In the beginning, I can integrate everything

Chapter 19 Five Lines of Hunyuan Sutra

Chapter 19 The Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra

One of the alchemists saw the price getting higher and higher, and said to an alchemist angrily: "Old Wang, don't you have a second-level alchemy furnace? Why are you grabbing it!"

"Hmph! The old man's Hei Yao Furnace was unlucky to blow up some time ago, and now I need a second-level alchemy furnace! And this alchemy furnace is very similar to the Hei Yao Furnace, so don't argue with me!"

The alchemist surnamed Wang said angrily.

The corner of Qian Yuan's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, the cracked alchemy furnace he fused could not be the alchemist surnamed Wang!
However, although his shape didn't change much after fusion, his color turned purple-black, which shouldn't be a problem.

With the competition of several alchemists, the price of the alchemy furnace at auction is getting higher and higher. The corners of Qian Yuan's mouth are almost grinning.

The final price was fixed at 800 yuan in spirit stones, and it was a pity that it failed to reach 1 yuan in spirit stones.

However, Qian Yuan was also very satisfied. After all, it was already a pretty good price for a second-tier low-grade alchemy furnace.

Now including the auction of the spirit stones of the alchemy furnace, his net worth has reached tens of thousands of spirit stones, which is even richer than that of ordinary monks in the foundation establishment period.

The auction is still going on, and as time goes by, the items auctioned are getting better and better, and the second-order spiritual objects appear from time to time, attracting those present in the foundation building period to sell one after another.

Qian Yuan didn't participate in the competition for these second-order spirit objects. First, the price was a bit high, and second, he couldn't use them now.

After another item was auctioned, Mr. Zhou took out a jade slip and said, "The next thing to be auctioned is a special book of exercises. People who have participated in the previous auctions should know it."

After Mr. Zhou finished speaking, the people who had participated in the previous auctions began to discuss.

"Old Zhou, this can't be the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing"!"

"If it's the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing", don't take it out and waste time!"

"That's right! This item has been passed over several times, so the person who sent the auction hasn't given up yet!"

After hearing this, Qian Yuan couldn't help being a little curious, what kind of exercise actually aroused the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Zhou Lao said with a smile: "That's right, it is the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing"."

"This exercise is an ancient exercise brought out from a large tomb by a monk who escaped death. It can be cultivated to the golden core stage."

Elder Zhou paused when he said this, and the eyes of the monks who had not participated in the previous auctions also lit up.

The exercises that can be cultivated to the golden core stage are much stronger than ordinary exercises.

The monks who had participated in the previous auctions curled their lips when they saw this.

Then Zhou Lao said: "However, this exercise can only be practiced by monks with complete spiritual roots of the five elements, and the resources consumed to practice this exercise are five times that of ordinary exercises! Of course, it is not without benefits. After reading the Sutra, the foundation of a monk will become extremely solid, and the spiritual power in his body will be five times that of a monk of the same rank."

The people in the field frowned when they heard that they needed all the spiritual roots of the five elements to cultivate, and almost cursed when they heard that the resources consumed were five times that of ordinary exercises!

It is very difficult for ordinary monks to earn spirit stones, and the resources for practicing ordinary exercises are scarce. If you want to practice this "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing", you might as well stop practicing.

As for the strong foundation, the spiritual power is five times that of the monks of the same level, and the resources to practice the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing" can break through to the next level by practicing ordinary exercises.

When the time comes to overwhelm people with realm, no matter how strong your foundation is, no matter how much spiritual power you have, it will be useless.

The key is that the cultivation speed of the five spirit monks is much slower than that of other monks. If they practice this technique again...

Moreover, although the big family has enough resources, this technique can only be practiced by monks with five elements.

Five Elements Spiritual Root monks are the least qualified monks, even if they are the children of the Patriarch, they will not waste a lot of resources to cultivate them.

I am afraid that this kind of exercise will only be practiced in the era when the aura was abundant in ancient times and various cultivation resources were everywhere!

