The host is charming and charming

Chapter 93 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 93 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (20)

"Let's go."

Pei Jingyu turned around and left, a little panicked.

This flustered for no reason, maybe even he himself hadn't noticed it.

He was indifferent and alienated to everyone, but unconsciously, he was different to the person in front of him.

At the gate of the embroidery workshop, several groups of guests came in and out.

Pei Jingyu and Zhaoge looked at each other, didn't they mean that everyone avoided this Fangzhu like the plague?
Why is this embroidery workshop still so lively...
A woman stepped forward, and she was really amazed when her eyes fell on Pei Jingyu. This young man was dressed in white clothes like an exile.

She stared at Pei Jingyu shyly, and said softly, "You two, what do you want to buy?"

The neglected scholar "slapped" the folding fan in his hand, attracting the eyes of both of them.

Zhaoge slapped Pei Jingyu's shoulder lightly, and said in a gentle tone, "It's hard for a little girl to give up her kindness, why don't my brother buy some more embroidery and take care of his business?"

His elder brother's voice was intentionally heavy, and he shouted lingeringly, which made Pei Jingyu freeze.

The little girl was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted.

Whose brothers shouted so affectionately, could it be...Brother Qing? !

She consciously discovered some unknown secret, and after looking back and forth between the two, she even blushed a little.

Zhaoge put his elbows on Pei Jingyu's shoulders with that boyish face, and flirted with him with a wink.

[System: Ding!Raiders favorability +10, current favorability is 50.Huh~ Host, you are so disgusting. ]
Zhaoge: It seems that some people are not completely indifferent to this disgusting sound.

Pei Jingyu's ears were reddish, he pulled Zhaoge's hand off, and reprimanded him gently, "Don't make trouble."

The little girl who witnessed the interaction between the two took a deep breath and almost pouted.

Zhaoge put it away when he saw it, and took out the handkerchief in his sleeve and said to the little girl: "My good sister, I have a handkerchief here that is a bit dirty, it can't be washed clean and I don't want to throw it away. If I can restore it to its original state, I will reward you with a lot of money. "

Pei Jingyu: Good sister, heh.

The little girl couldn't help muttering in her heart, the embroiderers in this embroidery workshop are not just decorations, how difficult is it to repair a small handkerchief?

But when she touched the stitches on the handkerchief, she suddenly felt ashamed, and wanted to hand it back, but stammered: "I'm really sorry, this handkerchief was embroidered by the workshop master, and it's not something we can repair." of."

Zhao Ge pushed back the handkerchief, "That just so happens, I'm sorry for your trouble, Master."

The little girl looked at him in surprise. Since the owner of the workshop retired, the business in this embroidery workshop has been better.

Unexpectedly, there are still people rushing up.

She hesitated for a while, and said: "Our Fangzhu is no longer accepting jobs, but... you two wait a moment, I will ask Fangzhu what he means."

"You Lao girl."

After a while, the little girl came back and welcomed the two into the main house in the inner courtyard.

The woman in Tsing Yi has a delicate face, with a faint sadness between her eyebrows, she looks about 25-[-].

Hearing the movement, she didn't lift her head, her gaze was still on Zhaoge's handkerchief, "You two are welcome, sit down."

Pei Jingyu and Zhaoge looked at each other and sat down opposite her.

Qinyue caressed the pair of mandarin ducks on the handkerchief, "Master, this handkerchief is only stained with ink on the edge, and the picture of the mandarin ducks has not been damaged. Do you mind if I fix the ink stains in a fancy way?"

Zhaoge nodded, "Master, please go ahead."

Qinyue picked up the needle and thread in the basket, sewed, and felt a little emotional, "The mandarin ducks embroidered by Luowen Embroidery are lifelike, implying loyalty and unswerving, and growing old together. I am not afraid of the jokes of the two young masters. I once embroidered a piece for myself, but it is a pity. ..."

She smiled bitterly, but did not continue.

Zhaoge lowered his voice and asked tentatively, "The girl also has someone she likes, so where is he now?"

Qinyue paused for a moment, then continued to work on her hand, her voice didn't fluctuate and said:

"Dead, are you outsiders? People here won't ask. They wish I could die too. Yes, I'm so different, why did I come back alive?"

She was in a trance, and the words she said didn't match the words, just like the rumors in the city, she was crazy and stupid.

Pei Jingyu looked at the daisies under her hands that were gradually taking shape, and said in a cold voice with reassuring magical power, "The two of us came to Liuhe City to do business, and we took the opportunity to mend this handkerchief for an old friend.

Know a thing or two about what happened to the girl, can you tell us in detail?Maybe we can help. "

Qinyue shook her head, saddened, "How can you help me, if you want to hear a story, just listen to me.

Are they all spreading rumors that Qin Lang found another woman outside?

What a big joke, how could he, that fool, betray the relationship between us.Qin Lang is not a chivalrous man, but a pharmacist, I knew this early on.

I helped him hide his identity, but I didn't expect the sea monster to find out.If it wasn't for the sea monster, how could my Qin Lang die. "


After capturing the key information, both Pei Jingyu and Zhaoge were taken aback.

Pei Jingyu frowned slightly, there was a monster in this city.

But there is no change in the monster-hunting talisman, so there is only one possibility, the so-called sea monster's way is unfathomable.

If so, the matter is much more serious than he imagined.

Zhaoge's first reaction was to search for the plot of this plane, to find out who the mysterious sea monster is.

[Ahem, host, this plot is also hidden by the devilish energy. 】


What the demonic energy concealed was the key story about Pei Jingyu's search for the fairy island.

Right now, it also hides the plot about the siren. Does this mean that she and Pei Jingyu are on the right track.

[Host, there is nothing wrong with this wave of reverse push! 】

Wait, there are rumors that Qin Lang died after betraying, but Qinyue said that Qin Lang did not betray, so who is it that brought other women to find her?

Just as she was about to speak, Pei Jingyu asked what she wanted to ask, "I heard that he brought others to look for you later, and the three of you disappeared together for a while."

Qinyue laughed foolishly twice, unaware that her finger was pricked with blood, she stood up abruptly, a sign of madness appeared on her pretty face.

"It's all lies, what they say is all lies! The estranged couple in this city will be punished by the sea monster. These idiots enshrine it as a god, it's ridiculous!

They are restrained by sea monsters, if they know that Qin Lang is here to get rid of monsters, they will definitely cause panic.

The sea monster couldn't tell his true identity, and after killing Qin Lang, he transformed into his appearance again, making a good show.

What was missing, it was clearly that it caught me. "

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(End of this chapter)

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