of his car, throwing him a long way away.

Jiaer didn't care about chasing and overtaking, and continued to maintain his own rhythm, but he thought it would be great if he could be so fast.

But what he didn't expect was that just after he drove for a while, he saw the off-road car parked on the side of the road emitting thick smoke. There were three figures standing beside the car, and one of them was waving his hands vigorously at him, stopping him. his car.

"Excuse me, my car broke down, can I give you a lift, sir."

A long-haired boy leaned against Jiaer's car window and said with a smile.

"Where are you going?"

"The airship stops fifty kilometers away."

"Let's drop by, get in the car."

Looking at the long-haired boy, Jia Er felt weird, but he didn't think much about it.

Until he saw the boy's companion got into the car, Jiaer felt that there was something wrong with them.

"Thank you for letting us aboard, sir, you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."

"You're welcome, what do you do? Why do I feel that your companion looks weird!"

"Oh, I was discovered by you. My name is Mianying, and I am a puppeteer. The other two are my dolls."

"Puppets!? They can walk and talk by themselves. It's amazing."

As he spoke, Jiaer glanced at a doll behind him, which looked like a little girl, when the girl's eyes met Jiaer's.

Jiaer lost consciousness for a moment, and after a few seconds, he heard the figure talking again and started the car.

"Thank you for the compliment, but when I haven't become the strongest, I can see that you are also a very powerful guy."

"Well, how do you know that!"

"I'll know when my doll meets your eyes."

"Is that so? I just looked into your puppet's eyes, but it feels like I just fainted."

"It's like this, this is my ability to read. I just wanted to test your ability to read, only to find that you are very powerful. You have a powerful force other than ability to read."

"How did you find out?"

The car shook suddenly, Jiaer looked at the figure in surprise, he never thought that his secret would be discovered so easily by him.

"Don't get excited and concentrate on driving. I can't say it yet. This is my secret. Maybe you will know it later."

When Mianying said this, he still pretended to be calm. As soon as he got in the car, he felt the anger on Jiaer's body. There were a pair of eyes on his handsome face that he wanted very much.

But when his puppet was plundering Jiaer, something happened that still scares him.

He heard a majestic voice from Cal's soul warning him:

"Don't try to get my idea, or you must be the one who loses control first."

Mianying has never met such a person, or he can no longer be called a person, and now he just wants to hitch a ride.

"Well, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

Jia Er was confused, but he knew that if he continued to ask, the other party would not tell him, so he didn't threaten him and just let him do whatever he wanted.

In this way, with their own goals, the two arrived at the airship dock together, and a large number of passengers were queuing up to buy tickets.

Neither asked where the other was going, but they ended up on the same airship and headed across the ocean to the Sky Arena.

(End of this chapter)

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