Back to 90s she just wants to get rich

Chapter 347 346. I will not!

Chapter 347 346. I will not!
It seems that the school season is the same every year. After the [-]th day of the first month, schools will start one after another, and it will not be later than the [-]th day of the first month.

Xiang Jin and his school opened on the fourteenth day of the first lunar month. Since they are not freshmen, they don't need to go through all kinds of complicated admission procedures. They just need to go to the teaching office to pay a fee to register, and then take the books back by the way. OK.

After Xiang Jin took the books to the classroom, she went to Yan Fei to get the things she put in him, then made the bed, went to the boiler room of the school to make a pot of hot water, and then returned to the classroom .

Because I am not a freshman, and there are no words about adapting to the environment, so Xiang Jin and his class teacher came into the classroom during the evening self-study time that night and said that they will enter the normal study and rest time from the morning self-study time tomorrow morning, so that they Take care of what should be taken care of, and don't have the absurd idea that three days before the opening of the school is still a registration.

However, in the second day's class, the teachers did not explain the new course, but took out the final exam papers of the previous semester to analyze and explain to everyone, so everyone had a relatively relaxed day.

Xiang Jin and the others officially started class on the third day. The courses for the first semester of high school are obviously more profound than the courses for the first semester of high school. But this semester, Xiang Jin and the others have set up a new subject in the school. It's a computer course.

Xiang Jin's computer class is scheduled for the last class every Thursday afternoon. The teacher who attends the class is a newly transferred teacher. He is in his twenties, with a white face and a pair of thick glass glasses. With a height of less than 1.7 meters, his voice is a bit low.

He first talked about the development process and development trend of the computer, and then the hardware components of the computer, such as CPU, electronic tube, transistor, integrated circuit, etc., and then explained the software, which is the byte, the root of the word. Category.

Oh, what he talked about the most was about the root of the word. He wanted Xiang Jin and the others to memorize the list of the root by heart as soon as possible, and then it was about breaking down the characters.

Then he used Wubi to input a paragraph of words and text on the host above him, and it appeared on the extensions below them, and then many people saw it with novelty and admiration.

"As long as you memorize the root of the word, master the knack of splitting and deciphering characters, and then practice more, you can also type dozens or hundreds of characters in a minute like me. If you want to make your typing speed very fast Hurry up, you still need to type with Wubi, which is much faster than typing in pinyin."

The teacher kept advocating the beauty of Wubi typing on it, but Xiang Jin sat at the bottom but couldn't agree with it. Who said that typing in pinyin is slower than typing in Wubi?

She has never used Wubi to type. She has always typed in pinyin, but she can still type more than 1 characters in one minute. The key is to practice hard and master the pinyin of Chinese characters. The finals are back-nasal and the finals, as well as the tongue rolling and tongue curling, how could typing be unpleasant.

What he said on it was spitting, and the students around him listened with great interest, but Xiang Jin stared at the page in front of him and conceived the storyline of his novel alone.

A class ended after he taught two-thirds of the theoretical class and one-third of the operation class. Finally, he also assigned a homework for everyone, which was to memorize the table of radicals after returning home. In a class, he will pick people up to test.

So that night after the evening self-study, many people in the class took the computer beginner's textbook and went back to recite the roots. Several girls in Xiang Jin's dormitory took it, but she didn't.

When everyone was memorizing, when they saw Xiang Jin still holding a pen on the small table on her bed, making a comprehensive test book, someone couldn't help asking, "Xiang Jin, don't you memorize the roots?"

Xiang Jin tilted his head slightly and shook his head at them.

Someone said, "Have you memorized it all?!"

Xiang Jin shook his head again, "Not at all!"

"Then why don't you memorize it? The teacher will randomly check it then?" someone said again.

Xiang Jin said, "You don't have to use Wubi to type. Pinyin is also acceptable."

Then Liu Xiaobei said, "But the teacher said that the probability of mistakes in Wubi characters is small, and the typing speed is also the fastest."

