Marvel, I tweet and I can draw a lottery
Chapter 40 Hulk Attacks
Chapter 40 Hulk Attacks
A cyberwarrior raised his only intact arm, the sonic cannon blasting its last energies.
He was the soldier who said earlier that the military would seal them up.He may be dissatisfied with the military, but that is no reason for him to avoid fighting.
Hate casually kicked his stump aside.
Then Bruce Banner crashed into the streets of Harlem, splashing dirt and asphalt and leaving a deep hole in the sidewalk.
Abominations run down the street, wreaking havoc on the city.People running along this road avoided the big hole in the ground and fled in all directions.
He is enjoying this feeling, everyone is afraid of him! It's like a Tyrannosaurus rex chasing a whole group of iguanodon!
He is now a predator!
At this moment, a green arm rose and grasped the rough edge of the hole with a large hand, and this powerful grip broke the street.Hulk stood up from the ground.
Around him, police lights flashed, sirens blew, explosions sounded one after another, and people ran for their lives.A police helicopter shines the spotlight on the abominations in the streets.Hulk staggered, unable to bear the stimulation of the city's chaos on his senses.
But then Hulk closed his eyes.Facing all this crazy, he smiled wryly.As he moved, all the muscles in his body tensed.Then he let out a growl and shook his head trying to clear his mind.
At this moment, he doesn't need to think about anything else.All he needs to know is that there's another big guy in front of him! His enemy!
smash him!
Hulk rose to his feet and roared at his opponent, the roar shaking the whole street.
The Abomination turned and saw the Hulk.His gray eyes shone hostilely, and he recognized the Hulk too. "Hulk," he growled.
The abomination made a terrible sound like rubbing stones. He waited too long for this moment!
Now I am no less than his big man! Power like a god! This is the ultimate battle for the new gods to defeat the old gods!
The two giants squared off and charged at each other!
Like roaring heavy locomotives, or rhinos vying for a mate.
Brutal, violent, and incredibly violent aesthetics!
The impact of the collision between the two was so amazing that it shattered the windows of the surrounding shops.
The ceiling of the Apollo Theater was blown into a fountain of sparks.
Hulk's wildness and bestiality combined with his strength make him invincible.
But at this time, the opponent also has the strength that can be compared with him! And Bronski's excellent fighting wisdom obviously defeated Hulk's beast-like instinct!
When Hulk shakes his head after the collision to refocus.
The Hate grabbed Hulk, knocked him to the ground, and they rolled down Main Street toward Broadway.
At the same time, the asphalt road was also torn apart by them.The Abomination stood up first and threw the Hulk out.Hulk hit the ground, staggered to his feet, and it took him a while to recover.
Just then, the abomination came, striding through the blazing wreckage of cars that littered the street.
"Come on." Hate said, waving his hand.
Which round is this? Hatred thought, the first round in Brazil, the second round in Kavre Academy...
Never mind, this is the final round!
Hulk turns to an abandoned police car nearby, whose horn blares him.He rushed to smash the car flat, then tore it in half, holding one half in each hand, just as he had held the pieces of the sculpture the last time he faced Bronski.
When holding something heavy in his hand, Hulk can smash it more happily.
He charged at the abomination and started attacking him with both hands and half the car.The abomination lost its balance and fell on its back.Hulk bashes him with the car until it falls apart, then switches to punching the Abomination.The pavement cracked and everything around it was caving in.
The hatred turned his head, spat at Hulk, and said, "Is this all you can do?"
At this time, Hulk jumped up and hit another heavy blow, and a hideous smile hung on his face.
The last time he lost to Hulk, he flew fifty yards with that kick.And this time...
He kicked Hulk hard, hitting Hulk who had nowhere to rely on the air.
Hulk flew straight out, smashing through the nearest building.
The Hate ran down the street, booming, charging up like a long jumper, and leaping, over the edge of the first building.
As he climbed onto the flat, he left giant handprints on the wall.He came to the hole where the Hulk had hit the ground, and now he could see the street across the way.
Above them, helicopters circled low over Harlem.General Ross and Betty watched the battle from a helicopter.Betty watched nervously as the Hulk crashed into the building and fell behind, crushing the dumpsters as he landed.
