Redemption may be you

Chapter 65 Shortage and Prejudice

Chapter 65 Shortage and Prejudice

with his life
Dwarfism is an uncommon disease. Park Jin, who grew up in the care of his parents, never thought that he would contract this disease, just like he never knew that his parents' marriage was called "" Inbreeding."

Perhaps, his fate was doomed since he was not born. Slowly, when his height still stubbornly stayed at the figure of 1.4 meters [-] with the passage of time, he gradually realized something.

It seems that I have become different from the peers around me.

In the first year of junior high school, the students around me just thought that Park Jin hadn’t started to develop, and they were still willing to play with him even though they were puzzled. In the second year of junior high school, no one wanted to get together with the short and timid Pu Jin, because whenever they Standing beside Pu Jin, he could feel the gazes from all around him.

Gradually, Park Jin, who was cowardly but still dared to communicate at the beginning, gradually became silent. When he arrived at school, he sat in a corner seat, as if he was slowly exhaling and inhaling. Air, never conspicuous.

But air is needed by people, but Park Jin is not. Until now, his parents still don't know that their child is sick because of their own reasons, they just let him eat some calcium tablets and drink some milk.

Then, a miraculous thing happened. When Park Jin was promoted to the third year of junior high school, it was time to go to school to report. With a little hope, Park Jin once again measured his height.

"One meter 48? One meter 48! Mom! I have grown taller! I have finally grown taller!"

This sneaky increase of one centimeter is like a person walking in the desert seeing an oasis and seeing hope. Therefore, Park Jin's thought at the moment is that he has finally started to develop, and he can finally become as tall as everyone else.

Therefore, when he came to school, even though his classmates still ignored him, Park Jin no longer had no self-confidence like he did in the past two years. He usually bowed his head in class and didn't know what he was doing. Even his class began to change. Gotta be motivated.

"Do you think Pu Shorty has changed? Has he grown a little taller?"

In a math class, Park Jin keenly heard the classmates behind him discussing him secretly, and smiled secretly. It seems that the fact that he has grown taller has finally been discovered, and maybe he will soon be able to get rid of the title of Park Shorty, right?
"So what about growing taller? It doesn't matter how tall a person is ugly. Besides, has he really grown taller? Why can't I see it? Puchi."

However, things backfired. Park Jin, who had good ideas in mind, was quickly stung by a cold and hurtful word. In fact, he had heard this kind of words a lot, so logically speaking, he wouldn't be so sad.

Coincidentally, the one who said this was the few remaining female classmates who were willing to communicate with him in the second year of junior high school. During a holiday, maybe she followed the trend to catch up with the stars, or maybe she started to pay attention to the young girl with a spring heart. Yan value.

In short, whether or not Park Jin has become different, she has become different.

Then, as the little desire to prove in his heart was personally destroyed by what he thought of as a "friend", Park Jin fell into a deep darkness. Why did he long to be recognized by others because of his height? Has it been determined from the beginning?
He didn't understand it well, and he didn't want to understand it, because the facts were too cruel for him.

Then, on an ordinary weekend, after waking up and measuring his height as usual, Park Jin opened the bedroom door with disappointment, and it was still 1 meters, unchanged.

After a while, he will go to the hospital for a physical examination. Maybe his parents finally made up his mind, or maybe the family business finally made some money. In short, Pu Jin finally had a good checkup under the guidance of his parents. .

"Sir, according to our hospital's examination, your child has been diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency syndrome. As for whether it is congenital or acquired, further examinations are needed to determine."

It was a bolt from the blue, no doubt, when the doctor sitting opposite Park Jin's parents said these words calmly and steadily, the two of them couldn't accept this fact.

Under the doctor's explanation, Park Jin's parents took their son to do several tests. They felt a little lucky in their hearts. Perhaps, the son's dwarfism has nothing to do with us?
But the fact is that because of their love, their biological son suffered from congenital dwarfism, and the 15-year-old Park Jin has missed the best period of growth hormone treatment.

Things would have been a lot better had I checked in earlier.

rule?Or die?

If they choose treatment, families who are not well-to-do will have to spend close to 1000 million won out of thin air in addition to household expenses a year, which is obviously too much for them who have just started their business.

If he dies, his son may not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life, which is undoubtedly too cruel for the underage Pu Jin.

In the end, they made what they thought was a last resort, that is, to give up the treatment of Park Jin, and when we earn money, we must make good compensation for him. This is what they thought.

After returning from the hospital, Pu Jin, who was kept in the dark, sat beside his mother and asked some curious parents who were sitting silently in the living room: "Dad, Mom, why are you so sad?"

"Son, you may not grow taller for the rest of your life."

Pu Jin's father said a fact that he didn't want to accept with a painful face. The mother sitting beside him couldn't hold back the tears and hugged Pu Jin and cried bitterly, repeating a sentence in her mouth: "Mom, I am so sorry!"

"Impossible! Impossible! I will become taller in the first year of high school! Even if I don't have it in the first year of high school, I will definitely become taller in the second year of high school! You are lying to me, right!"

Even though the mother next to him was already crying because of guilt, Park Jin still shook his head as he struggled, unwilling to believe what his father said, the fact that he could not grow taller for a lifetime, for a 15-year-old boy , is too cruel.

Thinking back on what happened to me in school, the students deliberately alienated me, and laughed like no one else, but I silently endured all of them, why?It's because he still has expectations in his heart.

"Son, Dad is sorry for you! Everything is Dad's fault!" Seeing his son's eyes gradually become hollow, the guilt-ridden Park Jin's father also hugged Park Jin and cried bitterly.

Park Jin looked at his father, and then at his mother. The constant crying in his ears made him feel a little different at this moment. Encourage me, won't you?Can you enlighten me?Do you even think it is a bad thing for your son not to grow tall?

Using the greatest strength in his life, he pushed away his parents who were hugging him tightly, and Park Jin left this sad home as if fleeing.

Walking on the road, Pu Jin looked up at the sky, and there were white clouds hanging in the distant sky. He stretched out his hand to the sky and shook it, but found that he could only hold clumps of air. too far away.

Looking back at the figure without his parents chasing him, Park Jin's already fragile heart was hit hard again at this moment, he looked at a speeding vehicle on the road with determination, and then rushed straight up. "

There was a sound of "bang", and at the last moment of his life, Pu Jin, who was hit high by a car, felt for the first time that he was so tall and so close to the blue sky.

 Hope it doesn't get called poisonous..

(End of this chapter)

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