Back to 90s she just wants to get rich

Chapter 260 259. New Year's Eve

Chapter 260 259. New Year's Eve

The next day, early in the morning, as soon as it was dawn, sisters Xiang Jin and Xiang Lan were woken up from the bed by her mother, saying that the food collector had come, and asked them to get up and cook the meal Son, she has to go to the field to help her grandfather collect vegetables, so she has no time to make breakfast.

Xiang Lan was still sleeping soundly, and the weather was cold, so she didn't want to move when she lay on the bed, "Oh, why is it that the vegetables are harvested so early today, even if you want to take a nap?"

Seeing her talking, she turned over, Xiang Jin's mother frowned, and then slapped her body wrapped like a silkworm chrysalis, "Get up soon, sleep late every day, yesterday Going to bed so early at night and still not getting enough sleep?

Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, and the last day is on the spot, so those who collect the vegetables have to come early, because they will sell the vegetables after taking them back. "

Xiang Lan closed her eyes, whimpered and twisted a few times on the bed, but she didn't want to get up, and Xiang Jin's mother couldn't wait any longer, so she asked Xiang Jin to supervise Xiang Lan to get up.

Xiang Jin stood in front of Xiang Lan's bed with her arms folded, stared at her for a while, and then said, "Xiang Lan, I'll give you 5 minutes to get up, and after washing up, go tell Grandma Mo and Aunt Liao, Said that I cooked them breakfast, and told them to stop busy and come to us to eat."

Xiang Lan was still dazed, "Didn't our family cook until tomorrow?"

Xiang Jin said, "People in the county town are also coming to collect vegetables today, and they will be picking vegetables for the next few days, so they will be very busy, and they will not have time to make breakfast at all, so get up quickly !"

"Oh," the little girl replied in a nonchalant manner, and even if she didn't move for a long time, Xiang Jin frowned slightly, "Xiang Lan?!"

"Ah?!" The tone of Xiang Jin's call to her was a bit heavy, the little girl shook her body, and opened her eyes in a jerk, "Sister, you gave me a big jump?!"

"I'll give you 5 minutes, get up quickly!" Xiang Jin took her clothes and threw them on her bed.

Xiang Lan said, "It's not so bright yet?"

Xiang Jin said, "Isn't it dawning soon? It will be dawn in a while, hurry up, don't worry!"

Seeing her sister's expression was a little impatient, the little girl reluctantly "Oh" all over her body, and then slowly rolled over from the bed and sat up.

"Sister, how about we have hot pepper soup this morning? It's delicious, and it's warm after eating. Let's put some sanzi in it."

Xiang Jin said, "Stop talking, get up quickly, or you won't have anything to eat!"

"Oh, oh, oh," the little girl hurriedly put on her clothes, at this moment, a tape recorder from someone in Wantou rang, and played the sound louder, and it was still playing the New Year's greeting song, Everyone in the bay could hear it clearly.

Xiang Jin's guess was not wrong. Just when her meal was half done, that is, not long after dawn, the vegetable boss in the county arrived in a car with people. Grandma Mo and Aunt Liao and the others were busy collecting vegetables, so they didn't have time to make breakfast.

After Xiang Lan ran back and told her, Xiang Jin asked her to cook a pot for her.

After the meal was ready, Xiang Jin went to the field to replace her mother, and told her to go back to eat quickly, and then she went to help her grandfather collect the food. After all, her mother had to go to the town to do business today, which was also a race against time.

"Okay, then you can help grandpa take care of it for a while, and I'll go back to eat?"

"Go, go, see if Xiang Lan wants to eat, if she wants to eat, the two of you will eat first."

"Okay, got it!"

Xiang Jin's mother went back to eat, and then Xiang Jin helped her grandfather gather the vegetables. She moved quickly, making a basket in a while, and a box in a while.

When two-thirds of the vegetables were harvested, Xiang Jin said to her grandfather, "Grandpa, while the harvester is still with Grandma Mo and Aunt Liao, why don't you go back and collect the vegetables first?" Come back after the meal, I’ll hold on here, there’s not much left anyway, or when the food collectors come, you’ll have to work?”

Her grandfather raised his head and glanced at the ground, then nodded, "Okay, then I'll go back first, after you harvest the lettuce, you won't be able to cut half of the water spinach, and the pea tip Don’t pinch the sweet potato tip, save it for us to eat by ourselves.”

