Chapter 907 Night ([-])
Xu Guangze felt that he was a very lucky person.

The "assassins" who were originally locked up in the prison refused to admit where they came from no matter how hard they tortured them, but their appearance was obviously not from Voss, and it was impossible to pretend to be the remnants of Voss.

However, he could guess with his heels that it was true that these people were assassins, and it was also true that they coveted Chu Qing's cement and glass.

Anyway, Xu Guangming believed that if he was the mastermind, he would kill people and steal money—the secret recipe had to be obtained, and Chu Qing had to be destroyed.

Otherwise, Chu Qing was still alive after taking the secret recipe. What if Chu Qing made the secret recipe public or turned it in?Isn't that chicken and egg?
Xiaobao asked him to let the wind out, saying that he had obtained Chu Qing's recipes for making glass and cement, to attract the assassin's upline to come to the rescue or contact the gang of "assassins", he was full of troubles.

With the manpower and material resources of the county government, unless they are equipped with the Chu family's guns and thunder cannons, otherwise, what can these government officials do with their skills?

Still "following the vine" and not sending people to follow you if you want to touch the melon?Can people give you a chance to follow up?What if someone is a prison robber?Even if you don't rob the prison, what about killing people?

Are the people in the inspection department still skilled?Don't even think about it, he wants to earn this money!
Old Xu is engaged in economics, Wei Chengyi can't give it, but can he give it to the inspection department?
He didn't want to let people go, but he didn't want to let go of the money. When he was at a loss, a group of people came and broke into the dungeon of the county government at night. There were more than 20 people inside and outside.

If it wasn't for the sulfur smoke bombs given by Xiaobao to poison those people, I really can't say whether they would have succeeded in robbing the prison.

The smoke bombs... well, if the jailers slow down, the dungeon gate will be closed late, and they themselves will be smoked inside and unable to get out!

Later, when the jailers arrested those who came, because they came into contact with the sulfur on their clothes and skin, the palms of the jailers were burned and bald.

When the second group of people didn't come, they were worried, but when it came down, Lao Xu became even more depressed: they were caught, and they didn't dare to let them out to "touch melons".

Then let's continue to torture to extract confessions, but the first group of people did not confess, and the second group of people gritted their teeth even more.

Old Xu changed his mind again: If he was this group of "assassins", he would also keep silent.

Anyway, the attempted assassination of Marquis Linyang failed, not even a single hair was injured, and he was not the mastermind, so the chance of beheading is not high, at most, the punishment of rod can be added, and his life can be saved anyway.

If there are still family members, it is naturally in the hands of their masters, let alone confession, since they can't die, they will suffer a little bit.

While lamenting that "money is really hard to earn these days", Lao Xu sent someone to inform Xiaobao that there was a possibility that the ransom would not be earned. Chu Qing sent someone here, saying that she bought the second batch of people and took them away overnight. The appraiser can be tried as he wants to keep it.

As for what Chu Qing wanted to do when he bought people away, Xu Guangze didn't ask.

Why ask so many questions?In officialdom, being confused is the secret to getting rich.

Look, anyway, no matter who pays, he, Xu, has earned the money——Xu Guangze closed his eyes in peace, and finally he can sleep with peace of mind.

The sea and the sky are the same color, and the eyes are full of blackness without a moon.

There are a few torches dotted here and there, and the faces of people on the beach by the sea cannot be clearly illuminated.

Hou Ze was leading people to load the ship, Li Hu and Ping Jian were already standing together, Chu Yuan cupped his hands and Ping Jian laughed and said, "Uncle, Dashun greets you!"

Chu Qing has been sizing up Ping Jian. This person is of medium height, about an inch taller than himself, with a Chinese character face, and his skin color should be darker, at least darker than Chu Yuan. He has a calm attitude and a simple and honest appearance.

Perhaps it was due to the reflection of the torch, but Chu Qing always felt that this person's eyes were sharp and firm, and his temperament was somewhat similar to Li Hu's.

"This is my Marquis Linyang." Chu Yuan introduced.

Chu Yuan, Xiaobao, and Xiao Sining, who are Ping Jian's nephews in name, are all acquaintances, and they are very familiar with each other.

Ping Jian calmly savored the title "My Marquis of Linyang". They called themselves family members, but Ping Jian couldn't really know him in the name of Uncle Chu Yuan.

"Caomin met Linyang Hou!" Ping Jian saluted Chu Qing.

Chu Qing nodded in response, and said: "To make a long story short, the result of my discussion with Li Hu is to let your senior brother 'death escape', but you can't go back to Chongyu Mansion with you, you have to live in seclusion, can you agree?"

On this point, Li Hu and Heping Jian had long considered that artisans like Chao Liu, who were recorded by the court, were rare great craftsmen, and unless they were too old or sick to work, they could not leave their posts.

Perhaps it is the dream of Daxuan people to have wages all their lives, but who wants to die in their jobs without retiring all their lives?
It can only be said that there are too few people with good shipbuilding skills, and the imperial court can use a sheep to pluck its wool.

Ping Jian agreed without hesitation: "It's good to let the brother have a chance to live freely, not necessarily in his hometown."

After thinking about it, he asked again: " I still have a chance to meet my brother?"

Chu Qing smiled: "Of course, your family has a boat, so you can go if you want."

Chu Qing had already made up her mind that she would send Chao Liu to Xiaobao's island, and she didn't want to waste this great craftsman.

After a few years of transition on the island, when the beard and hair are all white, there will be fewer people who can remember and recognize him.

"This matter requires the cooperation of your senior brother. Write him a letter. You still need to return to your own place and don't attract attention." Chu Qing said.

"Master Hou, 44 pieces, all ready!" Hou Ze came over to report.

24 prison robbers and [-] Voss prisoners of war have been secretly loaded on a ship, and they will be transported to Ganzhou shipyard during this trip.

Xiao Bao hid behind Chu Qing, waved to Li Hu to let him go to the side, and then sneaked over by himself.

"Uncle Tiger, I can't go in person, so you should worry more." Xiao Bao glanced in Chu Qing's direction and said.

Mother didn't let him intervene, and he couldn't do anything.

Li Hu smiled, this was the first time he saw this boy getting along with his mother, he was not much like ordinary children, even more well-behaved, as if he was not with a loving mother, but a strict father.

Li Hu: "I didn't expect that when I arrived in Linyang County yesterday afternoon, there would be a result tonight. The Marquis of Linyang is really decisive in handling things;

I don't have a good solution for your grandpa Huang's illness. Although the illness is not fatal, it affects daily life and needs someone to take care of it all the time;
In addition, if you can know what he likes, take him to do more things that he likes; find his closest person to accompany him often and talk to him more, his memory will decline much slower;
Judging from his pulse condition, there was nothing wrong with him, after all he was already in such an advanced age and his body was considered healthy. "

Then he promised: "After this matter is over, I will come here for a while to help him with acupuncture. Maybe the effect will be better. It is inconvenient right now. You can use moxibustion for maintenance and relief first."

This morning, Little Treasure specially asked Li Hu to take Huang Zhong's pulse. He didn't find out too many other diseases, but the deficiency of liver and kidney and the emptiness of marrow sea cannot be cured, they can only be nourished.

Li Hu felt that he had to do something to show his value when he came here to ask for help. He didn't expect Chu Qing to act so fast, and now he was glad that he helped Huang Zhong get pulse in the morning.

Otherwise, with today's busy schedule, I really don't have much free time.

(End of this chapter)

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