In the beginning, I can integrate everything

Chapter 49 The Secret Realm Disappears

Chapter 49 The Secret Realm Disappears
In the next period of time, with King Ziyang on tour, Lingyun City quickly returned to normal.

Homes damaged by that night's fighting are also being rebuilt at a rapid pace.

After Qian Yuan handed over the brothers and sisters of the Lin family to settle down, he began to practice in closed doors.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of comprehending the first level of "Sacred Turtle Containing Breath Technique" last time, his cultivation successfully broke through to the early stage of the eighth level of Qi training.

After that, because there were too many things, I didn't practice much, so I still didn't improve at the beginning of the eighth level of Qi training.

The purpose of his retreat this time is to prepare to break through to the Great Perfection of Qi training in one go.

At that time, I will find a way to collect the remaining two kinds of heaven and earth spirits for foundation building.

In this chaotic situation, the only way to survive is to improve your strength as soon as possible.

With the help of the best elixir that he has fused, it is only a matter of time before his cultivation reaches the Great Perfection of Qi training.


At the same time, in the depths of the Tianying Mountains, with the sudden intervention of the Moyun Palace, the situation became more and more treacherous.

Ever since Moyun Palace intervened, in order to prevent the spies from Moyun Palace from entering, the Mystic Realm of Myriad Poisons has banned anyone from exploring and hunting treasures.

A fierce sky eagle king stationed here at the entrance of the Mystic Realm of Ten Thousand Poisons asked doubtfully, "Why haven't these mobs in the Moyun Palace made any movement these two days?"

The violent flame lion king next to him laughed and said: "Haha! Maybe those demon cubs are afraid of us and go back to their lair in desperation!"

An old prince of the Canglan Empire stationed here frowned and said: "The lion king must not be careless, those devil cubs can do everything they can, if there is no movement now, maybe they are holding back some bad tricks!"

Another prince of the Canglan Empire responded: "What King Haoyang said is very true. Since those devil cubs have set their sights on the Mystic Realm of Ten Thousand Poisons, they will definitely not give up easily. We'd better be careful."

"Hmph! Your human race's guts are too cowardly. You can't even enter the Ten Thousand Poisons Mystery Realm beyond the foundation-building period. Even if the devils from the Moyun Temple come here, so what!"

The violent lion king looked at the worried prince and snorted softly.

"I hope so!"

King Haoyang didn't argue with the violent lion king, but said with a frown.

However, just after King Haoyang finished speaking, the entrance to the Myriad Poison Realm suddenly trembled violently in mid-air.

Immediately, the faces of the two princes and the two demon kings changed wildly, and before they had time to think about it, they took action to stabilize the entrance to the secret realm.

But the power erupting from the space crack is really too strong.

If Ziyang King and Yinyue Wolf King hadn't left yet, they might be able to hold on for a while with the strength of the six Nascent Soul stage powerhouses, until the Patriarch of the Canglan Empire or the Lietian Eagle Emperor took action to stabilize the entrance to the secret realm.

This is also the reason why Moyun Palace wanted to destroy the Canglan Empire and Tianying Mountains everywhere, and lure away a prince and demon king.

Now there are only four Nascent Soul Stages left here. Facing the space crack of the riot, they only lasted for a moment before falling to the ground with serious injuries and vomited blood.

Then the shattered space shards shot in all directions, making a mess wherever the sharp space shards passed.

And the original entrance to the secret realm has become a small black hole that wants to choose people and devour them.

At the same time, a furious hawk sounded from tens of thousands of feet above the Skyhawk Mountain Range.

The patriarch of the Canglan Empire, who also sensed the situation below, looked at the opposite side with a smile on his face and said, "Gongyang Mo! You actually destroyed the entrance to the secret realm."

Gongyang Mo Wenyan laughed loudly and said, "Calm your anger, fellow daoists, are you going to continue to confront this seat here, or enter the secret realm together to have a look, I believe this entrance should allow me to enter now."

The Patriarch of the Canglan Empire and the Lietian Eagle Emperor were even more angry when they heard this. Although the entrance to the secret realm has become much larger, it is extremely unstable.

With the current situation, the entrance to the secret realm will disappear completely in less than half a day, and the connection between the Mystic Realm of Ten Thousand Poisons and the main world will completely disappear by then.

Ever since Moyun Temple intervened, the Patriarch of the Canglan Empire and the Lietian Eagle Emperor have been confronting Gongyang Mo here.

But I didn't expect that it was still a bad move, so that Gong Yang used some means to destroy what was originally the entrance to the secret realm.

This caught the Patriarch of the Canglan Empire and the Emperor Lie Tianying, who were planning to slowly develop the Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Poisons, by surprise.

After all, the secret realm is so big, even if they can go in for half a day, how much area can they explore?
Looking at the patriarch of the Canglan Empire and Lietian Yinghuang Gongyang, who still looked ugly, they said: "If you spend a little time here now, you may lose a little chance in the secret realm. Are you two going to spend more time with me here?" ?”

The Patriarch of the Canglan Empire and the Lietian Eagle Emperor looked at each other, and then rushed into the Mysterious Realm of Myriad Poisons at the same time.

Ram Mo smiled lightly and followed closely behind.


Half a day later, three embarrassed figures rushed out one after another when the entrance of the secret realm was about to disappear.

They all had injuries to varying degrees. Obviously, some of the methods that Patriarch Wandu left in the secret realm had a considerable impact on them even after tens of thousands of years.

"The time is too short, the most core place has not been explored at all!"

Seeing the slowly disappearing entrance to the secret realm, the patriarch of the Canglan Empire sighed and glared at Gongyang Mo viciously.

And Lie Tian Ying Huang, who had turned into a young man, also looked at Gong Yang Mo coldly.

Although Gongyang Mo was a little bit unwilling, he still snorted coldly and said: "The places outside the core area almost let us be buried in the secret realm. If we break into the core area, we don't know how we will die!"

Although the patriarchs of the Canglan Empire and Lie Tianyinghuang knew that Gongyang Mo was right, they still felt a little uncomfortable when the inheritance left by a great power who had ascended to the fairyland disappeared before his eyes.

Gongyang Mo looked at the silent two and directly cast the evasion technique and disappeared in place in an instant.

The Patriarch of the Canglan Empire and Lietian Yinghuang saw Gongyang Mo leave and did not stop him.

"It's not good for me to protect the secret realm, so I ask the ancestor to punish me!"

After Gongyang Mo left, King Haoyang dared to come with another prince who was seriously injured.

And the other two demon kings also lowered their heads to plead guilty to the Eagle Emperor.

Looking at the two princes who came to plead guilty, the ancestor of the Canglan Empire waved his hands and said, "Forget it, the collapse of the entrance to the secret realm should be caused by some forbidden weapon used by Gongyang Mo, let alone you, even the ancestor I would Didn't notice."

Hearing this, the two princes breathed a sigh of relief and saluted, "Thank you, Patriarch!"

The Lie Tianying Emperor, who turned into a young man, said impatiently to the ancestor of the Canglan Empire: "Okay, now that the secret realm is gone, you are not welcome in the Sky Eagle Mountain Range, so we will talk about leaving my Sky Eagle Mountain Range if you have anything to do. "

"Hehe, I have gained a lot this time, and I have to go back to retreat for a while, my ancestor, so I will bid farewell."

After speaking, he left with the two seriously injured princes.

At this point, the Mysterious Realm of Myriad Poisons, which disturbed the entire Canglan Empire, came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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