"it is good!"

"Leave some lettuce too!"


Xiang Jin and her grandfather ate the food as quickly as possible, and Xiang Jin just started harvesting the water spinach.

"Go back to eat quickly, and leave the rest here to me."

Xiang Jin shook his head, "I'd better eat later, I'll help Aunt Liao first, she probably won't be able to do it by herself."

Her grandfather nodded, "Okay, then go quickly, and come back to eat quickly when you're done?"


When Xiang Jin went to Aunt Liao and the others, she saw that Aunt Liao was really busy.

Because today is the New Year's Eve, the vegetable owners are in a hurry, unlike in the past, even if several sellers arrive at the same time, they still have to wait for the sellers to pick the vegetables together, and then go one by one Went to the scale.

But today is different, they all want to pick up the vegetables and leave immediately, so what Xiang Jinlai sees is Aunt Liao going to weigh for a while, and Aunt Liao going to pick some more vegetables for a while.

When she saw Aunt Liao, she kept answering, running here, there, and collecting vegetables.

Xiang Jin quickly walked over, "Auntie, don't worry about harvesting vegetables, let me come, and you will be responsible for weighing them."

Aunt Liao was very happy when she saw her coming, "Oh, girl Jin, you came just in time, and my aunt is almost confused. Come on, help my aunt to weigh them with them, you are smart, and you can settle accounts quickly!"

Xiang Jin asked her which of the vegetables in the basket had already been weighed and which ones hadn't been weighed, and whether the money that had been weighed was paid.

Then Aunt Liao answered her one by one, and took out an account book and a pen from the apron pocket on her chest, and Xiang Jin took them, and after she figured it out, she went straight to the vegetable bosses. walked over.

With Xiang Jin's help, Aunt Liao didn't feel so panicked, and she was able to harvest her vegetables with peace of mind. In the end, it took them almost an hour to harvest the vegetables from that field. They were all sold, and then those who collected the vegetables were transferred to Grandma Mo and the others, and Xiang Jin and Aunt Liao also followed to help.

When they went, Grandma Mo was picking vegetables in the field, while Grandpa Zeng was picking mushrooms in the mushroom shed.

"Girl Jin, you go to see your grandpa Zeng, and I'll help you grandma Mo."

"Oh, good!" After Xiang Jin responded to Aunt Liao, she went directly to the mushroom shed.

This was Xiang Jin's first time to come to Grandpa Zeng's mushroom shed. Oh, it's really warm inside, warmer than the vegetable field in the greenhouse.

But I have to say that the mushrooms in Grandpa Zeng's family are really good. They are white, fat, and tender. Just looking at her makes me want to pick one and eat it.

"Grandpa Zeng, I'll pick it for you," Xiang Jin saw an empty bamboo basket at the door, and walked over with it.

Grandpa Zeng was carefully pulling out the mushrooms on the ground. Hearing her voice, he immediately raised his head and said with a smile, "Girl Jin, oh, okay."

Xiang Jin squatted next to him, then looked into his basket to see how big the mushrooms he picked, and then picked according to his standard.

"Grandpa Zeng, are all the mushrooms in your shed going to be harvested today?"

Grandpa Zeng nodded, "Well, they all have to be harvested. This mushroom grows fast. If you don't pick it for a few days, it will grow old like that vegetable, so you have to pick all the big ones. Otherwise, the taste will be bad."

"Oh, yes, Grandpa Zeng, why don't you stand up and rest for a while, or go out to get some air, I see that your face is flushed, and it's not a problem for you to squat on the ground for so long?"

Grandpa Zeng said, "It's okay, the temperature in here is higher."

Xiang Jin said, "The vegetable harvester is here. They are rushing for time today. Why don't you go out and help Grandma Mo? I'm afraid she won't be able to handle it then. You can replace Aunt Liao and let her pick mushrooms with me." , so fast?"

"Your Aunt Liao's house has all the food?"

"Well, it's done!"

"What about your family?"

"Our family's should be about the same. When I left, my grandfather still had a box of water spinach waiting to be collected. He said he could."

Grandpa Zeng nodded, "Okay, then I'll go out and see what's going on, and your Aunt Liao will come in instead."

Xiang Jin and his family didn't harvest all the vegetables until 09:30, and then waited for the scale to collect the money, and then sent them away. It was almost ten o'clock, and then they waited for Xiang Jin and the others It was close to 10:30 after dinner.

