Chapter 32
Just as the middle-aged monk was about to walk out of the shop, Qian Yuan suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"

The middle-aged monk's body shook like a drowning man grabbed the last straw, and immediately turned around with difficulty and looked at Qian Yuan with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Qian Yuan looked at the eyes of the middle-aged monk full of desire to survive and sighed: "Although I don't have a high-level detoxification pill, I have a detoxification elixir that should help you."

The middle-aged monk tremblingly said: "What kind of elixir?"

Qian Yuan didn't answer him but took out a lavender spiritual herb from the storage bag.

"Is this the redbud grass?"

"That's right! And this is a redbud that is 500 years old. Since you know redbud, you should know that the detoxification ability of the 500-year-old redbud is not comparable to that of the second-order detoxification pill. It should be used to detoxify your body. More than enough."

Qian Yuan held the Bauhinia grass and said calmly.

Such top-quality elixir with special effects is rare even if it is young, and he would pay special attention to this elixir every time he was shopping in the night market.

As long as he sees it, no matter how old it is, he will buy it and return to Yanhuang Pavilion to fuse it together.

Like the 500-year-old redbud in his hands now, he only has one.

After the middle-aged monk listened to Qian Yuan's words, a dazzling brilliance flashed in his eyes, and then the brilliance in his eyes dimmed quickly as if he had thought of something, he lowered his head and asked anxiously: "How many spirit stones does this redbud grass need?" ?”

Qian Yuan looked at the expression of the middle-aged monk and nodded inwardly. It seemed that the middle-aged monk was at least not a vicious person.

You must know that there is great terror between life and death. When a monk is about to die, he suddenly finds something that can save his life. He will not be surprised to do anything.

When he took out the Bauhinia Grass just now, he also deliberately took out a first-order peak defensive charm and a first-order peak attack charm and hid them in his sleeve to prevent accidents.

If there was a hint of greed in the eyes of the middle-aged monk when he took out the redbud grass, he would have offered a price that the middle-aged monk would never be able to afford.

Qian Yuan looked at the uneasy middle-aged monk and stretched out two fingers and said, "I'll give you two choices, the first is to buy this redbud grass with 1000 yuan of spirit stones, and the second is to help me do it unconditionally without endangering your own life." Three things."

The middle-aged monk was overjoyed after hearing this, and said without hesitation: "I will choose the second one!"

Qian Yuan nodded in satisfaction and handed over the redbud grass in his hand.

The middle-aged monk took the Bauhinia grass and said in disbelief: "Just give it to me like this, don't you need to impose restrictions or something to restrict me?"

Qian Yuan shook his head with a smile and said, "No need, I trust you."

In fact, Qian Yuan has no way to restrict others, he can only gamble.

Anyway, the 500-year-old redbud grass is very precious in the eyes of others, but it is the same in his eyes. If the middle-aged monk really doesn't keep the agreement, he will think that he is blind and misjudged the wrong person.

By the way, teach yourself a lesson, let yourself understand that in this cultivation world, don't be a bad person and don't meddle in your own business.

The middle-aged monk's eyes turned red when he heard Qian Yuan's words, and he said firmly: "My lord, Luo Hao swears with Dao heart, that in the future, if you want something from your benefactor, I will go through fire and water. die!"

Qian Yuan was a little shocked when he heard the oath suddenly made by this monk named Luo Hao, and sighed: "Why do you do this, Fellow Daoist Luo?"

You must know that in the realm of comprehension, you cannot swear casually. If you swear, there will be karma in the dark. If you violate your oath at that time, the consequences will be very serious.

Hearing this, Luo Hao shook his head and said: "Ben Gong is serious, you can just call me Luo Hao, you gave me this Xue Yuzhi, it is a life-saving grace for me, three things are worth a life."

Qian Yuan watched Luo Hao's performance and nodded in satisfaction. It seems that he saved the wrong person.

"Okay, let's talk about other things later. The poisonous injury on your body can't be delayed. The most urgent thing is to detoxify the poison on your body first."

Qian Yuan looked at Luo Hao who wanted to go on, waved his hands and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Luo Hao felt his increasingly weak body, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your concern, then I will go back to my residence to heal my wounds, and then come to wait for my envoy!"

After speaking, he took out a jade slip and a storage bag and handed them to Qian Yuandao: "This jade slip is my communication jade slip. If your benefactor asks me for something, I can just crush the jade slip and I can feel it. The things in the storage bag are some of my gains in the Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Poisons this time, which are not worth a few spirit stones, and I hope my benefactor will accept them."

Qian Yuan looked at the jade slips and the storage bag handed over, only took the jade slips and said: "I will accept the jade slips, and I will find you if I need anything, but you risked your life for the things in this storage bag." Get it or take it back."

Seeing that Qian Yuan refused to accept the storage bag, Luo Hao said: "I originally entered the Ten Thousand Poisons Secret Realm to find an opportunity to break through and build a foundation, but I didn't find the chance and I almost lost my life in it. Most of the things in the bag are poisonous weeds that I encountered in the secret realm, so I will give it to benefactor since it is useless to keep it, but there are some highly poisonous things in it, so please be careful!"

After speaking, without waiting for Qian Yuan to reply, he put the storage bag on the counter and walked out of the store.

Qian Yuan watched Luo Hao who staggered away and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he sighed and didn't say anything.

It can be seen that this Luo Hao is a man of temperament, he really wants to give something to repay him, if he insists on refusing, it will not end well in the end.

After Luo Hao left, Qian Yuan, who was planning to go out to eat something, didn't want to go out anymore. He picked up the storage bag Luo Hao put on the counter and poked his consciousness into it to have a look.

I found that there are quite a lot of miscellaneous things in it, which are similar to what Luo Hao said, basically all kinds of poisonous weeds.

There are also some poisonous weeds that he doesn't know at all, and he doesn't know if these poisonous weeds have become extinct in the outside world.

Except for the poisonous weeds, the rest are the sharp claws and fangs of some poisonous insects and beasts. These things should be taken from the corpses of the poisonous insects and beasts by Luo Hao after beheading them in the Mystery of Myriad Poisons.

Qian Yuan looked at these fangs and claws that glowed with a little purple light, and felt that it should be good for refining some magical weapons for Yin people.

After looking at Qian Yuan for a while, he suddenly found a thumb-sized purple bead in the corner of the storage bag.

With Qian Yuan's mind moving, the purple bead appeared in his hand.

As soon as the purple bead was taken out, Qian Yuan was not ready to start to explore, and a sweet scent rushed into his nostrils, and he felt dizzy for a while.

He said badly to himself, quickly wrapped the round bead with the spiritual power in his body, and then took out a top-quality detoxification pill from his storage bag and took it.

It is indeed the best detoxification pill, the effect is immediate after taking it, and the dizziness disappeared after a short time.

He looked at the purple ball in his hand with lingering fear and was a little scared.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, he only inhaled a ray of poisonous gas and was poisoned. After taking the detoxification pill deeply, the poison was cured immediately.

If he inhales a few more wisps of poisonous gas, although his life may not be in danger, he will also suffer serious damage to his vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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