From the helicopter, General Ross looked down over the gunman's narrow shoulders.He narrowed his eyes as he saw the abomination climbing upwards. "Use the cannon, soldier!" Ross ordered the gunner, "Help him!"
"Which one?" the shooter asked.
"Fire the uglier one!" Ross replied, "Which one do you think it could be?"
The gunners pointed the helicopter's cannons at the Abomination, and the tracers blazed and slid down in the dark.The abomination was still climbing up, and the surrounding bricks exploded one after another.
The Abomination was finally on the roof, and this time the gunner could target him more accurately.Another round of shells came at him, ripping off the roof.Some of the bullets bounced off the abomination's disc-shaped bones, but some also hit him, slowing him... a little.
The weapons on the helicopter don't seem to be as powerful as the individual weapons of the Cyber Warrior, which I don't understand.
The abomination sprinted across the rooftops and headed for a water tower, with the helicopter right behind it.The helicopter sped up to keep pace with the Abomination, and Betty clung to the helicopter's gangway.
In the alley below, Hulk heard the sound of firing from above.He shook his head, growled, and then sprinted left and right between the dense walls of the alley, climbing up like a parkour.
No, it's not accurate to say it's parkour, there's no tricks, it's all power.
When he reached the top of the wall, he jumped onto the undamaged fire escape and climbed onto the roof.
The helicopter circled to the left of the Abomination, and shells rained down on the Abomination's back.Abomination changed course.When the Hulk reached the roof, the Abomination charged the helicopter.
The abomination ran to the edge of the building and jumped.Betty clung to the gangway tightly, her eyes widened in fright.If the Abomination hits the helicopter, the helicopter is guaranteed to be destroyed.
"Climb! Climb!"
Hulk ran across the roof towards the Abomination.The moment the Abomination took off, he lunged forward, grabbed the Abomination's leg, and pulled down hard, but the Abomination still grabbed one of the helicopter's landing skids.
At this point, both the Hulk and the Abomination are hanging under the helicopter, causing the helicopter to keep bumping and spinning, while the pilot on the plane is trying to control the helicopter.
"I can't help it!" shouted the pilot, "We have to land!"
Betty staggered across the gangway at the tail of the helicopter, barely keeping her balance.They approached the campus of Greyburn College again.The helicopter spun and tilted in the air, and below it, the Hulk and the Abomination slammed into the roof of the water tank and the corner of the building.
The rear wing of the helicopter failed and the plane was about to crash.However, it is a miracle that it has not crashed and burned yet.In the helicopter, Ross gripped his chair tightly, jaw clenched.
Betty closed her eyes.
The helicopter spun wildly around its main rotor and narrowly missed hitting the roof of the academy library.It skimmed the dome of the hall and crashed into the square.The tail rotor snapped off, Betty was thrown toward the front of the cabin, and the aft gangway crumpled like a crushed can.When the helicopter crashed, the Abomination was pinned under the fuselage.The helicopter's rotors scattered and hit him on the back.At this time, Hulk had already broken free.
Inside the plane, Betty regained consciousness first.She saw her father clamped tightly into the pilot's chair. "Dad, are you hurt? I'll help you."
"I'm fine." General Ross moaned, "Hurry up and find a way to get out."
The Abomination climbed to the top of the helicopter, shaking the wrecked helicopter.At this point, the Abomination spotted the Hulk in the main square of Greyburn College.The Abomination jumped out of the helicopter and pushed the Hulk against the marble wall like a boxer bouncing the ropes around a ring.But Hulk hugged him tightly, and the hatred didn't succeed.Their faces were inches apart, both teeth bared and swords drawn.
Hulk struggled against the loathing, but couldn't break free.He looked behind the Abomination and saw Betty trying to get out of the crashed helicopter.
Abomination guessed exactly what he was looking at, and his smile grew wider. "You don't deserve this kind of power." Hate said with a smile, "Now just watch her die."
The Abomination raised his huge right forearm to the Hulk's throat, and the spike of the elbow sank into the Hulk's chest, just above his beating heart.The marble wall behind the Hulk cracked.
