Chapter 4 Purple Gold
After selling the spiritual ginseng, his luck began to improve. At the end of the evening, he sold two first-tier middle-grade magical artifacts and some spiritual fruits, earning hundreds of spiritual stones.

He looked at the sky and it was getting late. He guessed that no one would come, so he closed the door of the grocery store and prepared to eat something.

He hasn't eaten since time travelling. Although a high-level cultivator can do bigu, obviously he can't do it with a small qi training.

During the qi training period, it is only better than ordinary people to resist hunger, and they will not be able to stand without eating for a long time.

He just earned some spirit stones, which should be enough for him to have a big meal. He hasn't tasted the taste of spirit food in the cultivation world yet.

So he came to a restaurant called Lingyuanlou, which specializes in making spiritual meals. The name sounds good and I hope it won't disappoint him.

As soon as Qian Yuan entered the Lingyuan building, a beautiful maid in cool clothes greeted him and said, "Welcome to the Lingyuan building, sir. May I ask what you need?"

Looking at the large area of ​​smooth skin exposed on the maid, Qian Yuan couldn't help sighing secretly that the owner of the restaurant can do business.

However, although these maids are beautiful, they have no cultivation level. They should be some young girls who have no spiritual roots but are very beautiful and have been trained by the owner of the restaurant from the secular world.

"I'm here for something to eat."

"Then, do you want to eat in the lobby or in the private room?"

"The lobby is fine."

"Okay, please come this way, young master."

After hearing this, the maid took Qian Yuan into the hall.

It was time to eat, and some people were already eating in the hall.

After Qian Yuan found a seat by the window and sat down, he asked the maid to introduce the features of the place.

In the end, Qian Yuan ordered a rare chicken stewed with ginseng, a steamed seabass and a bowl of ling rice.

These things are all spiritual food made by the spiritual food master with the ingredients containing spiritual energy. Long-term consumption of this spiritual food is also helpful for cultivation.

I just don't know how it tastes, but I think it shouldn't be bad.

He first tasted the spiritual rice in front of him. Each piece of spiritual rice was about the size of a little finger. It was soft and sweet in his mouth, and it was very delicious. It's getting warmer.

Then he took another mouthful of steamed seabass, which melted in his mouth, leaving a mouthful of fragrance, and finally took a mouthful of chicken soup, which tasted so delicious.

I don't know if the ingredients for the spiritual meal are very good, or the spiritual meal chef who makes the spiritual meal is skilled. The money he ate for this meal was full of oil, which directly filled him up.

Instead of leaving directly after eating, he sat there digesting and listening to other people's conversations.

"Have you heard that a cave was born in the Black Wind Forest some time ago..."

"The day before yesterday, Wu Lao Er killed a wind wolf who was in the late stage of Qi training alone, but I heard that he was seriously injured..."


"Seven days later, Wanbao Pavilion will hold its annual auction again. I heard that the finale will be a Foundation Establishment Pill..."

Qian Yuan listened for a while, and most of them were born in caves, who killed any monsters, etc. He was not interested.

He didn't dare to leave the city at all now, otherwise he might die.

However, he was a little interested in the last annual auction held by Wanbao Pavilion.

Wanbao Pavilion holds a small auction every month and a big auction every year.

There will be a lot of good things in every big auction, so let's see if we can find something that can improve his cultivation.

His current strength is still too low, and he feels very insecure in this cultivation world where the jungle preys on the jungle.

After listening for a while and finding that there was no news of interest, he paid the Lingshi and left.

This spiritual meal cost him a total of more than 30 spiritual stones, which was enough to buy a medium-grade magic weapon.

However, the spiritual meal in Lingyuan Building is really delicious, but it is too expensive, and Qian Yuan feels a little pain in his flesh now.

After leaving Lingyuan Building, he didn't go back to his grocery store, but planned to go shopping in Fangshi in the south of the city.

