The host is charming and charming

Chapter 32 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 32 Paranoid villains are always on their own
Zhaoge held his hand, not in a hurry.

What are you afraid of, she is the heroine of the plane anyway, Shen Chengyan treats her unusually in his bones, how could he kill her?

"Drag out and kill."

In Shen Chengyan's words, there was no sign of sympathy.

Zhaoge didn't have time to think about it, so he hurriedly said, "Wait!"

Shen Chengyan struck with a cold knife eye, Zhaoge smiled flatteringly, and came to Shen Chengyan's side in small steps.

"My lord, Miss Shuangshuang saved your life anyway. Wouldn't it be good to just kill someone like this?"

Shen Chengyan raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't expect to really kill Qin Shuangshuang.

But now Zhaoge's reaction is very interesting.

"Don't tell me that the king has forgotten that the assassination happened by coincidence, and it might have something to do with her."

He looked at Qin Shuangshuang, who looked at death like home, and smiled sinisterly, "Want to die? This king wants to make your life worse than death. Someone, take her..."

"do not!"

Shen Chengyan's back stiffened, and the warmth in his hand was hard to ignore. He looked at the hand that was tightly grasping his own, and forgot what he wanted to say for a moment.

All the hidden guards looked up at the sky together, pretending not to see the scene in front of them.

Qin Shuangshuang was furious, stepped forward and dragged Zhaoge to her side, and said earnestly: "Don't beg for me, I'm sorry for what happened just now.

But I still want to advise you one last thing, stay away from this thief, and don't be fooled by his appearance. "

Zhaoge hurried forward to cover Qin Shuangshuang's powerful mouth, and warned in a low voice: "Grandma, you can shut up!"

With a gloomy face, Shen Chengyan stood up and pulled Zhaoge to his side, "Okay, I won't kill her, I will send her away tomorrow."

Ok?bro are you kidding me?

Witnessing Fang Cai Zhaoge and Qin Shuangshuang flirting, Shen Chengyan felt a little jealous.

When did she and Qin Shuangshuang have such a good relationship?

No one should try to take her away from me, Qin Shuangshuang wanted to curse a few more words, but when she met Shen Chengyan's gaze, she couldn't help but panicked.

Why does she feel that this bastard's eyes are treating her as a rival in love? ? ?

"Jiangye, take people down and watch over them."


After Jiang Ye took the order, he acupointed Qin Shuangshuang's Ya acupuncture point, and then left with all the hidden guards.

Zhaoge wanted to leave calmly and follow the crowd, but Shen Chengyan grabbed his wrist.

She looked back, and the black and white deer eyes were ignorant, "What else is there for the lord?"

Shen Chengyan let go, and asked casually: "You know she has bad intentions, but she kept it from me. Zhaoge, do you owe me an explanation?"

【Oh, you're done, he's settling accounts after autumn. 】

Zhaoge smiled and said: "My lord, you clearly appreciate Miss Shuangshuang these few days.

I won't say it, just because I'm afraid you won't like it.Zhaoge has no self-confidence, and the prince will stand by my side without hesitation when facing a beautiful woman.I also ask the prince to forgive me. "

She gave a slight salute, turned and left.

In the huge room, Shen Chengyan was the only one left.

After a long time, he chuckled and murmured: "She is not happy."

At night, Zhaoge avoids everyone and goes to the room where Qin Shuangshuang is being detained.

Strangely, there were no guards outside the house.

Zhao Ge squatted in the grass for a long time, and then cautiously went to the room.

As soon as he reached the door, two guards descended from the sky, scaring Zhaoge back a step.

She had already prepared her speech, but she wasn't too alarmed.

But before she opened her mouth, one of the guards cupped her fists and said: "Princess, the prince has ordered. If you want to visit the people in the house, just go in. As long as you don't let them go."

After finishing speaking, the two retreated to the sides and opened the door for Zhaoge.

[Favorite!This is definitely favoritism! 】

Zhaoge smiled apologetically, entered the room as fast as he could and closed the door behind his backhand.

Being caught by someone is the most embarrassing thing, especially if this person is Shen Chengyan.

In the room, Qin Shuangshuang was tied to the armchair by Wu Huada. Seeing that it was Zhaoge who came, she was a little surprised and said, "Why are you here?"

Zhaoge shrugged and said, "Sorry, I can't untie this rope for you. Otherwise, I would be the one sitting here."


Qin Shuangshuang snorted softly, without the previous disguise, she looked lonely and aloof.

Earlier, Shen Chengyan deliberately acted indifferent to Zhaoge in front of her, which made her relax her vigilance.

Today, his true colors were revealed, he didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of Zhaoge.

"I don't need you to take pity on me. Besides, how could he be willing to treat you like this."

Zhaoge had to sigh secretly, Qin Shuangshuang's disguise skills were no less than hers.

Seeing that Zhaoge didn't speak, Qin Shuangshuang realized that her tone was not good.

She closed her eyes and said slowly, "I'm sorry, you saved me many times, but I wanted to use the defense map to force you out of the house."

Zhaoge squatted down and looked at her with a soft voice that easily made people let go of their guard, "I don't blame you, I know you don't want Shen Chengyan to hurt me. But, I really like him."

Qin Shuangshuang opened her eyes, frowned and said, "Does it have to be him?"

Zhaoge nodded slightly.

Seeing Zhaoge's appearance, Qin Shuangshuang couldn't say anything more.

After all, she and Shen Kui couldn't figure out what was going on, so what right did she have to manage other people's love affairs.

She sighed and said, "I know what you want to ask, but now that I've been arrested, it's okay to tell you.

Shen Chengyan's mother and concubine love lotus very much. She always carries a sachet with six lotus petals on her body.

I heard that it was for Shen Chengyan's future princess.When Shen Chengyan was in your Nanqiong, his mother and concubine committed suicide.

The empress dowager secretly left the sachet, and originally wanted to wait for Shen Chengyan to come back and give him a thought.

Shen Chengyan was ambitious, and after returning to Daliang, relying on the help of the prime minister, he went against the empress dowager everywhere.

By chance, this thing came into my hands and became my weapon against Shen Chengyan.

He has been nice to me these past few days, and I thought he mistook me for his daughter-in-law in the hearts of his mother and concubine.Unexpectedly, it was his trap, and I was careless. "

Zhaoge was speechless for a while, I am afraid that the queen mother deliberately kept the sachet because she was thinking of today.

Seeing Zhaoge's eyes lowered, Qin Shuangshuang thought she wanted to ask him for the sachet.

She tilted her head and said, "Hey, what are you thinking? He has already taken that thing away, but I see that he treats you differently from others.

Perhaps, the ultimate owner of the sachet will be you. "

Zhaoge didn't pay attention to her words, and stared at her inexplicably, hesitating whether to tell her that the queen mother in her heart was just using her as a pawn to seek power and gain.

You can choose Shen Kui to advance, and Shen Chengyan to retreat.

If the Queen Mother is still alive, no matter who Qin Shuangshuang chooses, she will be the winner in the end.

Perhaps, this is also an opportunity for the growth of the heroine of the plane.

Forget it, let her lift the veil of the truth with her own hands.

Zhaoge got up and said softly, "Thank you for telling me the truth. You used me, and I used you. Now we are even."

(End of this chapter)

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