Chapter 54 Black-bellied Boss Fu's Cultivated Girlfriend (13)

Jiang Yihang took Zhaoge back to the villa on the way. In the house, the wounded Xu Qiyun was very relaxed.

He put his legs on the coffee table, leaned on the sofa like an old man, and watched the racing commentary with relish.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Xu Qiyun didn't even turn his head, he quickly threw the potato chips aside, collapsed on the sofa and said:

"Oh, it hurts so much. Jiang Yihang, did you bring me something delicious? Bring it here and let me have a look."

Jiang Yihang and Zhaoge looked at each other, and the former patted her on the shoulder encouragingly.

Zhaoge swallowed nervously, put two full shopping bags in front of Xu Qiyun, and smiled flatteringly, "Brother, are you okay?"

Xu Qiyun froze, and immediately sat up, "Why are you?"

Zhaoge took advantage of the opportunity to sit next to him, and carefully squeezed his shoulders, "Brother, I know I was wrong. What I said that day was all angry words, and the seniors told me that you beat Fu Yupang for me. I was really touched."

Xu Qiyun slapped Zhaoge's hand down, and said with disdain: "It's hypocritical."

Singer Zhao tightened and loosened, telling himself to stay calm.

I came here with a mission, so keep calm and don't fuss with him.

Xu Qiyun glanced at her, "If it weren't for your surname Xu, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

Eh?Is this something to talk about?

Sitting close, Zhaoge hurriedly echoed, "I understand, you just have a hard mouth and a soft heart."

Seeing that Xu Qiyun was getting annoyed again, Zhaoge quickly changed the subject, "Brother, why don't we negotiate a deal?"


Xu Qiyun looked over in surprise, Zhaoge's mysterious appearance looked like a sleek and cunning fox.

It always felt bad, he subconsciously refused, "We have nothing to talk about."

Zhaoge ignored his insincere refusal, and continued: "I'll help you chase sister Jane, and you help me chase Fu Qijun."

Hearing that it was related to Jian Yuling, Xu Qiyun's ears turned red, and he deliberately pretended not to understand, "Which sister Jian...wait a minute, you like Fu Qijun!"

His eyes widened, and his whole body was blindfolded.

This little girl actually likes Fu Qijun? ? !

"He is your elder!"

"There is no blood relationship."

"He's so much older than you, if you don't like fresh meat, why don't you like him?"

"Isn't it 6 years old? Besides, if you walk with him, people who don't know will think you are the same age."

Xu Qiyun opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zhaoge tugged at his sleeves, and said persuasively, "You understand, this deal is not a loss."

Xu Qiyun pursed his lips, of course he understood.

Their surname is Xu, they were born with many privileges, and they are destined to lose many things that ordinary people can have.

Between myself and Xu Zhaoge, one of them has to take the road of marriage.

If she and Fu Qijun really get together, then she will be free and can marry whoever she wants.

[Host, you are deceiving him not to know the future. 】

The corners of Zhaoge's lips twitched slightly, but Xu Qiyun really didn't know that even if he hadn't married into the Fu family, he could still have a good relationship with Jian Yuling.

Jun Jun "tsk" twice, and looked at the clever and witty male protagonist with some sympathy.

The transaction that the host said was clearly a unilateral coaxing of the male lead to return to the company, and by the way, serve as her wingman.

Xu Qiyun faced his so-called younger sister for the first time, and slowly said: "Without me, you can still get what you want. Xu Zhaoge, what are your additional conditions?"

Sure enough, it is convenient to talk to smart people.

"You listen to Dad and go back to the company."

Xu Qiyun was unwilling at first, but who made Zhaoge have the perspective of God, and only slightly mentioned the two-pronged approach, and he realized it along the way.

By the way, the eyes that looked at Zhaoge became warmer, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, Fu Qijun is not an ordinary person, your skills are still shallow, you can't play with him."

Zhaoge looked at Jiang Yihang, who had watched a lot of good shows, and pointed out: "So, I have to borrow someone from you."

Xu Qiyun looked at his good brother and suddenly understood.

Jiang Yihang smiled helplessly: "You brothers and sisters don't treat me as an outsider."

Zhaoge is not afraid that he will reveal his intentions in the two meetings, after all, the more people know about his liking for Fu Qijun, the better.

Zhaoge asked Jiang Yihang for help because of the signing ceremony of the "Nanqing Project" three days later.

Fu and Xu's failed marriage has aroused widespread concern and suspicion from the outside world. Everyone is looking forward to the split of the two families so that they can have more opportunities.

In Vanity Fair, there are endless stories about stepping on other people's shoulders to climb up.

However, if the Fu family and the Xu family can stand at the top of the pyramid, their minds cannot be underestimated.

Taking advantage of this wave of attention, the two companies took advantage of the opportunity to launch a new joint project called "Nanqing Project".

The evening party is held at the venue of the Fu family, which is convenient for business leaders to discuss cooperation and promote exchanges.

Zhaoge came here, neither for the project nor for the excitement.

This party is a hunting ground carefully prepared for Fu Qijun.

As a hunter, she will appear as the prey.

As for whether Fu Qijun, a shrewd businessman, will fall into the trap, it depends on Jiang Yihang.

In the blink of an eye, on the third day, Xu Qiyun and Zhaoge appeared together, handsome and beautiful, and the flashlights focused instantly.

Zhao Ge was wearing a long black dress, showing a slender waist.There is a little cinnabar on her lips, she is pure and lustful, and everyone can't help but marvel at her graceful appearance.

Xu family's daughter, why does she feel more and more dazzling.

Xu Qiyun saw that the young master's buddies were all focused on his side. As a man, he could see through the eagerness of these people after they were stunned.

Suddenly, I was a little lucky that Xu Zhaoge chose Fu Qijun.

Zhao Ge took his hand, smiled at the constantly flickering lights, and reminded in a low voice: "Brother, there is a camera, don't make a dark face."

"Hmph, I'm also the most handsome man in the world, are you jealous of me?"

Zhaoge resisted the thought of rolling his eyes, why didn't Fu Yu slap his handsome face a few times, talking so much nonsense.

Entering the hall, the two let go of their hands in a very tacit understanding.

You said something to me, and you didn't mean anything.

Xu Qiyun suddenly stopped in his footsteps, and his voice was fast and low, with a bit of schadenfreude, "Xu Zhaoge, don't say I didn't help you."

"What are you mumbling about..."

Before Zhaoge finished speaking, he was pushed forward by a big evil hand.

She let out a cry of surprise, thinking that she was about to fall on the ground, but in the end she threw herself into someone's arms.


"Little... little uncle."

Zhaoge blushed and withdrew from the very safe embrace, Xu Qiyun stepped forward to say hello, "Hello, uncle."

Immediately afterwards, he said righteously: "Zhaoge, did you eat uncle's tofu on purpose?"

Zhaoge:······I was kicked by a pig in my head, so I wanted to ask you for an assist.

(End of this chapter)

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