At this time, every household in Wantou is full of cooking smoke, and there is a strong aroma of vegetable soup everywhere, including the smell of boiled bacon, as well as the smell of stir-fried vegetables and stewed vegetables, and some people are already setting off firecrackers and going to the cemetery to offer sacrifices. ancestors.

But Xiang Jin and his family have not prepared anything yet, because they have to go back to their own fields to replant vegetables. If they don't plant the vegetables today, tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. On the first day of junior high school, there are many taboos in this place.

For example, you can’t go through needles and threads, because the first day of the Lunar New Year is the Chinese New Year of the Rooster, and the rooster represents the bird, which will sting the bird’s eyes, and then it will retaliate and go to the field to harm your crops.

You can't sweep the floor, wash your clothes, or pour water outside, otherwise the family's wealth will be swept away and thrown away.

You can't work in the fields. The first day of the new year is the beginning of the new year. You have to rest for a day, otherwise it is "unlucky". If you work hard on the first day of the new year, you will be "working hard" all year round.

On the first day of the new year, you can only play, you can only play. Of course, on the first day of the new year, you can pay New Year's greetings, firecrackers, fortune telling, and chicken stickers.

Because greeting each other is the meaning of expressing good wishes, opening the firecrackers is because after the firecrackers, the ground is covered with broken red, shining like clouds and brocades, which is full of happiness and also represents a kind of joy.

In the old days, the folks used the cloudy and sunny weather in the first few days of the new year to account for the year's harvest. If the day is sunny, the owner's things will multiply, and the day is cloudy, and the owner's day will not be prosperous.Later generations followed their habits and believed that from the first day to the tenth day of the lunar new year, it is auspicious for the weather to be clear and clear, without wind and snow.

In ancient times, chickens were painted on doors and windows during the Spring Festival to drive away ghosts and evil spirits.

Therefore, if they don't plant those vegetables today, they will have to wait until the end of the new year to plow the ground and sow seeds. Then their land will be idle, and then their vegetables will not be able to be sold.

"Grandpa, if I serve you a bowl of noodles later, you'd better go back after lunch. You see, it will be twelve o'clock right now, and it will be almost one or two o'clock when you plant the vegetables." Is it time?" Xiang Jin said as she helped her grandfather dig the ground.

Her grandfather nodded, "Okay, then go back after lunch!"

The grandpa and grandson hurried up, and finally replanted the vegetables that needed to be replanted at [-]:[-], then watered them again, and applied some fertilizer to some vegetables, and Xiang Jin went back Cook lunch.

After having a meal and leaving the stage, it was almost two o'clock, and his grandfather said that he had to go back, and he couldn't delay any longer, or it would be too late to go back by then.

Xiang Jin knew that he was in a hurry to go back, so she didn't bother to keep him anymore, so she took a basket to pack vegetables for him, not only from their own fields, but also some that Aunt Liao and Grandpa Zeng gave them in the morning, and then In addition to some stewed meat and stewed vegetables and two pieces of tofu that Xiang Jin's family prepared for them, these various things added up to pack a big basket full.

Xiang Jin asked Xiang Lan to find a pestle for his grandfather, "Grandpa, the road is a bit far away, and it's still snowing. You can take this with you. If you get tired from walking, you can rest for a while."

Her grandfather reached out to take the pestle, and then asked, "Did you come over in the second year of junior high school?"

Xiang Jin nodded, "Well, come from the second year of junior high school!"

Her grandfather picked up the basket and said, "Leaving?!"

Xiang Jin hurriedly explained, "Grandpa, call us when you arrive. I'll be at Grandpa Zeng's house in the afternoon."

"it is good!"

After Xiang Jin's grandfather left, Xiang Jin went to the kitchen to heat up the bone soup she asked Xiang Lan to cook for A'hua in the morning, then cooked some noodles in it and brought it to A'hua, "Ah Hua, Later, Xiang Lan and I are going to go out for a while, there is no one at home, can you keep our house safe? No strangers are allowed to approach our house and our vegetable field, you know?"

While eating the food in its basin, Ah Hua answered with sobs as if she understood her words.

Xiang Jin stretched out his hand and rubbed its dog's head, "Also, take care of your puppies too, don't let them run around, or they will be caught by bad guys and run away or messed with." It’s not good to be injured and killed.”