Xiang Jin said, "That's because he himself is accustomed to using Wubi input method, so he thinks it is fast, so he hopes that all students will use Wubi input method.

But if I think the pinyin input method is convenient, then I will definitely choose the pinyin input method. Besides, I am not a professional text stenographer, so what does it matter which input method I choose? "

Someone felt that she was speaking arrogantly, so they curled their lips secretly.

A week later, it was computer class again, and the teacher really wanted to randomly check people to get up and recite the root words, "Who among you can take the initiative to memorize the root words?"

The people below just watch their noses and noses and their hearts, keeping silent like a cicada, for fear of getting caught.

The teacher stood up and glanced at the crowd, and saw that no one stood up and recited, so he said, "Well, if that's the case, then I will randomly call and check?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl raised her hand and stood up, "Mr. Wang, this root character is too esoteric and difficult to remember. If you want to spot check, just check Xiang Jin from our class. Her memory is the best, almost Never forget!"

Xiang Jin followed the voice and looked over, which one was it, Yuan Li?Damn, she did it on purpose!Sure enough, Yuan Li looked at her with a provocative and malicious face, with the look of a villain waiting for her to make a fool of herself.

Their computer teacher's surname is Wang. Although he just came here, he has also heard from the teachers and leaders of the school that the best students in the entire first grade are Xiang Jin from Class 3 and 4 and Yan from Class 100 and [-]. Chen, every time they take an exam, whether it is the exam of their own class or the entrance exam of the whole age, almost all of them get perfect marks. No.[-] and No.[-] below are more than [-] points higher than [-].

He had long wanted to get to know the best students in these two legends, the students who were praised and proud of by teachers of all grades and subjects, and now he heard what some students said, so he turned towards the entire computer room Scanning, "Xiang Jin? Who is Xiang Jin?"

Xiang Jin stood up, "It's me!"

Then Teacher Wang stared at her for a while, and then said, "Okay, then why don't you memorize the root of Wubi?"

Xiang Jin said, "I won't!"

"No?!" Teacher Wang frowned and looked surprised, "Didn't everyone say that you have the best grades and the best memory in the class?"

Xiang Jin said, "Teacher, the rumors are unbelievable, I'm not that good!"

Teacher Wang stared at her for a while and said, "Okay, then you can memorize part of it. Let me see how far you have mastered it?"

Xiang Jin still said, "No!"

Teacher Wang intuitively felt that Xiang Jin was playing against him and didn't take his words seriously, so his brows frowned even deeper, "Can't you recite a single word?"


When Teacher Wang looked at her, his face turned cold, and he warned, "Xiang Jin, cultural lessons are important, but computers will also be important in the future, so don't take them seriously!"

Naturally, Xiang Jin knew that the computer would be very important in the future, but she just didn't want to memorize the root characters, so she said, "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for reminding me, but I don't think Wubi input method is necessary for typing!"

"You don't use Wubi input method, what do you use? Do you use pinyin?" Teacher Wang stared at her with a displeased expression.

Xiang Jin said, "Exactly!"

Then Teacher Wang said, "Pinyin is faster than Wubi input method? Or is it more accurate?"

Xiang Jin said, "Pinyin may not necessarily be slow, and it may not necessarily have a high error rate!"

That teacher Wang stared at Xiang Jin for a long time, and then concluded that Xiang Jin, a student who thought he had good academic performance and was favored by other teachers, would not take him as a new computer teacher seriously, so he changed his mind, Then I felt that today I should take good care of her spirit and beat her arrogance, so as to establish a prestige in front of other students.

So she said to Xiang Jin, "Okay, then you can go to the front host and type a text, let me see how fast and accurate your pinyin is?"

The following students were startled when they heard this, some sweated for Xiang Jin, and some gloated, because they have only just begun to learn about computer courses, and they are only in the second period, and they are still talking about the theory of radicals and bytes Knowledge has not been practiced yet.

Although the computers in front of them are all turned on, the main computer is only operated by the teacher when he is giving lectures, but the functions of these extensions are locked, and they can only view part of the content on the main computer through the extension.

