Chapter 19
Contrary to my expectations, she chose this way.
The next day, Mo Que did not receive the message from Jin Zhuang. Presumably, he might have thought that he was hallucinating from drinking too much, but this was actually the best explanation Mo Que could think of.

Afterwards, Mo Qu began to work officially as RedVelvet's bodyguard. Although he is a bodyguard, when there is no schedule, the job of the bodyguard is basically an assistant's job, buying water, buying food, satisfying the needs of artists, and then waiting. Just get off work.

(It is impossible for the author to truly know what real bodyguards will do, so I hope you don't mind.)
Therefore, as a newcomer, Mo Que needs to be RedVelvet's escort when he has no schedule. As for Jin Zhuang and the others, they will appear next to the artist when he has a schedule. Under normal circumstances, artists will not choose to trouble the bodyguards to do something. But this situation changed after the arrival of Mo Ke.

In the SM practice room, Mo Kai, who is accompanying Red Velvet to dance, sat aside and looked at the five girls in the middle of the practice room solemnly. They danced to the music without feeling tired, even though they were out of breath, they still tried their best to perform every movement It was so perfect that Mo Kai, who seldom watched live performances, unconsciously wanted to applaud.

"Mo Kexi, would you like something to drink?"

The person who spoke was the life assistant of RedVelvet who was sitting next to Mo Que just now, named Li Liuna, a petite and cute girl, after buying water, she couldn't help but feel a little happy when she saw that the bodyguard accompanying her today was a cold-faced handsome guy, Looking at this face at work every day, I feel that I will not feel tired anymore.

Nodding his head and thanking him, Mo Que took the juice that Li Liuna handed over, opened the bottle cap and took a sip, and thought it tasted good. Seeing Li Liuna on the side staring at him, there was some nympho in his eyes, and he felt a little nervous. Uncomfortable, Mo Qu put the juice aside and said, "Liu Naxi, it's better to let them stop drinking first."

Realizing that her gaze had been detected, Li Liuna, feeling a little embarrassed, agreed to Mo Que's proposal and said loudly to the members: "Children! Why don't you stop drinking some water and take a rest before continuing."

The sweaty members who had been tired for a long time naturally responded, took a bottle of juice from Li Liuna one by one, and then sat down wailing and twisted. It can be said that there is no image at all, and perhaps only at this time they are The most real of them, only Pei Zhuxuan took the water and straightened her somewhat messy hair, sat next to Mo Ke and panted, "How are you, are you still used to it?"

When Pei Zhuxuan sat next to him, Mo Que finally understood what it means to be sweaty. The sense of distance that Pei Zhuxuan brought to Mo Que after exercise was different from the feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away from her in the past. Simple To describe it, it makes people feel more intimate.

"If I can sit here and enjoy your performances all the time, I'm pretty used to it, and it would be nice if I could just keep doing this."

Mo Que made a small joke, and it is true. I thought that the so-called bodyguards would fly over the walls to guard against the enemy for their employers every day like in the movie, but at this moment, I found that it was a little different from what I thought. If the bodyguards were also divided into levels , I'm probably the one with the least reputation.

Drink water, let your mind wander, and the day is almost over.

Pei Zhuxuan, who was pouring juice into his mouth, couldn't hold back the juice in his mouth when he heard Mo Qu's answer. Obviously, he didn't expect the serious-looking Mo Qu to say such a thing, so he pinched Mo Qu in annoyance. Drive's arm and then spoke viciously to dispel Mo's idea of ​​dawdling: "Let's go, I'll let you enjoy a few days of blessings, and when you get busy, I think you will feel better."

But Mo Qu's answer made her already in a good mood become anxious about gains and losses.

"Actually, after eliminating the ghosts around you these few days, I don't think there is any need for me to stay by your side anymore."