After hearing what she said, A'hua stopped eating immediately, and the whimpering sound became louder, and then she barked at her little cubs, and then bared them into the mouth. At the same time, it pushed Xiang Jin over there with its dog's mouth.

"You mean to lock them up?"

Ahuawang let out a cry, and at the same time that tail was wagging very happily.

Xiang Jin couldn't help curling her lips, "Oh, you're really good at making money? But this is still a way."

Xiang Jin walked over, and after the puppies got into the house, he took the key and locked the door.

"Ah Hua, stay at home obediently, don't run around, and don't eat food thrown to you by strangers or people you don't know well, our family doesn't lack that kind of food, you see you eat well every day, meat The bones have never been broken, so we can't be greedy?"

Ah Hua barked at her again.

"Take care of your home, I will bring you delicious food when I come back!"

"Wang, wang!"

"Sister, Ah Hua agreed!" Xiang Lan said happily.

Xiang Jin said, "Let's go, go to Grandma Mo's house."

When Xiang Jin and her sisters arrived at Grandma Mo's house, Grandma Mo and Grandpa Zeng had just returned from the field.

"Girl Jin, girl Lan, are you here?" Grandma Mo greeted them.

Xiang Jin said, "Grandpa Zeng, Grandma Mo, rest, I will cook today's meal!"

"Are you going to do it?" The two old people just laughed, and Grandma Mo said, "How can it be done? I asked you to come to our house for dinner, but didn't I tell you to come to our house to work? "

Xiang Jin said, "Grandma Mo, you are too polite. Our family doesn't like to see each other like this. Besides, I often cook at home. It's not really a job."

When the two elders heard what she said, their eyes were closed into slits, and Grandpa Zeng responded directly, "Okay, let Jin girl take over the position of executive chef today, and let's help her."

Xiang Jin nodded, and Grandma Mo said, "That's fine, then I'll take out all those things, girl Jin, you see how to match those dishes, you decide!"

Xiang Jin nodded, and Grandma Mo got up to get the ingredients after speaking.

After a while, Grandma Mo took a lot of ingredients and piled them on the chopping board, most of which were meat, such as chicken, duck, sausage, tenderloin, ribs, mutton, dried sea fish, etc., more than a dozen kinds , There are fresh ones and cured ones.

Xiang Jin said, "Grandma Mo, we don't need so much. There are only six of us in total. If we make too much, we can take some back and put it away."

Grandma Mo said, "It's okay, make more for Chinese New Year today."

Xiang Jin reminded her, "We still have a big live fish, and that fish can make two dishes when the time comes."

Grandma Mo said, "Then this sea fish will not be made for the time being."

Xiang Jin said, "Come on, I'll plan what dishes to cook. I'm going to make fish head tofu soup later, so we don't have to use the pork ribs. We can keep the fresh tenderloin later. I'll make sweet and sour pork loin. The duck and chicken are not used for the time being. Then you can make old duck soup or stewed chicken soup with mushrooms to drink. You can cook some sausage and I can get some mutton. Let’s make a cumin-flavored pork ear, let’s have a cold shredded ear, and then we’ll fry a fungus sliced ​​meat, small mushrooms, and a piece of green vegetables.”

Grandma Mo said, "That's all?"

Xiang Jin said, "That's enough, there are too many to eat, and the leftovers are leftovers. Although your family has a refrigerator, we still try to eat fresh meals. Look, we have sweet and sour pork tenderloin , cumin mutton, boiled sausage, cold ear shreds, fried pork slices with black fungus, the key is that there is a large pot of boiled fish fillets, there is also a fish head tofu soup, there are fried mushrooms, fried vegetables, and a full set of eight dishes One soup."

Grandma Mo said, "Why don't you have some fried pork with fragrant and dried celery? I'll go to the field to pick a few peppers and pick them up, so I can make it perfect?"

Xiang Jin smiled and said, "It's okay."

Following Grandpa Zeng, he also walked in, saying that he was here to kill the fish. Xiang Jin had no objection, so the three of them began to work together.

After a while, Aunt Liao brought over her family's fish and said that today she will eat her family's fish first. The reason is that the fish only moves in the water for a long time. If you don't eat it today, you may eat it tomorrow. You have to die.

Grandpa Zeng pointed at her the fish in his hand, "Then what should we do with this one in our family? I've killed it. It's too big to eat two fish in one meal?"