Blood flowed from Hulk's chest, but he still tried his best to save Betty.The wrecked helicopter was on fire, and fuel from its fuel tanks was flowing towards the square.Soon, the square will explode!
Hulk grasped the two wrists of the abomination with two hands, and broke them apart forcefully.He growled while exerting force.He put his knee on the belly of the Abomination, pounding and pounding until the Abomination couldn't breathe.Then, he turned around and slammed the abomination directly against the wall, and the abomination froze for a moment.Just when the fuel leaking from the helicopter was about to catch fire and explode, Hulk jumped out.
Halfway through the run, Hulk realizes he can't stop the explosion, but keeps running, and claps his hands violently, making a deafening noise.The powerful momentum put out the fire and knocked the occupants out of the way, but they were saved as well.The men staggered to their feet.
Startled by the crackling sound behind the Hulk, Betty saw the Abomination and stood up again. "Be careful!" she yelled.
Hulk turned around, but it was too late.He took a blow from the side of the head from Abomination and fell to the ground.His eyes were blurred, staring at the looming hatred in front of him, trying to stand up.
The Abomination fashioned a weapon out of a chain with huge steel weights at each end.He flicks it over his head like a nunchuck, hitting the Hulk.Hulk lay sprawled on the ground, trying to stand up again, but the blow knocked the library building down as well, and Hulk couldn't dodge.
At this moment, the Abomination stepped on the helicopter and swung his huge steel weight weapon over his head again. "General," he said triumphantly, "do you have any last words?"
He raised his arms, ready to smash the helicopter with the weight in his hands, crushing it to pieces... along with Betty, General Ross, and everyone else on board.
General Ross didn't say a word, but Hulk spoke.
Hulk struggled to kneel on the ground, retracted his legs, then squatted on the ground, tried to stand up, and shouted: "Hulk... attack!"
As the Abomination was swinging his weapon, Hulk smashed his massive fist to the ground, throwing his foe off balance.Hulk's fists made a hole in the ground.
The abomination stumbled and slid right into a crack in the ground.As he fell, the chain on the weapon lost control and swung randomly in the air, wrapping around the abhorrence's massive neck.Hulk rode onto the Abomination without hesitation, pulling on the chain tightly, pulling the Abomination back with all his strength.The Abomination struggled, throwing back his fist and elbow, punching the Hulk on the head and shoulders.But Hulk was so angry that he didn't pay any attention to this.He intends to end this now, so that the Abomination can never hurt anyone again, never threaten anyone again.
But Betty had already escaped from the helicopter, and she stood in front of the Hulk, yelling, "Stop!"
The Abomination collapsed limp in the Hulk's hands...but he wasn't dead yet.Hulk stopped, looked at Betty...and, incredibly, he put the abomination down.Around them, soldiers and police also dropped their weapons.
Hulk and Betty come together in the wreckage.Betty looked up at him. "It's all right," she said.
Hulk reached out and touched her cheek, wiping a tear from her.At that time, Betty was afraid that Hulk would die, so she couldn't help but shed tears.Hulk looked at the tears, then at Betty.Slowly and word for word he said, "Betty."
A helicopter spotlight shone on him, and he took a step back.Then, taking one last look at Betty, he turned and fled across rooftops.Betty watched him go, then she turned to General Ross.The general watched Betty, and Betty knew that the general must have understood the truth.
Hulk became a hero.
Dr. Mussel Stern stood up in the lab that had gone from chaotic otaku to Syrian battle-damaged, his skin starting to turn green and his skull expanding upwards.
A cyber warrior without legs finally knocked on the door of Dr. Stern's laboratory.
Who knows how he managed to climb the eight floors without legs.
"Dr. Stern, the abomination is causing chaos in the city, the police, the army can't stop him at all..."
"I knew it." Dr. Stern, who created the hatred with one hand, is no longer what he was before.After his brain was transformed, he could basically imagine the scene in his mind just by seeing the scars on Dr. Sai's body.
Just when he was about to start making the anti-hate serum.
A team of commandos rushed in and packed up everything in the lab, including the mutated Dr. Stern.
"Huh?" Even the mutated brain didn't react for a moment, telling me to hate me one second, and grab me away the next second?
