The host is charming and charming

Chapter 296 Did the Mensao actor break up today

"What a coincidence."

Zhou Jinzhe caught a glimpse of the business card that Zhao Ge was pinching, and between greetings, he looked at the delicate and elegant young doctor behind Zhao Ge without a trace.

He has a drama about a doctor in the future, and we are still talking about it, but Zhou Jinzhe is still very interested in the script.

As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain, so Zhou Jinzhe appeared here, wanting to learn from his father's friend, the director Yuan of this private hospital, and have a chat.

After chatting all morning, I really benefited a lot and was quite inspiring.

It's just that I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains on this trip.

After bidding farewell to Zhao Cheng'an, Zhaoge and his "friends" took a walk in the unmanned path of the hospital.

Zhaoge has always been unique, and Zhou Jinzhe has to admit that there is an unfathomable mystery about him.

But sometimes, she is so straightforward that people are overwhelmed.

For example, now, when I was still secretly worrying that this inappropriate encounter would bring trouble to her, the other party did not play cards according to common sense, and said frankly:

"I'm here for a follow-up visit. That was my attending psychiatrist just now. He's not bad."

At this moment Zhou Jinzhe couldn't care about other emotions, he was so surprised that he was caught off guard.


He took a deep breath and regained his expression management, a little dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect that you would be willing to share these with me. After all..."

After all, this kind of private matter is a double-edged sword for insiders like them to be on the hot search list every minute.

Zhaoge smiled, frankly with the usual indifference. "It wasn't anything to be ashamed of."

[Ding!Raider target curiosity +10, current curiosity is 50.]
Zhou Jinzhe agrees with this statement.

And Zhaoge's ability to think this way shows that she has the courage to step over the hurdle again;

Or, she has already succeeded.

"Is there any result from what happened yesterday?"

Zhaoge suppressed his smile and shrugged his shoulders, but it was rare to be serious: "It is said that it is an illegitimate trouble, the other party has already prepared and has the proof of spirit. But I am still going to file a lawsuit.

Do you think that I am too..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhou Jinzhe said, "No."

The two stopped in tacit understanding. The trail that had just drizzled was a little wet, and the smell of grass and soil mixed together, which was unexpectedly pleasant.

The gift of nature always has the power to relax.

But the power that words can give cannot be underestimated.Especially when Zhou Jinzhe looked serious and spoke sincerely:

"I can probably guess what you're going to say. But no matter what your professional status is, people have the right to defend their own interests. Zhaoge, you've done a good job."

He paused, "Actually, in many cases, there is no need to digest the so-called emotions alone. If necessary, I can help you. Whether it is about Wang Fang or..."

Zhaoge blinked. "Zhou Jinzhe, is it because you sympathize with me?"

She wanted to know whether Zhou Jinzhe's helping hand was from the standpoint of a friend, or was it mixed with other emotions.

When the answer was about to be announced, a wet and uninvited guest rushed out from the nearby low bushes, his small head arched Zhaoge's ankles, rendering the tail of the white skirt into flowers, and then blinked the aggrieved big Eyes raised, meowed pitifully several times.

Zhaoge lowered her head, and the little gray cat in front of her was very similar to the cat she saw trying to attack her after being hypnotized.

"It seems to have followed us all the way."

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