Poor family mother and son

Chapter 280 "Bet or not? 1 Pack of Bear Biscuits!"

Chapter 280 "Bet or not? A pack of bear biscuits!" ([-])
The landlords said that if they paid, they would have a source of funds, and the yamen naturally did not object.

Hearing this, Xiaobao sighed: "Now you want to suppress the bandits again? Why did you go so early?"

Chu Qing said: "In the past, if you didn't suppress the bandits, there was no benefit; now that you can see where the benefits lie, you will naturally be active.

This is why Niangqin came here for the first stop this year, instead of Jishun Mansion, which has a better terrain.Mother wants to kill those bandits.

However, it is not enough to rely on a few local landlords. After all, the mountainous area around Hushan is too vast, and the military strength of only one prefecture is not enough, so today Niangqin did not agree to give up the recruitment. "

Xiaobao asked: "Mother, do you want to wait for people from the three state capitals to come and fight against bandits?"

Chu Qing: "Yes, profit is the best driving force, and it is better than imperial decree."

Xiaobao: "But I thought the bandits would come tonight."

Chu Qing: "Why?"

Xiaobao: "Didn't that Cai Haoxian say that if there is any movement in the trap, they will know about it on the mountain. Then they probably know about our going up the mountain, and they will definitely come down to take revenge at night."

Chu Qing: "Then what are you going to do?"

Xiaobao: "Just now I told my brothers to dig several ditches near the work shed, and then let them all lie in ambush around.

I'm going to lure all the bandits into the ditch and kill them like Duke Hong did to the Voss cavalry back then! "

Chu Qing nodded: "Well, it sounds good, what do your brothers say?"

Xiaobao: "They don't seem to agree very much, but they didn't say anything."

Chu Qing tucked up Xiao Bao's collar: "Actually, I don't agree very much, but it's not easy to object."

Xiaobao's eyes widened: "Why? Mother, why don't you object?"

Xiaobao is really sensitive. What he noticed was not his mother's disapproval, but his mother's saying "it's not good to object".

Chu Qing was very pleased that this child always cared about her feelings so much, and this was the real content of what she wanted to talk to Xiaobao today.

Chu Qing said: "Xiaobao, we lost 48 relatives at once, mother is as sad as you."

Looking at the two strands of white hair on Chu Qing's sideburns, Xiaobao's eyes turned red: "I thought at the time, this is all a nightmare, and everything will be fine when I wake up, and nothing happened to my brothers. But when I woke up, it was still the same, I don't want to wake up...in fact, I woke up that night."

Clearly know.How could the mother not know?It's just that she didn't want Xiaobao to face such a cruel fact.

Chu Qing: "Well, I haven't mentioned this matter to you since then, just because I was afraid that you would be sad, that you would become cynical and not be able to see things correctly.

But Xiaobao, mother still wants to have a good chat with you today.I also want revenge, but I don't want my family members to be injured or die again.

You can't count on others for revenge.Especially to suppress bandits, the yamen needs to allocate expenses to ask the garrison for help, but which yamen is willing to pay?Which garrison is willing to work for you at its own expense?

So Niangqin's method is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the landlords with the benefits of farming, and let them pay, which is naturally more than the yamen can pay, and the garrison is willing to come to suppress the bandits.

Although it's a circle, but there is hope to achieve the goal, it will not delay our family's making money, and it will not require our family to go out and fight the bandits. This is my mother's idea. "

Xiaobao: "I just want to take revenge, mother, originally I didn't want you to be sad when thinking about your dead brothers, so I wanted to take people to suppress the bandits.

In the morning, we wanted to explore the terrain, but we bumped into their patrol team and started a fight. Fearing that more bandits would be attracted, we hurried home.

I thought they would come again at night, so I let my brothers ambush, but I didn't ask them for their opinions.

I'm not as safe as my mother's way, but there shouldn't be many bandits on the mountain who have been soldiers and know how to fight, right? "

Chu Qing said: "Well, I see, your idea is reasonable. However, we have never been on the battlefield and have no experience in large-scale battles. Should we listen to your brothers' opinions more?

I found that we both seemed to only consider each other's feelings, and didn't consider other people's thoughts. "

Xiaobao was a little ashamed: "But mother thought about not letting my brothers take risks again, but I only cared about revenge. Mother, I will ask my brothers for their opinions."

Chu Qing agreed: "Okay, let me first guess what they will say, they should say that bandits may not come tonight, if they come, at most one small team will be sent outside to spy on our numbers and combat power. Bet? A pack of bear biscuits!"

Xiaobao smiled: "Thank you mother, I'm going to find my brothers."

Looking at Xiaobao's back, Chu Qing also smiled.

Mother and son are careful not to touch each other's spiritual wounds, but they almost create a gap.

For the memories of the sad past, it is better to face them than to avoid them.

So good now.

Respect for a child is not just to support his approach, and establishing a mutual help relationship may be a greater respect.

In the past, Meng Dong's education, with Chu Qing's natural "arrangement" element as a mother, did everything for the child: peeling eggs, dressing, choosing toys... even choosing friends for Meng Dong—bringing him in touch It seems that children with similar family upbringing are not allowed to come into contact with children of different levels.

But obviously, this is not respectful enough, and it also virtually kills the child's autonomy.

Chu understands that he still can’t tie his shoelaces until he is 12 years old; he still doesn’t know how to get along with classmates who have a bad temper.

Before the child went to elementary school, he had been living in peace, but after school, the mother and child turned against each other because of the grades: the mother thought that the grades symbolized the child's future and future and became overly anxious; the child thought that the mother loved the grades more than himself.

For Xiaobao, because he is in a strange world, Chu Qing tries to educate him in the opposite way to Meng Dao with the mentality of "crossing the river by feeling the stones".

Xiaobao is very self-reliant and sensitive, so Chu Qing never said harsh words to him, and Xiaobao never made his mother anxious because of his studies.

But this world is too cruel, without the peace and tranquility of the past, and even making money to raise children has become life-threatening.

A child who lacks love since childhood, finally has a group of people who love him, but loses it early, and endures such a cruel experience at an unbearable age, how to educate the child so that he can grow up healthily?

The two completely different children made it difficult for Chu Qing.

Knowing what he ate for dinner, Xiaobao went to have dinner with his brothers.

When she came back, smelling of alcohol, she told Chu Qing, "Mother, it's a good thing I didn't bet with you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep my bear biscuits."

Chu Yuan and the others thought the same as Chu Qing, the bandits would not come.

Because there are so many workers at the foot of the mountain, they don’t come here for a day or two, and their wages are settled every day, and people keep joining, so there is a lot of money and food here.

If the bandits were strong enough, they would have arrived long ago.

Now the number of bandits has lost more than half, it is impossible to go down the mountain to rob, send some people to spy, or steal some food.

Xiaobao also told his brothers what Chu Qing did, and the boys were silent for a while when they heard that Chu Qing was trying to prevent them from going all out.

Xiao Sining said: "We are not afraid of going all out, we are afraid that something will happen, no one will protect you two."

These words made the brothers nod silently.

Gan Lai patted the table and raised the wine jar: "It's all in the wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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