Mo Que slowly told the truth that Pei Zhuxuan has been unwilling to realize, and yes, in this world, not only Pei Zhuxuan will encounter ghosts, but besides himself, there are other innocent people who are persecuted by ghosts. Mo Que always has to leave by my side.

For some reason, at this time, she was somewhat contradictory, hoping that the ghost that caused her suffering would come slowly, disappear slowly, and let him go away slowly.

"Yes, then please Mo Qi help me get rid of her as soon as possible, I've had enough of this kind of life."

What she thinks in her heart is the truth, but what she says cannot be the truth. Her strong self-esteem prevents her from expressing what she thinks in her heart to Mo Que. Sometimes an appropriate lie can better maintain a relationship. At least Pei Zhuxuan is Think so.

"Don't worry, in order not to be overwhelmed by the crowd at the airport, I will get rid of her earlier."

Not aware of the abnormality in Pei Zhuxuan's tone, Mo Que's words made Pei Zhuxuan, who was already not very interested, ignore it gorgeously, and chose to find Jiang Seulqi, who was fighting with Wendy, to vent her little grievances.

Jiang Seulqi is in danger!

Seeing that Pei Zhuxuan was not paying attention to him, Mo Que, who was a bit bored, slowly entered the thinking mode. The simplest and rude way to attract Lin Miner who was hiding in the shadows was to ask Pei Zhuxuan to take off the red rope and go out for a walk at night alone. .

He was sure that Lin Min'er would definitely show up, but it was obvious that Pei Zhuxuan's safety could not be guaranteed.

Mo Que didn't know that when he was thinking about how to lure Lin Miner out, Lin Miner, who had been hiding for a long time, would choose to take the initiative to attack in a way he couldn't think of.

Time passed slowly, and it was night in a blink of an eye. The members who had finished the day's practice could finally go home and have a good rest. Because Mo Qu was able to drive on the road, the manager asked Mo Qu to be responsible for sending the members back to the dormitory. Then there are other things to deal with.

After sending the members downstairs, Mo went to get off the car to say goodbye to them and then drove back home. Everything seemed natural and normal, but people often suffer unexpected injuries when they are most relaxed.

"Ah, so tired!"

After returning to the dormitory, the members who had practiced for a day fell down on the sofa one by one. After a short rest, some sat on the sofa and took out their mobile phones to browse Youtube, and some chose to return to the room to enjoy alone The world, and a certain Seul Gi who sneaked into the kitchen to eat.

Seeing the members come back to life one by one, Pei Zhuxuan, who was still paralyzed on the sofa, sighed silently, she was really old, thinking about the seven years difference between herself and someone, Pei Zhuxuan's mood became even worse.

"Ernie, do you want to go out with me?"

Pei Zhuxuan, who was falling into autism, suddenly found that Jiang Seulqi, who had just finished eating secretly from the kitchen, was standing next to him at some point. As expected, she was startled, patted her chest to relax, and nodded in agreement with Jiang Seulqi. Seul Gi's request.

Seeing that Pei Zhuxuan agreed, Jiang Seulqi happily took Pei Zhuxuan's hand and went out together. After the two entered the elevator together, Jiang Seulqi who was standing behind Pei Zhuxuan smiled for no reason, and then stared at him with strange eyes. Looking at the back in front of me.

But when the elevator door opened, Jiang Seulqi pulled Pei Zhuxuan to run with a smile as usual, as if she didn't exist in the elevator just now, she gently grabbed Pei Zhuxuan's hand and then held it tightly, as if she was afraid She ran away..

Pei Zhuxuan looked at Jiang Seulqi, who was very enthusiastic today, with some doubts. It's not like Jiang Seulqi has never done this before, but a woman's sixth sense told her that Jiang Seulqi was a little abnormal today.After thinking about it for a while, I felt that maybe I was thinking too much, and then I followed Jiang Seulqi's footsteps.

 As I was writing, the update time began to change from daytime to early morning, and I don't know how I did it.

  Still looking for collections and tickets
(End of this chapter)

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