Poor family mother and son

Chapter 390 Make a Report

Chu Qing went back to her room to write a letter.

In addition to writing letters to the "old leaders" mentioned earlier, Chu Qing also specially wrote a secret letter to Hu Hengqiu.

The letter did not mention the secret instigation of the fourth prince of Voss, but first reported the recent movements of several major tribes in the Voss country.

The most important thing mentioned is the agricultural trend of the country of Voss: Compared with Daxuan's current spring sowing season, although the climate of Voss country is cold, the spring sowing will be later, but they probably will not care about the spring sowing, but will make trouble.

Because they didn't have enough food last year, according to the information fed back by the secret investigation department, this year, they ate up all the food seeds. Because they couldn't buy enough food, the tribes even slaughtered sheep in large numbers for food and clothing.

Fear of starvation has strained relations among the various tribes.

Then Chu Qing reported to Hu Hengqiu the prediction that this year's drought would cause locust plagues, and also reported the amount of grain left in his warehouse.

Of course, the grain stored in the warehouse is all old grain purchased from various places last year, and the price is extremely low.

Chu Qing said that she planned to sell only half of this batch of grain to the country of Voss, and wanted to send the rest back to Jizhou to help the people in her hometown fight against possible disasters.

Drought will reduce production, but locust plague will make people lose their harvest.

Chu Qing didn't mention what would happen if the people didn't have enough to eat, because the emperor knew best what a "peasant uprising" was.

She hoped that the Secret Service would allow her to sell food to the Hesot and Virat tribes, so as to divide the unity within the country of Voss and let the tribes fight for food.

Chu Qing then wrote what he was worried about: The country of Vos has coveted me for a long time, and it is very likely to launch a war to divert the attention of the people and alleviate the conflict caused by their lack of food.

At the end, Chu Qing begged Hu Hengqiu to intercede with the emperor on his behalf: If the locust plague really happened this year, then the income in the first half of the year would probably be much less than last year, please the emperor not to convict.

In the end, Chu Qing stated that her private racecourse will be "always ready to fight for justice and Daxuan!"

Chu Qing wrote the signature, held the pen and smiled.

Didn't you say that I "harmed the public and benefited privately, competed with the people for profit, and hoarded grain and grass privately"?

Let's see if the emperor knows how much money he won't receive, will he blame you for stopping me from being "private"?
Let's see if the emperor will praise my "patriotism" of "privately storing grain and grass"?

After writing the letters to various places, let Zhuo Yao send them out.

Zhuo Yao was very careful. Before sending the letter, he told everyone: Don't leak the conversation at noon, it will easily cause panic among the people, and it will bring disaster to our boss.

In fact, the people have already started to panic.

The letter to the secret investigation department needs to be delivered in person at the director's office.

Deputy Wang Qianhu, the person in charge of the council, happened to be there, and he called Chu Qing to his office:
"Two pieces of news: one, an hour ago, the Gaozhifu and several county magistrates of Yibin Prefecture just left the 'Drunken Eight Immortals' restaurant;

Several county magistrates expressed that they would jointly write a report, and the Gaozhi Prefecture would report to the court, saying that you ordered the whole people to raise poultry regardless of the current drought and the danger of food production;

[-]. There are rumors among the people in the Xuanwei government, saying that you are hoarding, stockpiling food, and preparing to take advantage of the drought to make money for the country;

Master Chu, I have violated the secret investigation department's self-examination regulations. "

Chu Qing hurriedly saluted deeply.

What Deputy Wang Qianhu really wanted to say was not these two pieces of news, but the last sentence - violating the self-examination regulations.

Article [-] of the "Regulations on the Self-examination of the Secret Investigation Department" is: Do not tip off the person under investigation.

In other words, within the secret investigation department, the investigation has already begun.

Therefore, listen to Deputy Wang Qianhu's words in reverse order: the secret investigation department is investigating clearly, and the investigation content is about food.

Another point is to remind Chuqing that not only the secret investigation department, local officials have also started to rectify Chuqing. For example, the prefect of Yibin Prefecture has joined hands with subordinate officials to impeach him.

This is a quick move. The Xinlunzhou side has not moved yet, but the South side is one step ahead.

Chu Qing has no friendship with Deputy Wang Qianhu, and they only met each other when they first reported to Bin's residence at the beginning of this year.

Chu Qing didn't think it was because of her own charisma that she could reveal this kind of news to Chu Qing at such a critical moment.

It was probably because someone in the secret investigation department was jumping up and down, making deputy Wang Qianhu feel passive, afraid of offending Chu Qing, to be precise, afraid of offending the emperor's pocketbook.

What kind of people are secret detectives?

Chu Qing and the secret investigation department have clear accounts, and smart people will naturally think deeply, this is supported by the emperor, so why does the emperor support a deputy thousand household who was climbed up by "Ye Luzi"?

Therefore, the "great cleverness" Wang Fuqianhu, who can be understood after thinking about it, in order not to be coerced by messy people, gave Chu Qing an early warning, which can be regarded as an expression of his position.

"Thank you very much! Mr. Wang, I will send you a few jars of good wine later!" Chu Qing thanked with a smile, and at the same time handed over her secret letter: "Please also ask Mr. Wang to use the urgent channel. This is submitted to Hu grown-ups."

Seeing that the red envelope with the prefix "Secret" and the seal of "Urgent" on the sealant were used, Deputy Wang Qianhu immediately felt at ease.

See, fortunately, I have sold my favor with Chu Qing here, and I always talk to the commander directly, without going through my superiors!
After all the letters were sent, Chu Qing stopped thinking about these things.

Whatever it is, as long as the person who gets the most benefit is the emperor, there won't be too much trouble.

Coming out of the council office, Chu Qing wanted to stroll around, so instead of riding a horse, she let Xiangzi lead her and walked by herself.

As a result, the crowd on the street were all running in one direction, exposing Chu Qing's ten guards at once.

Because of Xiao Bao's special instructions, Zhuo Yao retrained a team of guards for Chu Qing.

In order not to have adverse effects, Zhuo Yao trained them all as plainclothes secret guards, who usually hide among passers-by or in the shadows on street corners.

Now the people on the street were all running in the same direction, and Chu Qing had just left the gate of the council office, so the guards were not allowed to wander around. As a result, there were no people on the street!
The ten guards without cover look at me and I look at you, they look a little ridiculous.

But they were also considered smart, seeing that Chu Qing and Xiangzi were together, not alone, they felt a little relieved, and immediately asked each other suspiciously: "Hey man, what's going on, why did everyone run away?"

The other replied: "I don't know, hey, brother, do you know?"

So the third one made a hesitant look and looked in the direction of the crowd running, and replied, "I didn't hear them say that the price of grain will increase today. They went to the grain store on West Street. There is no price increase there for the time being, but limited edition...

Oops, I won’t tell you anymore, I have to go home and tell my family, hurry up and queue up, and let each person buy a bucket of rice! "

Then the others acted as if they had suddenly realized that they scattered and hid, saying things like "Go home and get the sack", "Hurry up and get some food".

Are they trying to save themselves?

But it does explain what happened on the street.

Chu Qing looked in the east direction, there was a bulletin wall over there, and two men were looking at the bustle of the crowd flocking to West Street with their arms folded.

Although the clothes are similar to those of ordinary people, but the boots on the feet are tall, so you can tell that they are government servants at a glance.

Create panic?

The camouflage method is too bad!

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