Chapter 72 Focus
On the abandoned square, a huge red flame storm eye was formed, and the red light soared into the sky, and the playing cards that flew down from the sky turned to ashes.

The ground began to tremble, and countless boulders were swept up and circled in the air. Wojin and the others far away in the factory also felt these sudden reactions. They didn't expect Jiaer's energy to be so amazing, and they all came to watch the battle.

At this moment, Jiaer's eyes and mouth also turned into glaring fireballs. Hisoka, who was about to fall from the sky, was also swept up into the sky by the huge cyclone, and was blown far away. Fortunately, he slid down by sticking to an electric pole in time. , did not fall to the ground.

Hit by the storm, Hisoka vomited a mouthful of blood as soon as he stood firm. His whole body was covered with severe burns. For the sake of face, he covered them with "frivolous illusions".

"This is the explosion of Jiaer's mind ability, the maximum indiscriminate damage. He didn't use so much energy last time. If Wo Jin didn't block it, he would have almost killed me."

Paconoda, who was among the spectators, looked at the huge flame storm and said in a fearful tone.

"He is a human purgatory that may erupt at any time. If you fight with him, if you are not killed by the enemy, you may be burned to ashes like this."

Franklin thought that his bullets were already very lethal, but now that he saw Jiaer's move, it was even more terrifying. He was worried that when he fought with such a person, no one would be spared if he used this move.

"You don't have to worry, he is a man of measure. He will find such a venue to deal with an opponent like Hisoka who likes to take risks and aggressively. Stay away from us and use this trick to make the opponent lose his fighting power and confidence at once."

Kuroro looked at the monstrous huge flame, which gradually weakened until it went out. Such power can really be a double-edged sword.

He touched the book in his hand, thinking in his heart that it would be a pity not to use such reading ability for himself.

"Do you want to continue?"

Gael gasped, his body was still hot, and jumped from the spot in front of Hisoka with a jerk.

"Hehe, no need, I lost. I just want to ask, did Shalt teach you this?"

Hisoka wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hands, barely supported his body, leaned on the electric pole with one hand, and uttered his last question.

"No, this is the power of my own awakening. Shaerte only gave me a book."

Jiaer watched Hisoka admit defeat so quickly for the first time, endured his extreme thirst, and answered quickly.

"You are really a jealous guy, even God is on your side, forget it, you go to drink water!"

Hisoka smiled. He finally completely accepted the reality of failure, but he knew that he still had room to work hard. This time, he knew that Carl also had shortcomings and was not invulnerable.

It's just that the current self has used all his energy to bear his fatal blow, and has no remaining combat power to continue fighting.

When one's own defense power is improved in the future, the next time one prepares in advance, one will be able to fight until the opponent dies of thirst.

"You still have a chance in the future, Hisoka."

Jia Er pressed Hisoka's shoulder with his hand, and said with a sigh of relief, then turned around and quickly left the ruins, passed through the crowd of onlookers, and went directly to the nearest Maggie's house to find water to drink.

After Jiaer disappeared, Hisoka let out a long "hiss". He glanced at the shoulder pressed by Jiaer, and there was another high-temperature burn the size of a palm.

Thinking that Jiaer's clothes were intact when he launched such a high-temperature attack, knowing that this guy can already attach the reading to his clothes very well, thinking of this, Hisoka made up his mind that no matter what price he paid, he must put The ability to think will be improved.

Turning on the faucet, Jiaer opened his mouth wide open, drinking non-stop, and the whole body was emitting heat continuously.

"You still can't control your qi well now? I felt the big shock just now at the garbage dump. With such destructive power, people from the Presbyterian Church may come to you."

Maggie, who just came back, met Jiaer who was gulping down water.

"I have controlled it much better than before. It's just that this move consumes too much energy and water. I drank a lot of wine in advance, so I didn't collapse."

"Why are the people from the Presbyterian Church looking for me? Are you afraid that I will burn them too?"

When Jiaer heard Maggie say this, he felt a little puzzled, but he had nothing to worry about when dealing with them.

"You have to remember that you are always alone now, Jiaer. In the battle between those who read abilities, if you deal with one more different ability, there will be one more danger. You should not be too crazy. Fighting is not just a competition of combat power, There's also the element of tactics and experience."

Maggie feels that Jiaer is too confident now, and he must suffer, even though his reading ability is very strong.

But the methods of the Presbyterian Church have also killed many super-powerful people. They have countless exiled criminals and underworld forces.

"Thank you for your reminder, Maggie. But I'm not alone now. Kuroro has invited me to officially join you today. If the elders make trouble for me, he will settle such a matter, so I don't need to worry about it. "

Jia Erzhan feels that joining them is still a little bit beneficial. Some things that are not convenient for him to come forward to solve, can be handed over to Kuroro.

After watching the results of the duel between Jiaer and Hisoka, Wojin and his party returned to the factory. Kuroro did not go with them, but went to meet the elders alone.

In an old building, there are a dozen mercenary gatekeepers patrolling back and forth with weapons in hand.

Walking into the gate, you have to pass through a deep porch, where every two meters there is a bodyguard standing with his hands folded in front of him, watching everyone who walks past them.

These bodyguards are all psychics, and this is the shelter for exiles with psychic abilities. As long as they are cast under the door of the Presbyterian Church, they will be sheltered by the darkest power in Meteor Street.

They all have different reading abilities, and many of them are sent out from here every year to serve as bodyguards or thugs for gang bosses. The price is fair, and their strength can be tested on the spot by the gang bosses who come to choose.

When Kuroro walked in front of them, no one cared about him, as if he was one with this place.

At the end of the porch, two big men led the way. After opening three doors for Kuroro, in a hall with a height of 5 meters, Kuroro met the person he wanted to see.

"I just saw that guy turn the whole square into a sea of ​​flames in an instant. Is he also part of your plan?"

An old man sitting on a high seat with ten steps asked the visitors under the steps in an unhurried tone.

"It seems that he has become the focus of everyone, and he is under my control, Elder."

Kuroro responded calmly, and he wanted to get more support for his plan here.

 Please recommend, please recommend, please recommend, popularity depends on everyone, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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