Poor family mother and son

Chapter 894 Thinking Too Much

Chu Qing funded the orphanage, which was supervised by the county government. Xu Guangming was very happy-the God of Wealth not only gave money, but also gave political achievements.

Another achievement is that the "Xuanhua Road" repaired by Chu Qing was completed. The smooth and open concrete road made everyone feel refreshed.

It happened to be raining lightly on the day of completion, and the road surface was clear and refreshing, and the weeds on both sides of the road looked more charming.

At the concrete intersection, many people gathered.

They were curious about this unusual looking road and wanted to take a walk, but the road was too clean and flat for them to dare.

Although they have never seen what the Imperial Street in Kyoto looks like, they thought it was nothing more than that.

After discussing with each other for a long time, someone finally took the courage to step on the road carefully, ah!Really solid, really flat!There are no pits or pits, and I feel a lot more comfortable.

A boy from the Chu family held a small triangular red flag and guided the crowd onto this concrete road, saying, "This road is called Xuanhua Road, and its end point is the Linyang County Martyrs Monument!
Remember, you are the brave people of Linyang County, the brave people of Xinlunzhou, and you will become the heroes of our propaganda against the invaders in the future!

Listen to my password, one, two, three, walk together!All right, all right, keep your head up, and look!

In front is a fiery red sorghum field, this is corn, this is soybeans, the harvest is bumper, and the harvest farmers are harvesting grain;

Look, all the men are waving their sickles... and they have finished cutting a piece of sorghum;
Look here, all the girls are also crackling...a piece of corn...

Everyone is done, and they are all there...

The land is the mother, and labor is the father. As long as you sow, everything will bear fruit...

Workers are the most beautiful people! "

The highest state of staring and talking nonsense is pointing to the barren land and talking about fertile land, and everyone who listens believes it, and their eyes are full of yearning.

There are currently two cement roads.

One is this Xuanhua Road, where there are always people preaching, from persuading farmers to plow mulberry fields to preaching heroes against the enemy.

The other is the southernmost road leading to the Hou's Mansion on the top of the mountain, and there are many jujube trees on both sides of the road.

The first few batches of cement were not as satisfactory, and they were all used for road construction, but the effect seemed to be good, and the Qingzhuan Yujie was no more than that.

The key is that the production time is short. From this perspective, the cost is much lower than that of green bricks.

Now that the road is open, it's time for the Marquis of Linyang to move his family into the Marquis' Mansion. The day Chu Qing chose is the Double Ninth Festival.

She just picked a date at random. Anyway, her things are all new additions, and people who are used to "minimalism" don't need to add too much burden.

But it's such a coincidence, Mr. Feng Shui said that it is "avoid" to move during the Double Ninth Festival for several years, but today is "advisable".

"God of wealth, god! Is there anything impossible?" Xu Guangze explained.

Little Treasure finally understands that other people are at most fans of his mother, and Xu Guangze is a believer!

Moving by myself while others are busy, alas, Chu Qing is very happy, we have a lot of family members.

Dafeng also came to help. Seeing Chu Qing, she was still a little apprehensive, and unconsciously looked around—there was no well.

Chu Qing admired this girl very much now.

People are most afraid of digging into dead ends, but as long as they can pull themselves out, they can always achieve something.

Chu Qing pulled Dafeng over and didn't let her help with the cleaning, but gave her a bank note, the amount was not small, 5000 taels: "Congratulations, little rich lady!"

Dafeng was stunned: "My lord, what is this?"

It's embarrassing, it's embarrassing for a woman to be called Lord Hou, regardless of whether she is called or listened to.

Chu Qing stuffed the banknote into her hand: "The velvet flower you invented was sold to the capital for you, and this is a dividend for you."

Last year, Chu Qing's velvet flowers made of wool were sold well in Kyoto, but this was plagiarized from Dafeng's idea, and he always felt that he owed something. This year, he directly asked "Bao Qingxiang" to make silk velvet flowers, which have been selling well since Qixi Festival.

During the Qixi Festival, the velvet flowers in the shape of Albizia Julibrissin are the best sellers. Now in Chongyang, another round of chrysanthemums and dogwoods are out of stock.

Dafeng has regained her courage in life and is proactive. She knows that this silver ticket is also an encouragement to her.

Dafeng was a little embarrassed, and wanted to return the bank note to Chu Qing: "No, no, we already got bonuses when we were in the academy."

Chu Qing: "It's not the same. It's what Xiaobao should do as the dean of the academy to distribute bonuses. This silver ticket is a dividend from your business."

Dafeng's eyes sparkled: "Our business?"

Chu Qing: "Would you like to go to Kyoto, I will introduce you to Bao Qingxiang?"

Dafeng thought for a while but shook his head: "I want to be by Sir's side, I want to learn... I want to learn..."

She wanted to say that she wanted to learn how to be clear, but she didn't dare.

How many women are envious of Chu Qing's progress from being a widow to where she is today, especially Dafeng.

In the past, she was self-pitying, but now she has overcorrected - she also wants to be a marquis.Even if you can't be, at least you have to live freely like a man.

Chu Qing could somewhat guess what she was thinking, but she didn't take it to heart—you want to be me?I don't even want to be myself!
Because this is not her original appearance, how worried and aggrieved she is living now!

"Boss, can you come out?" Zhuo Yao asked outside the door with a timid expression.

Dafeng went out, anyway, Chu Qing didn't say that she would not be allowed to stay in Linyang County, so she would not leave, and now Dafeng was making up her mind.

Chu Qing asked Zhuo Yao what's the matter, Zhuo Yao was a little embarrassed: "My father wants to see you."

Oh ho!Chu Qing was a little excited, she also wanted to meet that "gentleman on the beam", she heard that Zhuo Yao looked very similar to his father.

Zhuo Buqun came from Chongyu Mansion.

Since Xiaobao brought Zhuo Buqun out of "Death Escape", he sent him to Chongyu Mansion, which is far away from the capital, and it is still a relatively safe place in Shui Mao Mao.

It's just that Zhuo Buqun always wanted to thank Chu Qing, after all, it was his child who allowed him to reunite with his son.

Also, he felt that he had to do something if he couldn't bear such great affection in vain, so he also came over to ask.

Facing Chu Qing, Zhuo Buqun was quite cautious.

He didn't expect to feel the same "coercion" after leaving the emperor.

Chu Qing felt a little wronged, she didn't admit that she had any "aura", if she really had it, how could those guys in the court bully her when they met?
She actually just stared at Zhuo Buqun a few more times - is this Zhuo Yao's father?I don't see where it looks like!

Perhaps because of the ease of leaving the emperor, Zhuo Buqun is now a white and fat man, weighing two hundred catties no matter what.

And that cheek is much more tender than Zhuo Yao's, it's glowing red without a single crease, even the "baby fat" has been eaten.

"Sit down!" Chu Qing called the father and son to sit down: "Mr. Zhuo is doing well?"

Zhuo Buqun was still respectful: "Drag Lin Yanghou's blessing..."

Chu Qing interrupted: "My family don't say polite words, I'm not used to it, I like it, yes, oh, it's Zhuo Yao, I like it..."

Zhuo Buqun was startled, and was about to kneel: "Marquis Linyang...you son..."

Zhuo Yao pulled his father up: "What are you doing!" Then he whispered: "I miss you too much!"

Zhuo Buqun didn't understand, so Chu Qing's words continued: "I like the way I get along with Zhuo Yao, our family is all people who pursue freedom."

Zhuo Buqun breathed a sigh of relief, but he was scared to death!

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