(End of this chapter)
A cyberwarrior raised his only intact arm, the sonic cannon blasting its last energies.
He was the soldier who said earlier that the military would seal them up.He may be dissatisfied with the military, but that is no reason for him to avoid fighting.
Hate casually kicked his stump aside.
Then Bruce Banner crashed into the streets of Harlem, splashing dirt and asphalt and leaving a deep hole in the sidewalk.
Abominations run down the street, wreaking havoc on the city.People running along this road avoided the big hole in the ground and fled in all directions.
He is enjoying this feeling, everyone is afraid of him! It's like a Tyrannosaurus rex chasing a whole group of iguanodon!
He is now a predator!
At this moment, a green arm rose and grasped the rough edge of the hole with a large hand, and this powerful grip broke the street.Hulk stood up from the ground.
Around him, police lights flashed, sirens blew, explosions sounded one after another, and people ran for their lives.A police helicopter shines the spotlight on the abominations in the streets.Hulk staggered, unable to bear the stimulation of the city's chaos on his senses.
But then Hulk closed his eyes.Facing all this crazy, he smiled wryly.As he moved, all the muscles in his body tensed.Then he let out a growl and shook his head trying to clear his mind.
At this moment, he doesn't need to think about anything else.All he needs to know is that there's another big guy in front of him! His enemy!
smash him!
Hulk rose to his feet and roared at his opponent, the roar shaking the whole street.
The Abomination turned and saw the Hulk.His gray eyes shone hostilely, and he recognized the Hulk too. "Hulk," he growled.
The abomination made a terrible sound like rubbing stones. He waited too long for this moment!
Now I am no less than his big man! Power like a god! This is the ultimate battle for the new gods to defeat the old gods!
The two giants squared off and charged at each other!
Like roaring heavy locomotives, or rhinos vying for a mate.
Brutal, violent, and incredibly violent aesthetics!
The impact of the collision between the two was so amazing that it shattered the windows of the surrounding shops.
The ceiling of the Apollo Theater was blown into a fountain of sparks.
Hulk's wildness and bestiality combined with his strength make him invincible.
But at this time, the opponent also has the strength that can be compared with him! And Bronski's excellent fighting wisdom obviously defeated Hulk's beast-like instinct!
When Hulk shakes his head after the collision to refocus.
The Hate grabbed Hulk, knocked him to the ground, and they rolled down Main Street toward Broadway.
At the same time, the asphalt road was also torn apart by them.The Abomination stood up first and threw the Hulk out.Hulk hit the ground, staggered to his feet, and it took him a while to recover.
Just then, the abomination came, striding through the blazing wreckage of cars that littered the street.
"Come on." Hate said, waving his hand.
Which round is this? Hatred thought, the first round in Brazil, the second round in Kavre Academy...
Never mind, this is the final round!
Hulk turns to an abandoned police car nearby, whose horn blares him.He rushed to smash the car flat, then tore it in half, holding one half in each hand, just as he had held the pieces of the sculpture the last time he faced Bronski.
When holding something heavy in his hand, Hulk can smash it more happily.
He charged at the abomination and started attacking him with both hands and half the car.The abomination lost its balance and fell on its back.Hulk bashes him with the car until it falls apart, then switches to punching the Abomination.The pavement cracked and everything around it was caving in.
The hatred turned his head, spat at Hulk, and said, "Is this all you can do?"
At this time, Hulk jumped up and hit another heavy blow, and a hideous smile hung on his face.
The last time he lost to Hulk, he flew fifty yards with that kick.And this time...
He kicked Hulk hard, hitting Hulk who had nowhere to rely on the air.
Hulk flew straight out, smashing through the nearest building.
The Hate ran down the street, booming, charging up like a long jumper, and leaping, over the edge of the first building.
As he climbed onto the flat, he left giant handprints on the wall.He came to the hole where the Hulk had hit the ground, and now he could see the street across the way.
Above them, helicopters circled low over Harlem.General Ross and Betty watched the battle from a helicopter.Betty watched nervously as the Hulk crashed into the building and fell behind, crushing the dumpsters as he landed.