They haven't even touched the keyboard, but the teacher wants Xiang Jin to type a text on it. Isn't he clearly trying to make things difficult for Xiang Jin?
Did Xiang Jin not understand the reason behind his intention?Suddenly, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and then she walked up unhurriedly, and took a seat in front of the host.

"hit what?"

Teacher Wang found out a piece of People's Daily from nowhere, and then pointed to a large paragraph of text in an article above and said, "Then you can type out these two paragraphs, and input them according to your pinyin." Law."

Xiang Jin glanced at the two paragraphs of text, and after switching the input method in the lower right corner to Smart ABC, he put his hands on the keyboard, stared at the computer screen, and started to move with his ten fingers. The speed of typing on the keyboard was astonishingly fast, like a musician playing a piano piece. After a while, a large paragraph of text was displayed on the screen, and there was not a single typo.

Those words were not only seen by the computer teacher standing on the podium, but also all the students sitting in front of the extensions below. Everyone looked at the Chinese characters that kept appearing in disbelief.

"This, is this too fast?"

"That's right, she, how did she do it?"

Yan Fei, who was sitting not far away, said proudly, "What's the matter, Xiang Jin started reading books on computers last year?"

That look was as if he was typing so fast.

"Go, last year? Where did she read about this last year?" Someone asked.

Yan Fei squinted and raised his eyebrows, "Of course I bought it!"

"Did you buy it? Where did you buy it? Can you buy it in a bookstore?" Someone insisted on breaking the casserole and asking the end.

Yan Fei said, "Xiang Jin and Yan Chen have a good friend, they are from the provincial capital, and they run a bookstore at home, so she will ask them to buy many books that we don't have here. What's the point of buying one or two books on computers? ?”

Xiang Jin typed out the two paragraphs of hundreds of words in less than two or three minutes, including punctuation marks, and there was no mistake. Then, Teacher Wang also heard the conversation of the students below, so he looked There was not so much dissatisfaction in Xiang Jin's eyes.

It seemed that this Xiang Jin had put in a lot of effort, so he stopped being obsessed with whether Xiang Jin would use Wubi or Pinyin in the future, and then told her to go down.

Then he said to the other students below, "You too, if you can use pinyin with the typing speed and accuracy of Xiang Jin, that's fine. I'm not telling you to memorize the root words!"

Many people below breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiang Jin thought to himself that it seems that many people still don't want to recite the root.

Then when everyone was eating together in the afternoon, Yan Fei took the initiative to talk to Yan Chen about what happened in the computer room in the afternoon, and finally said, "That Yuan Li and that Teacher Wang thought they would embarrass Xiang Jin. But I didn’t expect that in the end, they slapped themselves in the face severely, and made him change his words, no longer obsessed with asking us to recite the five strokes.”

Yan Chen looked at Xiang Jin with a smile on his face, and Xiang Jin smiled awkwardly at him, "Actually, it's nothing. Although I don't have access to computers, I often read books about computers, and then I drew a keyboard out of the hard cardboard according to the picture in the book, and then practiced fingering on it when I was free, no, the more I practice, the more dexterous my hands will be, won’t I?”

"Well, smart!" The pampering flashed in Yan Chen's eyes, and then he put a piece of braised pork ribs in her bowl.

"It's okay, it's okay," Xiang Jin lowered her eyes, picked up the rib with a guilty conscience, and took a bite. Last year, when they saw the school buying so many computers at the school gate, she knew that the school would buy a lot of computers this year. Offer computer courses.

In order not to let people notice that she was unusually proficient in computers, she called Han Che immediately and asked him to help her purchase two books on computers in the provincial capital, and directly read them to Yan Chen and Yan Chen. Fei passed Ming Lu in front of her, making them feel that she had learned computer knowledge by herself in advance, so even if she did something unbelievable, it would be a matter of course in their eyes, because she This person is smart, so he can learn everything quickly!
She is indeed not stupid, and she is also smarter than many people, so she dares to take advantage of this "smartness" again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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