Redemption may be you

Chapter 76 Rain

Chapter 76 Rain
above this already icy air

Even the song that used to flow stopped abruptly
You and I are nothing but the sound of rain—
"By the way, I just got the news today that the white cat is most likely the murderer of the recent murder in Seoul. As for the reason for her killing, we don't have a clue yet, but we will get the answer soon."

This is Fang Er's last sentence in the conversation, and it is also the most important sentence that Mo Qu thinks.

It turned out that the so-called mysterious murderer was neither a ghost nor ordinary people everywhere on the street, but an exorcist hiding in the shadows.

After pacing out of the Blind Spot Cafe, the door of the cafe was closed by Fang Er.Before Mo took a few steps away, he felt that the top of his head was stained by a few drops of rain. He slowly stretched out his hand, and some raindrops fell lightly on his palm. As Lin Monan said, there was light rain in Seoul.

As the scorching temperature was extinguished by the cool rain, the somewhat chaotic mind became sober. Standing on the side of the street that was gradually drenched by rain, Mo Ke slowly closed his eyes and let the water drip on it.

In fact, he didn't care much about the whereabouts of the white cat, and he didn't want to get involved in this matter. What he cared about most at the moment was Huainan's safety.

He knew Huainan's strength very well. Ordinary ghosts basically had no way out when they met him, but this time it was different. He was facing one of the most powerful exorcists in the Blind Spot Organization.

Moreover, this is a battle between exorcists. The white cat who has been in the blind spot organization for so many years is probably familiar with it, but Huainan probably has no experience in this regard.

Therefore, Mo Kai had to prepare for the worst.

In fact, Mo Qu had thought about using GPS to find out if he could try to locate the place where Huainan's cell phone sent out the last signal, but Fang Er had already thought of the method that Mo Qu could think of.

Obviously, this approach will not work.

At this moment, the rain became heavier and heavier. From the drizzle just now, it turned into a downpour in an instant. Mo Ke, who was standing stupidly by the side of the street, became completely drowned in just a few seconds.

Reluctantly, I reached out and wiped the rainwater off my face. I was planning to find a taxi to go home, but I found that the raindrops swayed by Ben disappeared for some reason. When I looked up, I found that I was under an umbrella. under the shadow.

The umbrella is not big, obviously, the shoulders of the person holding the umbrella for him are silently suffering from the rain at this moment.

Just when I was about to turn my head to see who the kind-hearted person was, I felt my back was lightly tapped, very lightly, and then Zhao Meiyan's doubtful voice came from behind: "Mo Qu. What a coincidence, why are you here?" Why don't you just stand around here to hide from the rain in a cafe? You'll catch a cold."

It turned out that Zhao Meiyan, who was taking a break from her busy schedule, thought that she would finally be able to come and have a cup of coffee leisurely, but it suddenly started raining when she was about to walk to the entrance of the cafe, so she had to go to a convenience store nearby to buy an umbrella.

Obviously, like Mo Que, she usually doesn't read the weather forecast when she goes out, and even if she does, she probably doesn't listen to the announcer.

Then, just as he walked to the cafe door with an umbrella, a slightly sad figure suddenly appeared in his sight. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked again, um. It was definitely Mo Que who was right.

But why was he standing in the rain?
She couldn't understand it, but she would soon hear a fact from Mo Kai's mouth that she absolutely didn't want to hear.

"So it's you. Are you here for coffee? Unfortunately, I'm sorry to tell you that Blind Spot has closed its business recently. Do you mind if I hold an umbrella?"

When Mo Kai turned around cautiously, she saw Zhao Meiyan's figure slowly appearing in the somewhat blurred vision. At this moment, her right shoulder was already soaked by the rain, and Zhao Meiyan was just holding the umbrella lightly, as if not Noticed.

What a nice girl.

Zhao Meiyan did not refuse Mo Que's request for an umbrella. After handing the umbrella to Mo Que, she said regretfully, "Ah! How could this be? I haven't had coffee here for a long time."

After receiving the umbrella, Mo Qu slightly moved the umbrella towards Zhao Meiyan to ensure that the rain did not get on Zhao Meiyan, and then said with a smile: "Oh Mo, it seems that your group has developed well recently, and you are so busy that you can even have a cup of coffee. I can't even drink it."

In his opinion, most of the reasons why Zhao Meiyan didn't have the opportunity to drink the coffee in the blind spot was that the coffee in the blind spot was not available for takeaway. Therefore, these remarks were more to tease the depressed Zhao Meiyan in front of him.

"What are you talking about, I'm not that busy, okay, I'm like a big brand."

Sure enough, Zhao Meiyan, who was a little depressed, immediately disappeared after hearing Mo Qu's teasing.Then she stretched out her hand and lightly hammered Mo Qu's hand holding the umbrella.

She didn't use much force, but Mo Ke was in a state of unpreparedness at the moment, so the hand holding the umbrella shook lightly, just at the moment when the strong wind suddenly picked up, and the umbrella was in the eyes of the two of them who were somewhat confused flew away.

That's right, it is... Fly away.