From the helicopter, General Ross looked down over the gunman's narrow shoulders.He narrowed his eyes as he saw the abomination climbing upwards. "Use the cannon, soldier!" Ross ordered the gunner, "Help him!"
"Which one?" the shooter asked.
"Fire the uglier one!" Ross replied, "Which one do you think it could be?"
The gunners pointed the helicopter's cannons at the Abomination, and the tracers blazed and slid down in the dark.The abomination was still climbing up, and the surrounding bricks exploded one after another.
The Abomination was finally on the roof, and this time the gunner could target him more accurately.Another round of shells came at him, ripping off the roof.Some of the bullets bounced off the abomination's disc-shaped bones, but some also hit him, slowing him... a little.
The weapons on the helicopter don't seem to be as powerful as the individual weapons of the Cyber Warrior, which I don't understand.
The abomination sprinted across the rooftops and headed for a water tower, with the helicopter right behind it.The helicopter sped up to keep pace with the Abomination, and Betty clung to the helicopter's gangway.
In the alley below, Hulk heard the sound of firing from above.He shook his head, growled, and then sprinted left and right between the dense walls of the alley, climbing up like a parkour.
No, it's not accurate to say it's parkour, there's no tricks, it's all power.
When he reached the top of the wall, he jumped onto the undamaged fire escape and climbed onto the roof.
The helicopter circled to the left of the Abomination, and shells rained down on the Abomination's back.Abomination changed course.When the Hulk reached the roof, the Abomination charged the helicopter.
The abomination ran to the edge of the building and jumped.Betty clung to the gangway tightly, her eyes widened in fright.If the Abomination hits the helicopter, the helicopter is guaranteed to be destroyed.
"Climb! Climb!"
Hulk ran across the roof towards the Abomination.The moment the Abomination took off, he lunged forward, grabbed the Abomination's leg, and pulled down hard, but the Abomination still grabbed one of the helicopter's landing skids.
At this point, both the Hulk and the Abomination are hanging under the helicopter, causing the helicopter to keep bumping and spinning, while the pilot on the plane is trying to control the helicopter.
"I can't help it!" shouted the pilot, "We have to land!"
Betty staggered across the gangway at the tail of the helicopter, barely keeping her balance.They approached the campus of Greyburn College again.The helicopter spun and tilted in the air, and below it, the Hulk and the Abomination slammed into the roof of the water tank and the corner of the building.
The rear wing of the helicopter failed and the plane was about to crash.However, it is a miracle that it has not crashed and burned yet.In the helicopter, Ross gripped his chair tightly, jaw clenched.
Betty closed her eyes.
The helicopter spun wildly around its main rotor and narrowly missed hitting the roof of the academy library.It skimmed the dome of the hall and crashed into the square.The tail rotor snapped off, Betty was thrown toward the front of the cabin, and the aft gangway crumpled like a crushed can.When the helicopter crashed, the Abomination was pinned under the fuselage.The helicopter's rotors scattered and hit him on the back.At this time, Hulk had already broken free.
Inside the plane, Betty regained consciousness first.She saw her father clamped tightly into the pilot's chair. "Dad, are you hurt? I'll help you."
"I'm fine." General Ross moaned, "Hurry up and find a way to get out."
The Abomination climbed to the top of the helicopter, shaking the wrecked helicopter.At this point, the Abomination spotted the Hulk in the main square of Greyburn College.The Abomination jumped out of the helicopter and pushed the Hulk against the marble wall like a boxer bouncing the ropes around a ring.But Hulk hugged him tightly, and the hatred didn't succeed.Their faces were inches apart, both teeth bared and swords drawn.
Hulk struggled against the loathing, but couldn't break free.He looked behind the Abomination and saw Betty trying to get out of the crashed helicopter.
Abomination guessed exactly what he was looking at, and his smile grew wider. "You don't deserve this kind of power." Hate said with a smile, "Now just watch her die."
The Abomination raised his huge right forearm to the Hulk's throat, and the spike of the elbow sank into the Hulk's chest, just above his beating heart.The marble wall behind the Hulk cracked.