Aunt Liao frowned, "Oh, it's too late for me to bring it here, just now I was plowing the ground to grow vegetables, and I just wanted to plant that vegetable as soon as possible, so I forgot about it , at this moment I suddenly remembered it, so I hurriedly brought it over, but I didn’t realize it was still a step late.”

Seeing her annoyed look, Xiang Jin comforted her, "Auntie, it's okay, if you're really afraid that you won't be able to store this fish tomorrow, kill it and make it into cured fish, I'll tell you The cured fish is also delicious, and it tastes different from the dried sea fish."

"Make it into cured fish? How do you do it? I've never done it before."

Xiang Jin said, "Simple, you first kill the fish, remove the internal organs, scales, gills, and teeth, and then clean the fish from the inside out with the white wine. Wash it and wash off the blood on its body, so as to disinfect and sterilize the fish, then fry some salt, put some cinnamon, bay leaves, star anise, etc., and fry together, and then fry the salt When it turns yellow, shovel it up, mash the fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon and spices in it into powder and mix it with salt. After it cools down, apply it on the fish and marinate it for three months. Turn the fish over in four days, then marinate it for another three or four days, and then take it out to dry.”

"Oh, that's fine, then I'll kill it, and then I'll treat you to eat cured fish," Aunt Liao nodded and followed suit.

Grandpa Zeng said with a smile, "Bring it, I'm killing the fish, so let's kill it for you together?"

Aunt Liao was about to say how embarrassing it was, when she heard someone calling her name.

After everyone listened carefully, Aunt Liao said, "Oh, maybe someone from my natal family has come, I have to go back, that Uncle Mingyao, so I'm going to trouble you, huh?"

Grandpa Zeng said, "What's the trouble with this? It's all right, you can go to work," he said, and took the fish from her hand.

"Oh, good!" Aunt Liao turned around and hurried home.

Aunt Liao came back after about an hour and a half. When she came, she brought a freshly skinned rabbit and fried salt. Grandma Mo asked, "What are you doing?"

Aunt Liao said, "My brother from my natal family brought these. I brought two of them. I brought one and we made it today, and we made the other another day."

Grandma Mo said, "We have so many dishes today."

Aunt Liao said, "It's okay, this is fresh rabbit meat. My natal brothers just slaughtered it this afternoon. Girl Jin, can you make this rabbit meat?"

Xiang Jin said, "I read it in a book, and it said that there is a famous spicy rabbit dish in the southwest, why don't we try it?"

Aunt Liao smiled and said, "Oh, I just said I brought it right?"

Xiang Jin said, "But Auntie, we have prepared a bit too much food today, and that rabbit may not be able to finish it. Let's use half of it, and eat the remaining half later."

"Okay, listen to you, I'll go and marinate that fish, I'll help you later!"

"Okay!" Then Xiang Jin looked at Grandma Mo, "Grandma Mo, let's stop cooking that fried pork with fragrant dried celery today, shall we?"

Grandma Mo said, "Okay, let's do it another day."

After Aunt Liao marinated the fish, she came to help Xiang Jin, and Grandma Mo asked, "Your mother's family has gone back?"

"I'm going back. I asked them to get some food to eat. It's okay to eat radishes and cabbage, but I think we should eat some fresh vegetables this Chinese New Year, right?" Aunt Liao replied while busy.

Grandma Mo nodded, "Didn't girl Min come back to get some food to eat?"

Aunt Liao said, "Yesterday when I went to the town to go to the market, I brought them some food. It will take a few days to eat. They will come back in the second day of junior high school, and then they can bring some food back."

Grandma Mo nodded, and then Aunt Liao asked, "Girl Jin, are you going to your grandpa's house on the second day of junior high?"

Xiang Jin nodded, "Well, I'm going, I've made an appointment with them."

"That's fine, then when you all come back, I'll treat you to dinner again."

"Auntie, don't be so polite!"

"Oh, that's not being polite. It's fine if you're used to being deserted, but this New Year's Eve, my aunt still wants to be lively."

"Okay!" Hearing what she said, Xiang Jin readily agreed.

At this moment, Grandpa Zeng stood at the door of the kitchen and shouted inside, "Girl Jin, someone is looking for you!"

"Oh, okay, come right away!" Ying Wan said to Jin: Could it be that her grandfather has arrived home?

(End of this chapter)

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