The host is charming and charming

Chapter 19 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 19 Paranoid villains are always on their own
Zhaoge walked through the bustling downtown and followed the sign left by the dark guard to an inconspicuous restaurant.

As soon as she stepped onto the second floor, the waiter in the restaurant put up a closed sign at the door, and then closed the door.


Panxi couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw her master's sudden visit.But soon, she realized something was wrong.

The master once said that if there is nothing important, try to avoid seeing each other to avoid being caught.

Zhaoge closed the door with his backhand, and said concisely: "Panxi, did you know about Shuangshuang's assassination of Shen Chengyan?"

It stands to reason that Shuangshuang belongs to Pan Xi's management, and the assassination of Shen Chengyan was probably instigated by Pan Xi.

But Zhaoge knows that anyone in this world can betray him, except Pan Xi.

Panxi was originally a member of the Wu tribe, who strayed into the battlefield and was rescued by her second cousin Nan Dingxu, who was sent to protect her.

There is a loyalty Gu connection between her and Pan Xi, if Pan Xi has the intention of betraying herself, she will be eaten back by the Gu insect in her body.

Pan Xi couldn't react, "Master, didn't you say that no one is allowed to touch Shen Chengyan?"

She paused, her expression changed, "I'll kill Shuangshuang for you!"

Zhaoge hurriedly grabbed her, sighed softly, and said, "She is seriously injured and won't live long. You don't even know about this matter, so who ordered her..."

The room fell into silence for a moment, and suddenly, a soft laugh sounded outside the door, "It's me."

Panxi subconsciously pulled Zhaoge behind her, and said cautiously: "Master, be careful."

With a "bang", the door was knocked open from the outside, and a woman in white clothes slowly walked in, with a wicked smile on her lips, "Zhaoge, long time no see."

Zhaoge frowned. Right now Cangqi Kingdom is still stationed outside Nanqiong City, but Pu Gongyu appears in Daliang as the general defending the city.

"Why are you here?"

Pu Gongyu covered her lips with a delicate smile, "Don't you want to know who ordered Shuangshuang to assassinate Shen Chengyan? Right now I am standing in front of you. I threatened her younger brother, but she dared not refuse. It's a pity that I didn't kill this traitor." thief."

Seeing her proud expression, Zhaoge reprimanded in a cold voice: "Pu Gongyu, how dare you touch my people. Don't think that you are useful to Nanqiong, so I dare not kill you."

"Don't be angry, let's see who I brought?"

Pu Gongyu turned sideways slightly, with a tall and straight figure, and Nan Dingxu, who was full of coldness, appeared at the door.

He fixedly looked at Zhaoge, the cold light in his eyes disappeared.

Zhaoge quickly matched this person with the shadow in her memory, and she subconsciously shouted: "Second cousin? What are you doing..."

Nan Dingxu strode forward, patted Zhaoge's head in relief and said, "Xiao Zhaoge, I haven't seen you for a few years, but he has grown so big."

Seeing Nan Dingxu appearing, Pan Xi's eyes lit up suddenly, she was just about to speak.As if thinking of something, he quietly retreated to the side.

The second cousin of the original body had been trained in the military camp since he was a child, and it was difficult for him to escape.Every year, they regularly sent gifts from thousands of miles back to Nanqiong for her.

Now seeing his relatives, Zhaoge was disturbed by the original body's emotions, and actually felt his nose a little sore.

She glanced at Pu Gongyu who was not far away, and said with some incomprehension: "Second cousin, why did you kill Shen Chengyan? Shuangshuang, she is innocent."

Nan Dingxu's eyes darkened, and he let go of his hand and said, "This is just a plan. Do you really think that the guard in the prison is so stupid that he can release you? It would be great if Shuangshuang could kill Shen Chengyan, but even if he couldn't , her sacrifice can also make you leave.

She originally lived for you, and now that you escaped smoothly, her death is meaningful.Zhaoge, it's not safe here, follow me, I'll take you home. "

Not to mention that she came here for Shen Chengyan, even if she wanted to leave, she shouldn't use this method.

It is wrong to arbitrarily deprive others of the chance to live!

She shook her head, "Second cousin, I can't go with you."

"Everyone, where are you going?" A familiar voice sounded, and Zhao Ge touched his forehead, and it was over.

Why did Shen Chengyan come here so quickly?
"Don't be childish, hurry up and go!" Nan Dingxu drew out his sharp sword, and was about to lead Zhaoge to charge out.

Suddenly, his whole body was in severe pain, and his legs softened and he knelt on the ground on one knee.


"Second cousin!"

Panxi and Zhaoge quickly supported him, and Shen Chengyan saw this scene as soon as he came in. He stared at Zhaoge's hand on Nan Dingxu's shoulder, and greeted him with a smile that was not a smile: "Hey, what wind will blow the second prince of Nanqiong to death?" Is it blowing?"

Zhaoge secretly prayed in his heart that Shen Chengyan didn't hear their conversation just now.Otherwise, it would be even more difficult for Nan Dingxu to get out of the girder today.

She resigned herself to her fate and stood up, blocking Panxi and Nan Dingxu behind her, "My lord, let them go, I'll go with you."

As for Pu Gongyu, she doesn't want to care about this bad woman who will avenge her kindness.

Shen Chengyan suddenly interrupted Zhaoge's thoughts, his eyes became more serious, as if he was afraid that Zhaoge would really disappear just like that. "Is this true?"

Zhaoge was about to nod, but he moved Pu Gongyu to stand beside Shen Chengyan, and said, "how? I kept my promise and brought Nan Dingxu to you. Regent, should you also fulfill your promise and help me?" Take the seat?"

what did she say?
Zhao Ge rolled up his sleeves and couldn't help but stepped forward, "You mentally handicapped, I saved you because you gave me a moth?!"

"Hey! Master, calm down! Let's calm down!" Panxi was afraid that Pu Gongyu would hurt Zhaoge, so she hurried forward and hugged him by the waist.

"You stupid woman, you even poisoned Nan Dingxu! You don't even understand the reason why the snipe and the clam fight each other for the fisherman's profit. Where have you read the sage books? With your IQ, how can you... Uhhhhh!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Panxi quickly covered Zhaoge's mouth, this little ancestor!

She peeked at the notorious Shen Chengyan, silently sweating for her master.

But there was a slight smile on Shen Chengyan's face, and the way he looked at his master was a little bit... pampered?
"My lord, don't get your hands dirty. She insulted you. I'll kill her for you." Pu Gongyu's eyes were filled with venom, and she said viciously.

Shen Chengyan's eyes darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "She is right, you are too stupid. This king never cooperates with stupid people, take it down."

Jiang Ye suddenly appeared like a ghost, grabbed Pu Gongyu with his backhand, and gagged his mouth with a table rag.

Pan Xi let go of her hand, a little confused, "Master, what's going on here?"

Zhaoge blinked, "Damn it, what's going on?"
On the other side, Nan Dingxu stood up as if nothing happened.His cold eyes swept towards Pu Gongyu, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"Shen Chengyan, what do you want?"

"Xuan Ding Buddha beads."

"Okay, I promise you. But man, I have to take it away."

Shen Chengyan shrugged indifferently, "Since you are a traitor to Nanqiong, it is useless for me to keep it. The city gate is open, and you can leave at any time."

Zhaoge: Are they playing riddles?Why can't I understand.

Nan Dingxu said: "Pu Gongyu will naturally be taken back and handed over to my father, but Zhaoge, I will also take it away."

Shen Chengyan pushed the back molars with the tip of his tongue, "I don't allow it."

(End of this chapter)

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