The umbrella just fluttered and fluttered like this, just when Mo Ke thought it was going to sail far away, with a "pop", the umbrella fell to the ground and ended its career.

It took less than half an hour from birth to death, and I have to say that this umbrella has endured what it shouldn't have.

In the next second, before the two of them could react, the downpour of rain had already drenched the two of them in an instant. Zhao Meiyan, who felt that she was soaked all over, was watching with a unique gaze. Mo Que in front of him, his eyes seemed to say: "Why are you so weak?"

"Ahem, Meiyan, according to my visual inspection, the nearest shelter from the rain is about 200 meters away. How about we take a few steps?"

Zhao Meiyan didn't look at the eyes that Zhao Meiyan was teasing her at the moment, rubbed her eyes, Mo Qu looked around, the storefronts on both sides of the street seemed to be in collusion and closed the doors, which made the two of them have no place to go to shelter from the rain, tiptoeing Standing on tiptoe and looking into the distance, I saw a bus station standing in the wind and rain.

His words did not get a reply from Zhao Meiyan. Zhao Meiyan's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a place to shelter from the rain, and he immediately started running towards the target location. During the running, he shouted towards the sky: "Qi!" Kill me! How did I know a friend like you!"

Mo Que, who could hear it clearly, shrugged helplessly, and to be reasonable, it was you who made the surprise attack first, okay?

When Mo Ke ran to the bus stop sign, Zhao Meiyan was trying her best to wring out the water stains on her clothes. Since the temperature in Seoul was already high, the heavy rain was purely a coincidence, so she was wearing cool clothes.

Although it hasn't reached the point of disappearing, it is still a bit eye-catching. No, several middle school students waiting for the bus are secretly looking at Zhao Meiyan with their eyes. Although their eyes don't contain anything called lust, they still make people Zhao Meiyan felt a light on her back.

Mo Que, who saw these things in his eyes, felt a little uncomfortable. After all, Zhao Meiyan's fall into such a situation had something to do with him. Subconsciously, he wanted to take off his clothes and put them on Zhao Meiyan's body, but remembered that his clothes were already soaked. up.

Also, I was wearing short sleeves.

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Kai looked across the street and his eyes lit up. He saw that there was a clothing store open opposite the stop sign. Seeing that there were no vehicles nearby, he rushed into the rain and ran to Inside the clothing store.

Zhao Meiyan, who was twisting left and right, was obviously stunned after seeing this scene. At this moment, the middle school students behind them laughed loudly after seeing Mo Que turned into a drowned chicken again. Their laughter was very loud , there is no intention to hide,
Zhao Meiyan, who listened to everything, took a deep breath, then slowly turned her head and said to them sternly: "Ah! Why are you laughing! Also, do I look good in the rain?"

Seeing that Zhao Meiyan got angry, it happened that the bus they were waiting for had also arrived, and the middle school students slid into the bus in fear. After the bus started slowly, Zhao Meiyan could see a few brats making funny faces at her in front of the window. , Their cowardice at that moment just now was acted out.


First, the umbrella was blown away by the wind and Yulin became a drowned chicken. After hiding from the rain, Zhao Meiyan ran into a group of brats. Zhao Meiyan felt that she had never been so angry, and yelled a classic national curse into the sky.

As if in response to her kind greeting, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the foggy sky due to the rain, startling Zhao Meiyan who had just greeted God like a thunder on the ground.

"Here, put it on, at least it will keep you warm for a while."

Zhao Meiyan, who was patting her chest, was scared again when she was jumped by the sudden voice, her body shook violently and then backed away, only to realize that Mo Que had returned to her side at some point: "You scared me to death!" , So I went to buy clothes."

He took a look at the bag handed over by Mo Ke, and took the clothes out of the bag curiously, and saw that it was a men's coat. Although it was a bit out of season, it seemed to be just right for him to wear now.

After Zhao Meiyan put on the coat neatly, Mo Que next to her was also successfully armed, because she bought a men's style, and Mo Que looked a bit too big when she put on the just-fit clothes and arrived at Zhao Meiyan's place.

At this moment, Zhao Meiyan is like a child who steals an adult's clothes and is funny and cute.

After slowly zipping it up, Mo Ke sat on the public chair at the station and asked, "Is there anything better?"

"Well! Much better."

Feeling that her wet body was wrapped warmly by the jacket, Zhao Meiyan suddenly felt that she could go for a walk in the rain for two more laps, but in the end she sat obediently beside Mo Ke.

"Although it's a bit cold, I feel that listening to the sound of rain falling is also a kind of enjoyment now."

At this moment, the world before Mo Qu's eyes is like a pictorial. Zhao Meiyan's exquisite profile and the raindrops falling from the street from time to time merge into a wonderful world, as if he is in a second world.


Zhao Meiyan's reply was very brief, because she was closing her eyes slightly to feel the sound of rain falling.

With the endless sound of raindrops and cars running on the street, they stayed here for a long time.

 "Rain"--Zhao Miyan

  This is a great song, I highly recommend everyone to listen to it.


(End of this chapter)

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