Blood flowed from Hulk's chest, but he still tried his best to save Betty.The wrecked helicopter was on fire, and fuel from its fuel tanks was flowing towards the square.Soon, the square will explode!
Hulk grasped the two wrists of the abomination with two hands, and broke them apart forcefully.He growled while exerting force.He put his knee on the belly of the Abomination, pounding and pounding until the Abomination couldn't breathe.Then, he turned around and slammed the abomination directly against the wall, and the abomination froze for a moment.Just when the fuel leaking from the helicopter was about to catch fire and explode, Hulk jumped out.
Halfway through the run, Hulk realizes he can't stop the explosion, but keeps running, and claps his hands violently, making a deafening noise.The powerful momentum put out the fire and knocked the occupants out of the way, but they were saved as well.The men staggered to their feet.
Startled by the crackling sound behind the Hulk, Betty saw the Abomination and stood up again. "Be careful!" she yelled.
Hulk turned around, but it was too late.He took a blow from the side of the head from Abomination and fell to the ground.His eyes were blurred, staring at the looming hatred in front of him, trying to stand up.
The Abomination fashioned a weapon out of a chain with huge steel weights at each end.He flicks it over his head like a nunchuck, hitting the Hulk.Hulk lay sprawled on the ground, trying to stand up again, but the blow knocked the library building down as well, and Hulk couldn't dodge.
At this moment, the Abomination stepped on the helicopter and swung his huge steel weight weapon over his head again. "General," he said triumphantly, "do you have any last words?"
He raised his arms, ready to smash the helicopter with the weight in his hands, crushing it to pieces... along with Betty, General Ross, and everyone else on board.
General Ross didn't say a word, but Hulk spoke.
Hulk struggled to kneel on the ground, retracted his legs, then squatted on the ground, tried to stand up, and shouted: "Hulk... attack!"
As the Abomination was swinging his weapon, Hulk smashed his massive fist to the ground, throwing his foe off balance.Hulk's fists made a hole in the ground.
The abomination stumbled and slid right into a crack in the ground.As he fell, the chain on the weapon lost control and swung randomly in the air, wrapping around the abhorrence's massive neck.Hulk rode onto the Abomination without hesitation, pulling on the chain tightly, pulling the Abomination back with all his strength.The Abomination struggled, throwing back his fist and elbow, punching the Hulk on the head and shoulders.But Hulk was so angry that he didn't pay any attention to this.He intends to end this now, so that the Abomination can never hurt anyone again, never threaten anyone again.
But Betty had already escaped from the helicopter, and she stood in front of the Hulk, yelling, "Stop!"
The Abomination collapsed limp in the Hulk's hands...but he wasn't dead yet.Hulk stopped, looked at Betty...and, incredibly, he put the abomination down.Around them, soldiers and police also dropped their weapons.
Hulk and Betty come together in the wreckage.Betty looked up at him. "It's all right," she said.
Hulk reached out and touched her cheek, wiping a tear from her.At that time, Betty was afraid that Hulk would die, so she couldn't help but shed tears.Hulk looked at the tears, then at Betty.Slowly and word for word he said, "Betty."
A helicopter spotlight shone on him, and he took a step back.Then, taking one last look at Betty, he turned and fled across rooftops.Betty watched him go, then she turned to General Ross.The general watched Betty, and Betty knew that the general must have understood the truth.
Hulk became a hero.
Dr. Mussel Stern stood up in the lab that had gone from chaotic otaku to Syrian battle-damaged, his skin starting to turn green and his skull expanding upwards.
A cyber warrior without legs finally knocked on the door of Dr. Stern's laboratory.
Who knows how he managed to climb the eight floors without legs.
"Dr. Stern, the abomination is causing chaos in the city, the police, the army can't stop him at all..."
"I knew it." Dr. Stern, who created the hatred with one hand, is no longer what he was before.After his brain was transformed, he could basically imagine the scene in his mind just by seeing the scars on Dr. Sai's body.
Just when he was about to start making the anti-hate serum.
A team of commandos rushed in and packed up everything in the lab, including the mutated Dr. Stern.
"Huh?" Even the mutated brain didn't react for a moment, telling me to hate me one second, and grab me away the next second?
(End of this chapter)
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