Redemption may be you

Chapter 49 Part 1

Chapter 49
The stars hanging in the sky are emitting a little bit of light. At this moment, they are still waiting for the light that belongs to them.
On the noisy streets of Seoul even at night, a group of one man and three women are taking a leisurely walk. It is not so much a walk, but more like an adult taking three children.

"It's really full! It's so comfortable!"

Touching the little belly filled with delicious barbecue, Song Yuqi once again let out a sigh that the two people around her had heard countless times. Walking in the middle, she unconsciously hugged the two people around her into her arms .

This scene is best described as hugging from left to right.

"Yuqi, it's very uncomfortable to walk like this."

Feeling awkward, Zhao Meiyan wanted to break free from Song Yuqi's shackles, but found that her struggle didn't seem to have any effect, oops!I have become a cardboard person.

After realizing the gap in strength between himself and Song Yuqi, he had no choice but to cooperate with her movements to make himself more comfortable.

As for Minnie, she didn't feel uncomfortable in this position at all, but she also hugged Song Yuqi as she enjoyed it.

Good sister!lifetime!

As for Mo Kai, he was pacing behind them alone. Compared with them who would become noisier when they get together, he was obviously a bit out of the group because he was too normal. However, just watching them fight like this Rambling seems to be pretty good too.

At least, Mo Kai was smiling at the moment.

"Mo Qi! Why don't you go faster! Isn't it boring to walk behind alone?"

Zhao Meiyan, who suddenly felt that she had forgotten something, showed a puzzled look on her face at first. She was hugged tightly by Song Yuqi's arm and turned her head with difficulty. When she found that Mo Kai was walking behind alone, she asked loudly.

"Yes, don't drive oppa! Come and chat with us while walking, it's fun."

At this moment, Song Yuqi, who was hugging from left to right on the street and showing the demeanor of a domineering boss, also turned his head and echoed Zhao Meiyan.

"You guys talk, I'll just follow behind, tell me when you want to go home, I'll send you back to the dormitory before going back."

Seeing that he was finally remembered, Mo Xian, who was a little moved, first smiled and then waved his hand at them to express his refusal. He didn't think he could integrate into the girls' weird topics.

"Okay! Then we'll tell you when we get back!" ×3
In this way, at first they just talked about taking a walk to digest and digest their food. They walked for a long time on this street where they didn’t know where they were going. The dim lights of the remaining street lamps illuminate the way forward for them.

Sighing silently, Mo Que, who was walking behind, had to follow silently. Bad guys may not be common at night in Seoul, but ghosts hiding in the dark are not. They usually only appear at night, and night is theirs. Heaven.

"Children! It's almost time for you to go back to the dormitory! It's dangerous outside at night."

Seeing the surrounding environment getting darker and darker, and looking around, he found that this street was exuding a strange atmosphere. Mo Que's heart trembled unconsciously. With the sense of fear slowly coming from behind, he felt something was wrong. Quickly stopped the three of them.

But the three people walking in front, as if they didn't hear Mo Qu's call, still walked towards the darkness in front of them without stopping. If you observe carefully, you will find that their steps are surprisingly consistent, neat as if they were drawn into the darkness. The puppet operated is generally..

Seeing this scene, Mo Qi realized something and ran quickly in front of the three to observe their situation. Then, three "people" without facial features appeared in his sight, and he backed away in disbelief. A few steps, isn't it?

His breathing gradually became short of breath. At this moment, Mo Qu's brain was a little confused. It was impossible. He obviously didn't feel any resentment. When was it?Mo Qu tried hard to remember, could it be?Did you do it during the time when you went to the bathroom by yourself?

"Children! I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me!"

Just now, I saw a public toilet appearing on the side of the road. As the saying goes, people have three urgencies, and Mo Que is no exception. Feeling the increasingly turbulent feeling in his body, he couldn't help but reminded the three people walking in front loudly. Quickly rushed to the toilet.

Then, after finishing the solution, he found sadly that there was no toilet paper in his pocket.

Just like that, Mo Qu sat on the toilet and waited for a predestined person. Perhaps the place was a bit out of the way. After waiting for almost half an hour, a young man entered the toilet to drain the water.

"Wow wow wow."

The visitor was whistling and running water when suddenly there was a sound behind him that made his faucet flicker.

"Hello, may I borrow some toilet paper? Thank you very much." Mo Qu's voice suddenly appeared in the bathroom.

"Xiba! I'm scared to death. If you have some, here you are."

A classic Chinese curse came out of his mouth. After draining the water, the young man touched his pocket, and when he saw that there was a piece of paper, he handed it to Mo Que through the gap.

"Thank you." Mo Que finally solved the personal hygiene problem after taking the toilet paper.
The memory only lasted for a moment in his mind. As the three people who were still walking slowly walked past him, they all lowered their heads. Mo Ke looked at them, and saw that their bodies were shaking strangely for some reason. If it wasn't for the fact that the scene at this moment is really weird...

Mo Ke would feel that they were holding back their laughter.

However, as one after another of laughter rang in Mo Qu's ears, Mo Qu realized that he was wrong. He was completely wrong, and they were just holding back their laughter!
"Hahahahahahahaha!" ×3
Realizing that he was being tricked, Mo Ke helplessly covered his face. This group of children is really a little bit too much, but those who don't know are fearless. Except for Minnie, they don't know that there are ghosts in the world. They can still be forgiven. .

But this Minnie is just...

"I just said that it can scare him, but you still don't believe me."

Minnie smiled the happiest, slowly took off the mask, and somewhat complacently said YES to the two who were laughing and taking off the mask, not knowing at the moment that Mo Kai was planning how to revenge her.

"This mask is really hard to take off, and it's so expensive, I have to complain, but Mo Keoppa's performance just now is really funny! Hahahahaha!"

After complaining about the quality of the mask, Song Yuqi also followed Minnie in complaining mercilessly. Seeing Zhao Meiyan, a paper figure, was about to be overwhelmed by this difficult-to-remove mask, she sighed helplessly and reached out to help Zhao Meiyan remove it. Take off the mask.

"Well, I really didn't expect it, it's so interesting!"

After taking off the mask with difficulty with Song Yuqi's help, Zhao Meiyan also felt a little unbelievable.

"Minnie! You give it to me! Come here!"

Seeing that this prank was actually planned by Minnie, Mo Ke decided to teach this girl who didn't know what is high and earthly, and said to let Minnie come over, but he was walking step by step towards the proud girl at the moment. Minnie goes.

"Mo Ke, what are you doing? Don't come here!" Shocked by Mo Ke's aura, Minnie put away her laughing face.

"Oppa! Minnie tricked us into doing it."

Song Yuqi left Minnie's side very naturally and sold out his teammates in such a gorgeous way.

"Mo Que, Biane, we shouldn't do this."

Zhao Meiyan did not sell her teammates, but her silky voice obviously had no effect on Minnie, and then she unconsciously leaned towards Song Yuqi.

The moment Mo Que walked up to Minnie, Minnie, whose eyes were slightly squinted, suddenly widened her eyes and pointed at the sky behind Mo Que, exclaiming, "Meteor! Mo Que! There really are meteors!"

"Do you think I'll believe your rhetoric?" While saying this, Mo Kai couldn't hold back his curiosity and looked at the sky behind him, only to see a few shining meteors flying across the dark sky. The sky, for a moment, the four of them forgot what they were doing, and just looked at the sky together.

Mo Ke counted, exactly six.

 Book Friends Group: 640944556
  I don't need to say more about what the six meteors refer to, good brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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