Although there are a lot of bright spots in things like kung fu in ancient times, such as a deep foundation and strong combat effectiveness after cultivation, there is generally a disadvantage that it consumes a lot of energy and is difficult to cultivate.

Cultivation methods are developed in line with the times. In ancient times, there were many resources with rich aura, so the consumption of cultivation methods was large.

Now the aura between heaven and earth is far less than that of ancient times, and the reliance on resources is also much smaller.

After listening to Mr. Zhou's introduction, Qian Yuan couldn't help being moved. He is the spiritual root of the five elements, and he has the fusion ability to earn spirit stones. It shouldn't be too easy.

Moreover, his fusion ability requires spiritual power to fuse things. Practicing this exercise can make the spiritual power in his body five times that of a monk of the same level.

This exercise is very suitable for him, but I don't know how much the price is.

Mr. Zhou on the auction stage coughed lightly and said, "The starting price for this "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing" is 5000 yuan in spirit stones, and the price increase should not be less than 100 yuan in spirit stones."

5000 Yuan Lingshi!It's no wonder that the auction was rejected several times. After all, this exercise can be cultivated to the golden core stage. Even if you can't practice it, it is still very useful for reference.

But 5000 yuan of spirit stones is too expensive, and it is too bad to spend 5000 yuan of spirit stones for a book that cannot be cultivated.

After Mr. Zhou finished talking about the price, someone said dissatisfied: "Mr. Zhou's price is too expensive, can't it be less?"

Mr. Zhou shook his head and said, "The price is set by the sender, and our auction house is only responsible for the auction."

After Mr. Zhou finished speaking, he looked at the audience, just when Mr. Zhou thought that this exercise book was going to fail again, Qian Yuan made a bid.

"Five thousand and one hundred yuan spirit stones!"

There was silence in the field, they didn't expect someone to bid.

Just when they wanted to see who was taking advantage of the price so that they could sneer, they shut up when they realized that the voice was coming from the VIP box.

The people in the box were obviously big shots, and the trouble came from saying that they didn't want to offend a big shot for no reason.

Mr. Zhou was also a little surprised to see someone bid, but it would be best if the bid was sold. For an auctioneer, if something goes unsold, it is like a slap in the face.

Immediately, he began to ask the price: "Five thousand and 100 yuan for Lingshi for the first time!"

"Five thousand and 100 yuan spirit stones for the second time!"

"100 yuan Lingshi for the third time, deal!"

After Mr. Zhou called for the third time, no one else raised the price, and Qian Yuan successfully took the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing".

After finishing the shooting of "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing", Mr. Zhou carefully took out a jade talisman exuding amazing spiritual power from the storage ring: "Hehe, the ordinary auctions are all finished, and the next ones are the three finale auctions." One of the third-tier low-grade attacking talismans, Flame Dragon Art!"

It turned out to be a third-order low-grade spirit talisman. Even the strong in the purple mansion stage had to be careful with this kind of talisman. In the late stage of foundation establishment, there is no other way to face this talisman. It is very likely that it will be instantly killed!

As soon as this talisman was taken out, it caused a commotion below, and those big families were gearing up to take this talisman.

"The starting price of the third-tier low-grade spirit talisman flame dragon technique is 1 yuan in spirit stones, and each increase should not be less than 100 yuan in spirit stones. The auction begins!"

Following Zhou Lao's announcement, the auction started, and the following major families bid one after another.

"500 spirit stones!"

"1000 Yuan Lingshi!"

"Twelve thousand spirit stones!"


"5000 yuan of spirit stones!" The Zhang family, one of the four major families, made a move, and immediately increased the price to 5000 yuan of spirit stones.

"6000 Yuan Lingshi!" The Li family, one of the four major families, also made a move.

The Li family and the Zhang family are feuds, if the Zhang family is allowed to take pictures of such a big killer, their Li family will be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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