Fangshi in the south of the city is a place specially set up by the City Lord's Mansion for a group of casual practitioners without shops, where they can set up stalls and sell things directly on the spot.

Although most of them are ordinary or even worthless things, due to the vision of casual cultivators, there are some high-level spiritual things hidden in it.

His fusion ability can actually be used to appraise treasures, as long as he touches an item with spiritual power, he can know the basic information of the item.

This is also a very heaven-defying ability. Many powerful treasures will automatically restrain themselves when they lose their owners or are damaged. They look no different from ordinary things, and they cannot be found without very broad knowledge and sharp eyes.

This is the legendary self-obscuring fetish!
Thinking of this, Qian Yuan was a little excited. He didn't expect to find any top-quality treasures, and he would be satisfied if he could meet one or two spiritual objects above the second level.

After walking through a few streets, Qian Yuan came to Fangshi. Although it was already evening, there were still a lot of casual cultivators setting up stalls here to sell things, and the things they sold were also varied.

There are materials from monsters, low-level elixir and spiritual materials, magic tools, and sellers of elixir and charms.

He also saw a more exaggerated one that directly put a whole dead monster on the stall for sale, which attracted many people's onlookers.

Qian Yuan saw something interesting while walking, so he was going to step forward to take a closer look.

This stall sells pieces of purple ore of different sizes, and the stall owner is a sloppy man with a sloppy face.

"Brother, how do you sell these Ziyuan iron ores?"

Qian Yuan stepped forward and asked.

"This is not ordinary Ziyuan iron ore, but the raw Ziyuan iron ore produced in Tianxing Valley."

The big man looked at Qian Yuan and replied.

Purple Yuan Iron is a very good refining material, which can be used to refine first-level mid-to-high-grade magical artifacts. However, the most precious thing in Ziyuan Iron Mine is not Ziyuan Iron, but the purple gold condensed with the essence of Ziyuan Iron.

Zijin can be used as the main material of a second-order magic weapon, and it is very precious. A piece the size of a fist costs hundreds of spirit stones.

The Ziyuan iron ore raw stones sold by this sloppy man may contain Zijin, but the possibility of this is very low.

As for the Star Valley mentioned by the big man, it is a valley hundreds of miles away from Lingyun City. There used to be a huge Ziyuan Iron Mine there.

This Ziyuan Iron Mine has been mined by the Canglan Empire for hundreds of years, but the huge Ziyuan Iron Mine is so big that it is impossible to completely mine it without leaving a piece of Ziyuan Iron.

So after the people from the Canglan Empire left, many casual cultivators went into the mine to look for the missing Ziyuan Iron.

Qian Yuan squatted down and touched a rough stone, and a message immediately appeared in his mind.

"Purple Yuan iron ore!"

He touched a few more pieces of ordinary Ziyuan iron ore one after another, until a different message came to his mind at the sixth piece.

"Purple element iron ore that contains purple gold!"

Sure enough, Qian Yuan thought to himself.

He touched the next piece calmly.

"No, I said you are fumbling around here to buy it or not?"

The sloppy big man said impatiently.

"Buy, of course, I'm here to see which one I want to buy?"

Qian Yuan said quickly.

Then he touched the rest of the ore, but unfortunately only the one just now had purple gold.

I don't know where this big man got these ores, the probability is really low enough, Qian Yuan thought a little speechlessly.

"I want this piece, how many spirit stones!"

Qian Yuan patted the ore with Zijin on it.

This piece of ore is the size of a millstone, but I don't know how much purple gold is in it.

"This one? Count your 80 Yuan Lingshi!"

The sloppy big man glanced at it and said.

Qian Yuan thought for a while, the price is not bad, the Ziyuan iron extracted from such a large piece of Ziyuan iron ore should be enough to refine two first-order magic weapons.Even without Zijin, you can still sell a lot of spirit stones.

"Okay, this is the spirit stone."

He thought about it for a while and agreed.


The big man gave a compliment.

(End of this chapter)

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