Redemption may be you

Chapter 11 Chapter 1: The second one in SM

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven: The second one in SM

With the appearance of the second one, I gradually felt powerless.
Following Mo Que's order, Pei Zhuxuan froze on the spot, seeing Mo Que's serious expression, Pei Zhuxuan couldn't help but looked around the office area, but didn't find the face that made him have many nightmares, silently After leaning against Mo Ke and grabbing his arm, he felt a sense of security.

"How is it, is it her?" Seeing that Mo Que was silent, Pei Zhuxuan asked curiously.

Mo Que didn't answer, but turned his head to look at Jin Zhuang who was chatting with his agent, with a smile hanging on his cheek all the time, as if he hadn't noticed the abnormality around him.

If Mo Que hadn't made a mistake in his perception, the cold gaze just now passed straight through him and came to Jin Zhuang behind him. That is to say, there might be ghosts around Jin Zhuang. The pressure on my shoulders was heavier again.

I can only hope that this question that pops up suddenly will not have hurtful thoughts, otherwise he and Pei Zhuxuan will form a two-choice question. Of course, this question is easy for Mo Que to answer.

"It doesn't seem to be her. I'm not sure. Did she start working today?"

Looking at the panicked expression of Pei Zhuxuan beside him, and then at the arm that Pei Zhuxuan was holding tightly, Mo Ke smiled silently.

"No, I'll take you up to meet the members first, they are full of curiosity about you, a man who can beat ten."

Knowing that it wasn't the ghost that was haunting her, Pei Zhuxuan took a breath, then took Mo Que's arm and started to lead the way, imagining that when Mo Que saw the picture of the members and smiled, he would definitely get along well.

Perhaps it was because of Mo Que following behind, Pei Zhuxuan walked up and down, without the slightest awareness of being an idol, because at this time she was just a little girl who longed to be protected, and her protector was He was firmly kept by his side.

What's wrong with being a little arrogant?
"Joohyun, what's going on?"


"don't understand"

After the manager left, the melon-eating trio in the office area turned around and saw Pei Zhuxuan pulling Mo Ke bouncing towards the elevator, they all rubbed their eyes thinking they had misread, followed Pei Zhuxuan in their sight The image of turning back and smiling at Mo Ke appeared in front of the three of them, and the three of them sat down at the same time and pinched their faces, somewhat dumbfounded.

"We didn't see anything."
"Here we go! They're inside, go in."

Soon the two arrived at the door of the practice room. Pei Zhuxuan was about to open the door to enter, but found that Mo Quxi's face beside her was a bit cautious and flustered. It seemed that Mo Quxi's talent did not lie in social skills.

"Nei, go in."

Taking a deep breath, Mo Ke followed Pei Zhuxuan into the practice room with a mentality of seeing death as home, but when he entered, he found that the people inside seemed to be more panicked than him, such as Jiang Seqi, who was dancing inside.

"! How did you appear here?"

Seeing Pei Zhuxuan leading people in, she wanted to see who could beat ten, but found that the person following Pei Zhuxuan was Mo Que who had stayed in her dormitory for a long time, Jiang Seqi was very confused.

"Children, stop, I brought the master here, let him introduce himself."

Seeing Jiang Seulqi's shocked face, Pei Zhuxuan was not surprised, she clapped her hands to make the members stop their movements, and then the members from here and there began to move closer to Mo Kai.

Mo Ke, who was stared at by Sidao with curious eyes, just wanted to push open the door of the practice room and rush out, but looked at Pei Zhuxuan who was beside him and signaled that he was fine, and said slowly: "Everyone Okay, I’m Mo Qi, I’m 20 years old this year.”

Jin Yilin, who heard Mo Qu's age, seemed to have found a treasure, looked at Mo Qu in front of her and smiled with satisfaction, and finally she could feel the feeling of O'Neill at work.

"Oh, by the way, what Mo Que said should be the age of the Celestial Dynasty, so his Peninsula age is 22 years old, I hope someone will not laugh so happily"

Seeing a malicious smile on the face of a certain jenny, Pei Zhuxuan silently explained to Mo Qu, and was a little surprised that Mo Qu was so young. After careful calculation, he was seven years older than him, alas, really , getting old.

"Nai, I'm right about the age of the Celestial Dynasty." Mo Qu also followed Pei Zhuxuan.

Crackling, Jin Yelin's heart eager to be domineering was shattered into glass shards at this moment, she shook her body unhappily and then said silently: "My name is Jin Yelin, and I'm the maknae of the team, you can also call me Yeri." After leaving a short self-introduction, he found a corner and sat down in silence.

"Hi, I'm Wendy, nice to meet you."

Just when the atmosphere was about to fall into silence, a loud voice suddenly broke the silence in proficient English. Wendy waved to Mo Qu with a familiar look, and then smiled at Mo Qu.

Mo Kai also nodded in response, the other party's enthusiasm relieved his embarrassment very well, which made Mo drive a little more grateful to this girl named Wendy from the bottom of his heart.

"Hi, I'm Joy, nice to meet you."

As Wendy heated up the atmosphere, the tallest inner girl also introduced herself. She looked cool, but her inadvertent smile made Mo Kai dispel the idea that she was a cool girl.

Seeing that the members had finished their self-introductions, Jiang Seulqi also gave a brief introduction, and Pei Zhuxuan, who noticed that Jiang Seulqi was somewhat resistant to Mo Que, suggested that the members sit around the ground with Mo Que to chat. She begged them to get along well, she just hoped that Jiang Seulqi could get to know Mo Que better.

"By the way, can Mo Kexi really hit ten at a time? I really want to see it!"

It was Jin Yelin who started first. She was the youngest and she believed in Pei Zhuxuan's story last night. At this time, he looked at Mo Que as if he was looking at some masters in the movie, full of respect.

The other three people also looked at Mo Que one after another, and they also wanted to know the reason and authenticity of the incident.

"It's true. If there is a chance, I will let everyone see it." Mo Que replied very positively.

"Wow, looking forward to it." Wendy seemed very supportive
Pei Zhuxuan, who saw it in his eyes, nodded and said: "The night is really dangerous in the inner sky, Ernie almost won't see you, by the way, Mo Que, didn't you say that you are going to invite the members to dinner on the way here, the time is about the same Now, do you want to go?"

Mo Que didn't realize it for a while. Seeing Pei Zhuxuan blinking wildly at him, he understood the meaning and said, "Nai, because I have to ask everyone to take care of me in the future, I just wanted to treat everyone to dinner."

"Okay! Let's go!" Jiang Seulqi, who had been silent all this time, stood up quickly and said as if she had been on hormones.

Following Jiang Seul-ki's order, the rest of the members agreed one after another. After packing up their things, the six of them started heading towards the place proposed by Pei Zhuxuan. Along the way, Mo Que, who talked less, formed a sharp contrast with the noisy RedVelvet members. contrast.

When passing by the office area, Mo Que caught a glimpse of Jin Zhuang who was dozing off from a distance, and then looked at Pei Zhuxuan who was getting along with the members. His expression was a little complicated, and he sighed weakly before following the footsteps of the large team.

(End of this chapter)

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