The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 61 The Trial of the Sky Arena 1

Chapter 61 The Trial of the Sky Arena 1
On a sunny winter morning, there was a long queue at the entrance of the Sky Arena as usual.

Hisoka, who had just arrived, looked at such a long line and sighed, then smiled and walked slowly towards the person at the front of the line, who was a tall, strong, bald man with neck tattoos.

Hisoka whispered in the ear of the other party:

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way."

The big man turned his head and glanced at Hisoka's tall and thin appearance, grabbed Hisoka's bow tie with his right hand and lifted him up and said:

"Let's see who dies first, bastard!"

The people in the queue at the back all looked over, thinking that this is a good show, this guy is too overconfident.

"Of course it's you!"

Hisoka smiled and swiped the card in his right hand towards the strong man's neck.

Then the next second, with a puff, blood spurted out from a long gash in the strong man's neck. The strong man quickly covered his neck with both hands, staring at the back of Hisoka who was walking towards the entrance registration office, and knelt down. on the ground and fell down.

The people behind took two steps back in fright, whispering in their mouths:

"This is a madman, I hope I don't meet him."

"Welcome to Sky Arena, please fill in the necessary items."

At the registration office of the Sky Arena, a beautiful woman in uniform smiled and handed Hisoka a form.

Hisoka saw that the girl's face was calm about what happened just now, and he thought to himself that it seemed that he really came to the right place.

Hisoka watched the form start to fill out quickly, but when he wrote about the combat experience, he didn't know how many years it would be appropriate to write it. Although he had practiced for several years, the only person around him who could allow him to actually fight was Shaert , So he simply wrote for a year.

After submitting the form, Hisoka got a number plate with 0527 on it, and went inside.

Before Hisoka's eyes were rows of auditoriums, and at the bottom was a multi-stage arena, on which several groups of contestants were fighting at the same time.People kept falling down and being carried out.

Right above the arena, there are several huge TV screens hanging, some of which are broadcasting the game live, and some are introducing the general situation of the Sky Arena.

"This is the largest unrestricted fighting arena in the world, with a total of 251 floors and a height of 991 meters. The venue is the fourth tallest building in the world. In this fighting arena where only winners can advance, an average of 4000 people challenge each other every day. High floors. More than 10 billion spectators enter the arena every year, and there are all kinds of facilities in the arena, and high-level fighters can even enjoy the whole floor.”

Hisoka looked at the introduction on the big-screen TV, and then looked at the few people in the auditorium on the first floor, thinking that he must hit the top floor and kill his opponent under the eyes of everyone. Nothing is more exciting than this that's it.

Thinking of this, Hisoka laughed excitedly, and the poker cards in his hand were deformed by his hard pinching.

"Contestants No. 0527 and No. 0236 are invited to Ring A, ready for a duel!"

Hisoka heard his number plate, looked at the position of the ring, ran up from the audience, quickly kicked off the fence, and jumped high.

Then he took aim at the D ring which was closest to him, stepped on the head of a player, and then jumped onto the head of another player in the C ring with a kick.

In this way, the heads of the three contestants were flashed in succession, and finally landed on the A ring.

This way of Hisoka's appearance made the other contestants in the arena stop fighting for an instant, and everyone was watching him with dissatisfied eyes.

At this moment, Hisoka's first opponent came on stage. A mercenary in a vest stared at Hisoka and said:

"You're so crazy, I'll let you call it a day."

After finishing speaking, the mercenary punched him, Hisoka smiled slightly, turned around and escaped his attack, and appeared in the back of his mind.

With a "whoosh", Hisoka slashed the back of the opponent's neck with a hand knife, and the mercenary fell to the ground with a plop, unable to get up again.

At this time, the referee hurried up and said:
"You can go to the next floor."

"It's so slow, if I hit a few more, will it make me go up a few more layers?"

When Hisoka heard what the referee said, he thought how long it would take to meet his opponent, so he wanted to fight more to let the referee know his strength.

"This one……"

Although the hand knife just now was very fast, the level of the referee could not make more judgments on his strength, so he hesitated.

"Hey, you rubbish here, who else wants to fight with me, let's go together!"

Hisoka didn't wait for the referee to react, he started yelling loudly at the audience.

Now all the other contestants in the audience flocked to the ring together, and the referees couldn't stop them, especially the three who were stepped on their heads just now rushed to the front.

All of a sudden, Hisoka in ring A was surrounded by 30 players, each of them was more ruthless than the other, every punch and every kick was aimed at Hisoka's vital points.

But Hisoka is like a shadow that can be seen but cannot be touched, dodging and shuttling between the fists and feet of the crowd.

With a sound of "ah", a player's teeth were blown out by Hisoka's punch.

"Ah" again, another contestant's arm was broken by Hisoka.

"Why are you moving so slowly!"

Hisoka took out the last player with a side kick, and he jumped out of the moaning crowd lying on the ground.

Slowly walked up to the referee and said:

"How many floors are available now?"

"You can go directly to the fifty floor."

The other referees present saw the players slowing down in the ring, and hurriedly called someone to carry them away one by one.

As soon as Hisoka got out of the elevator on the 50th floor, there was a beautiful woman leading the way as a guide. The beautiful woman explained in detail the next promotion rules while walking.

"Here please, in this building, up to the 200th floor, the 10th floor is the first level. That is to say, after winning the 50th floor, you can directly advance to the 60th floor. If you are defeated, you will be reduced to the 40th floor." On the 100th floor, after passing the [-]th floor, we will provide players with private room treatment, and the bonus will increase with the floor..."

"Okay, thank you. I'm not interested in money. What I care about is whether I can be satisfied with the fight."

Guided by the beauty, Hisoka came to the waiting room. Hisoka saw that many players were resting and recuperating.

"Hurry up and arrange the next game for me, I don't want to live with them."

"Are you sure, then I will apply for you, please wait a moment."

After a while, the beauty came over and said:

"It's ok, after another 5 minutes, you will be playing against another player, it doesn't matter if you can enter early."

Hisoka chose to enter the arena early. As soon as he entered the competition hall on the 50th floor, he had a different feeling. There were people in the auditorium. Although it was not full, everyone cheered and shouted in anticipation.

The audience here can not only watch the game, but also buy bets, betting on which player will win, watching and betting at the same time, those who win money are very happy to watch, and those who lose money keep cursing the players for being useless.

Suddenly, Hisoka's information jumped out on the big screen in the arena, and the broadcast began to announce:
The next match will be Cyclops against Hisoka.

At present, Cyclops has won 5 consecutive victories, and has been advancing steadily until now. His strength is boundless, and all the players he hit are bloody.

Although the other player, Hisoka, is a rookie, he has an astonishing first-match performance with more than one opponent, and he is directly promoted to this level. It is really a suspenseful duel. Let's place your bets now!

(End of this chapter)

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