The host is charming and charming

Chapter 1 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 1 Paranoid villains are always on their own
[Ding!The system is running and connecting to the host...alarm alert!The original host's vital signs dropped rapidly, the host please take immediate measures!Otherwise the mission fails, Didi! ]
The ear-piercing siren rang in Zhaoge's mind, and his heavy consciousness was forcibly awakened, followed by a sense of oppression rushing into the lung cavity.

The figure that had already sunk into the hot spring suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, water splashed down his cheeks and onto his fair neck.

She blinked her eyes and was a little dazed, that smelly old man of Tiandao kicked herself into the plane invaded by the demon king, it was too much!
[System: Beep, the crisis is over.Hello host, I am your exclusive system Junjun.

The Demon Lord's consciousness is about to awaken. Your task is to attack the Demon Lord's avatar and make it reach 100 favorability before entering the next plane. ]
Zhaoge gestured to show understanding, "Understood, happy cooperation."

Cangyi Mountain is famous for its delicious food and lazy work, how can it work for the heaven?

This matter has to start from just now:

Just now, when she was fully armed to welcome the Ascension Thunder Tribulation, Tiandao suddenly appeared and told her that the Demon Lord had escaped into the Three Thousand Dimensions to do business and wanted to return to the Three Realms, so she needed to stop her.

The former demon king was a fallen immortal who practiced the ruthless art. This time, he entered the plane world and turned into a clone to nourish his consciousness, which awakened his consciousness and devoured the spiritual power of the plane, intending to feed back his body and break through the seal to reappear in the world.

Her mission is to destroy the Demon Lord.

Let his avatar fall in love with him, so that the demon master who practiced the ruthless formula will not be able to wake up halfway.

Tiandao said that this matter must be her, and it is her destiny.

Ha ha, must be talking nonsense.

I'm just a little earth spirit with low spiritual power, could it be possible that I can ascend to the gods after the tribulation?
Faced with the important task of saving the common people, Zhao Ge refused without thinking.

It's a joke, she doesn't want to provoke the master of the demon world who kills without blinking an eye.

However, Tiandao lured her with the position of a god and a wish, so she had no choice but to agree in the end.

Zhaoge touched his little heart with lingering fear, thinking of the embarrassment just now, he couldn't help complaining: "Junjun, big brother! Can we choose a time when we don't take a bath next time?"

[System: Cough... The host's appeal has been received, and the plot is being transmitted to the host. ]
As the sound of the mechanical system sounded in his mind, the plot of the plane was quickly and concisely passed through in Zhaoge's consciousness.

Originally, Zhaoge was the charming and domineering princess of the Southern Qiong Kingdom, whose parents died when he was young.

Because Emperor Nanqiong is the original uncle, so he favors him very much.

What is the relationship between her and the hero and heroine?That is nothing to do!

Because she played too hard, Shen Chengyan, the proton sent by the big villain Daliang and her current target, Shen Chengyan, was destroyed early.

They also lost their mother when they were young, so the treatment of these two can be described as one in heaven and one in hell.

Although Shen Chengyan was the second prince of Daliang, he was poisoned by the queen and sent to the enemy country as a hostage after the death of his mother and concubine. He grew up with difficulty under the contempt and humiliation of the people of the Nanqiong royal family.

In the later period, he finally returned to Daliang, was supported by the prime minister as king, and was on the verge of blackening because he learned the truth about his mother's murder that year.

Remembering the brotherhood when he was young, he has always been unable to bear to kill the little emperor of Liang, that is, the man of the plane.

But at this time, the heroine was blinded by hatred and appeared next to the hero to sow discord, and even used herself as a lure to pretend to hook up with Shen Chengyan.

The two brothers broke up because of this, and Shen Chengyan, who fell in love with the heroine, completely blackened and did everything he could to fight for the throne.

The ending is obvious, the little emperor has the brilliance of the hero, Shen Chengyan is naturally dead.

The topic goes back to our little dandy in the Southern Qiong Kingdom, when did he kill himself?

When Shen Chengyan was still in Nanqiong, the original body heard that the adopted daughter of the chief minister wanted to adopt Shen Chengyan as a male favorite. This little ancestor, based on the principle of good deeds for bad people, prepared to take the overlord Shen Chengyan hard in this hot spring, and strike first.

Shen Chengyan is a wolf cub in sheep's clothing, how could he obediently endure this shame and humiliation?
He learned the news in advance and planned to kill Yuanshen, and even blamed Yuanshen's death on the adopted daughter of Da Siming.

Not only killed two idiots who were greedy for his body, but also alienated the relationship between Emperor Nanqiong and Da Siming, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Zhaoge rubbed his chin, looked at the frowning reflection in the spring water and said:
"So, my fine cannon fodder is about to die??!"

[System: Friendly reminder, if the host dies before the completion of the strategy mission, the punishment mechanism will be triggered, which may lead to the disappearance of ashes. ]
Oh... oh shit!

The four words of ashes and smoke fell into my ears like a devil's voice, and the corner of Zhaoge's mouth twitched and he looked up at the sky, "Old man Tiandao, I came through the back door anyway, so you give me this treatment? Come out and let's have a good theory."

A mocking voice sounded from behind, "Is this the place where the little princess invites me to drink?"

[System: Ding! The target character has appeared. ]
Zhaoge turned around and looked at the man in a moon-white robe who stepped into the spring water without haste, and raised his eyebrows.

Tsk tsk tsk, look at this handsome face with sharp edges and corners, and those breathtaking Ruifeng eyes, all of which are cold and stubborn.

It's daunting and can't help but daydream in your heart. With such appearance and posture, it's really exciting to be a male favorite.

As if thinking of something, she suddenly lowered her head.Wait, who did he say was younger?
[System: ... the host, the original body is only 15 years old now. ]
Zhaoge suddenly realized that he was referring to age.

Seeing Zhaoge frowned and raised his chin, Shen Chengyan thought that the charming princess was going to lose his temper again.

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, she changed her face again, staring at herself and smiling maliciously.

Oh, it's really annoying as always.

[System: Ding!Raider favorability -10, current favorability -20]
Ok? ? ?I'm wronged, I didn't bully him, why did I deduct my favorability?

Before Zhaoge could figure out what was going on, he saw the beautiful man who hated and disdained her in his heart, holding a drink steadily at the moment, smiling innocently and coming towards him, "We just sent you to the house from the Western Regions. The wine, Shen borrowed flowers to offer Buddha."

The honorable and cold Prince Liang took the initiative to offer wine, who wouldn't be confused by this.

Ke Zhaoge looked at the scarlet liquid in the wine glass but squinted his eyes. This handsome man who smiled like a little white flower didn't want to sacrifice himself.

There are many ways to break the original body's current deadlock, and she decisively chose the simplest and most brutal method.

Shen Chengyan watched Zhaoge step forward quickly, the smile froze at the corner of his mouth, and before he could react, he was pushed to the edge of the pool by an unexpected force.

His back hit the rock wall suddenly, and the wine cup was knocked down on the shore.

With sharp eyesight, Zhaoge quickly clasped his right hand holding the wine glass against the spring wall, imprisoning him close to his body.

"Presumptuous!" Shen Chengyan said angrily.He knew that the little princess wanted to humiliate him here, but he didn't expect her to be so impatient, it's ridiculous!
 The new book is coming, please bookmark ~ please recommend ~ please comment ~ (°д°)

(End of this chapter)

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