Redemption may be you

Chapter 25 Liu Xun's Arrangement

Chapter 25 Liu Xun's Arrangement
"See you tomorrow! Don't drive!"

"Goodbye! Don't drive me away."

After dinner, Mo Kai drove Pei Zhuxuan and Jiang Seulqi to the dormitory. The two got out of the car and said goodbye to Mo Ke, and then disappeared from Mo Ke's sight holding hands and laughing. In one scene, Mo Ke in the car was a little envious of them, envious that they could work hard for each other and grow together because they were a team.

"It's really good!"

After sighing and talking to himself, Mo Ke started the car and drove in the night city of Seoul. He has a bad habit, that is, he likes to think about things while driving, but the quiet night is really easy to make people think , this can not be blamed.

Ever since he left the Blind Spot Cafe with Pei Zhuxuan and others, he easily noticed that there was a group of people behind his buttocks, and the other party seemed to deliberately control the distance from him, including now, he glanced at the rearview mirror, only Seeing two black cars slowly following him, Mo Qu smiled helplessly.

With the arrival of Huainan and the blind spot organization he said, he seemed to have to return to the life arranged by his uncle, to be taken care of and protected. The one person arranged can easily eliminate Lin Min'er who is about to take his own life.

The gap is too big!The big ones are scary.

When you join it, according to your uncle's usual style, you will find that you have somehow become the BOSS of the Blind Spot Organization, and then there will be some bodyguards around you who only follow your lead.

If he refuses to join the Blind Spot organization, I am afraid that his uncle will order Huainan to recruit him in various ways, including but not limited to kidnapping, and the so-called joining, in his opinion, is just a euphemism for his uncle.

Therefore, it seems that I can only return to the "embrace" of my uncle, and be a "carefree" 20-year-old boy who is protected all the time.

"Uncle, did you arrange the blind spot organization that Huainan said? And the people behind me are all blind spot people?"

After returning home, Mo Kai went straight to the bedroom and dialed his uncle's phone number. After coming to the peninsula, his first goal was to find out the secrets of his parents. As for the second, he was a carefree one. People live for a while.

But now, the second thought is obviously about to go away from him, so Mo Ke wants to fight for the freedom that he is about to be restricted.

"It's me, Mo Qi, listen to me, can you join in? Seoul is very uneasy recently, I just hope your safety can be guaranteed."

Liu Xun didn't refute Mo Kai, and it was useless to refute. He only needed to let Mo Ke know one thing. The reason why he did this was for the safety of the other party.

According to the news he got, there are more and more news about the death of exorcists on the peninsula, especially in Seoul, where the news of the death of one or two exorcists reaches Liu Xun's ears on average every day. He couldn't eat, he couldn't eat, and he couldn't sleep.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to start the exorcist organization he had been planning for a long time in Seoul, the "Blind Spot" organization.He also asked Huai Nan, the exorcist family whom he had known for a long time, to go to the peninsula to persuade Mo Qu to take over the blind spot. All of this was for Mo Qu, the only child of the Mo family.

Recalling the tragic death of Mo Ke's parents, Liu Xun made up his mind to convince Mo Ke no matter what he said.

"Uncle, thank you for everything you have done for me. Although I still can't say what I want to rely on my own strength, I know I am weak, but I still want to say that I really don't like it. Hiding behind me is a group of bodyguards who think of me as a dying person."

It's not that Mo Qu doesn't like to be protected, who doesn't desire to be protected?After the battle with Lin Min'er, Mo Que, who had realized the difference in strength, had already lost most of his self-confidence. Therefore, what he longed for now was to stand on the bright side and make people feel comfortable protection.

Apart from this, he couldn't win anything else.

"Okay, since that's the case, how about I change the method, how about letting Huainan stay with you alone?"

For Mo Que's words of wanting to protect his dignity, Liu Xun, who was hard-hearted, also felt that he seemed to have considered Mo Que's feelings. After thinking about it, he decided to stay alone with Huainan by Mo Que's side. They just happen to be about the same age, so they might be able to make good friends too.

Speaking of which, I heard that when Huainan heard that he was going to the peninsula, he was so excited that he stayed up all night, and fell asleep at the end, still yelling about what he wanted to see Tzuyu.

As for the others?Go ahead and run that shitty coffee shop, they're just a bunch of exorcists trying to get by.

"Thank you uncle for choosing to respect me, I will get along well with Huainan."

"Well, let's get along well, he's better than you by 01:30."

"Okay, thank you uncle for reminding me, please go to bed early."

"You're welcome, you should go to bed earlier."

After being beaten by his uncle, Mo Ke chose to hang up the phone and lay on the bed looking at the ceiling. At this moment, he felt extremely relaxed. Sometimes speaking directly is a good way to communicate.

Early the next morning, Mo Que, who was sleeping very comfortably, slowly opened his eyes, turned around and was about to squint for a while, Mo Que felt as if an uninvited guest had entered the bedroom, listening to him getting closer and closer At the sound of footsteps, Mo Ke, who had his eyes closed, smiled secretly and said, "Shu Hua, did you want to do something bad by sneaking into my room?"

Ye Shuhua, who was sneakily taking out his phone by the bed, wanted to use the method taught on YouTube to play the Great Compassion Curse to wake up Mo Que Touching Mo Que's head, the sound of "duang!" reverberated in Mo Que's bedroom like a thunderbolt on the ground.

As the sound gradually disappeared, the bedroom fell into a strange silence. Ye Shuhua was waiting for Mo Qu's trial like a child who did something wrong, but Mo Qu still didn't open his mouth. Ye Shuhua was very puzzled by Mo Que who also didn't respond, no, he was knocked out, right?

He poked the quilt lightly with his fingers, but seeing no response, he plucked up his courage and leaned forward, and then poked Mo Quing's cheek, which felt soft. Ye Shuhua couldn't hold back and made two more, it felt good Well, hehe.

But even though he "provoked" Mo Que's majesty in this way, Mo Que with his eyes closed still didn't respond. After sniffing, Ye Shuhua was surprised to find that Mo Que had stopped breathing. Just like that, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes minute.She still didn't feel Mo Qu's breath, and suddenly felt bad, she shook Mo Qu's body vigorously and said in a crying voice: "Brother Mo Qu, don't scare me! This is very boring, wake up soon!"

"Really? Is it boring? That's fine."

After hearing Ye Shuhua's voice about to cry, Mo Que, who wanted to teach Ye Shuhua a lesson, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Shuhua with reddish eye sockets. Her face was more panicked than humans seeing ghosts, It seems that although she can be educated in more naughty ways to deal with naughty people, she must not go too far.

"Why are you so bad, Mo Que? I almost cried. Don't let me care about you again!"

After Mo Que woke up, Ye Shuhua wiped the tears from her eyes in a panic, and burst out her dissatisfaction to Mo Que in a tone that sounded very angry to Mo Que.

"Okay Shu Hua, my fault, Biane."

Although he didn't feel any pressure from Ye Shuhua's outburst, on the contrary it made him want to tease her even more, but Mo Que resisted the desire to tease her and chose to apologize.

"I don't care about you, come out to eat soon."


 Still looking for votes and collections.

  Today there is another chapter to wait until night, the author is going to brush Ghost Slayer, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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