On the wedding night of rebirth, the sickly prince was captured by me

Chapter 200 A woman who doesn't know what to do

Chapter 200 A woman who doesn't know what to do

Unknowingly, the time I stayed here was too long, the sun was slowly going down, and it was approaching dusk.

Mu Jinchuan suddenly realized that he had already spent enough time here, so he spoke slowly.

"Brother's warm hospitality today, I will remember it in my heart. If I have time in the future, I will definitely come to my mansion to have a good reunion."

Yun Chen naturally wanted to put on a good face, so he nodded slightly.

In this way, the two sat in the carriage and slowly moved towards the palace.

Sitting there, Chu Luoyi always felt uncomfortable all over. Thinking about the scene where Mu Jinchuan kissed herself today, it was really hard to recall.

Not even wanting to look directly at the man in front of him, Mu Jinchuan looked at Chu Luoyi's appearance, not only did not feel resentful, but liked it even more.

"Princess, what does this mean? Sitting in the same carriage with the king but so far away from the king."

Faced with such a question, Chu Luoyi suddenly didn't know what to say, she tightly clenched her sleeves, and then leaned towards him.

The two had been out for so long today, Yue Sichun was waiting in the mansion for no one came back, so naturally he was a little anxious.

However, despite anyone's obstruction, she wanted to come to the gate of the mansion to wait, but what she saw made her a little uncomfortable, and she was asking for trouble.

After such relentless waiting, the carriage of the two finally appeared in his vision.

Slowly, the carriage stopped at the gate of the mansion smoothly, but no one inside came down for a long time.

It turned out that Mu Jinchuan hugged Chu Luoyi in his arms inside, and insisted on carrying her out of the car himself.

Now at this moment, she knew that her struggle was useless, and a servant opened the curtain of the car right after.

There was a trace of indifference on Mu Jinchuan's face, without even looking at Yue Sichun, he directly carried Chu Luoyi into the gate of the mansion.

But Yue Sichun wanted to brush up on his sense of existence no matter what, and quickly walked forward to salute him.

"My lord has been out for so long today? But is there anything that hasn't been dealt with properly? I'm almost ready for the evening. If there is anything wrong, please point it out, my lord."

That is, after saying these words, Chu Luoyi felt very uncomfortable when she heard it, and jumped out of Mu Jinchuan's arms with struggle.

Without even looking back, he just walked into the gate of the mansion, the corners of Yue Sichun's mouth slightly raised, thinking that the result he wanted had been achieved.

At this moment, Chu Luoyi's heart was full of anger, and she kept thinking about what Mu Jinchuan said just now, and the scene of kissing herself.

I felt so disgusting for a moment, just returned to the gate of the mansion, and my eyes widened when I saw the woman Yue Sichun, they were like a couple of dogs.

Sure enough, men are all the same, a beautiful woman standing in front of him has no resistance at all, and Mu Jinchuan is also the same, there is nothing wrong with it.

Looking at Chu Luoyi's leaving back, Mu Jinchuan thought she would turn back, but he didn't expect her to leave so straightforwardly.

Originally wanted to look for it directly, but did not expect Yue Sichun to come to him again.

"Why is your lord in such a hurry? Has your lord not responded to what I just said?"

Seeing Yue Sichun's helplessness, Mu Jinchuan shook his sleeves, speaking with a hint of indifference.

"Don't ask the king about these things. If you want to eat something, just ask the princess."

Then he said a few more words, then turned around and left.

At this time, Chu Luoyi has already returned to Qingfengyuan. After working outside for a day, she is sweating a lot and wants to take a bath.

He had already told the servants below, but he didn't expect Mu Jinchuan to rush in at this moment and drive all the servants out.

"Without this king's order, no one can come in. What this king has said is very clear."

After the maidservants heard this, they nodded slightly, put the prepared things there, and left.

Chu Luoyi heard movement outside and walked out, thinking that everything was ready, but saw Mu Jinchuan.

All of a sudden, she became a little unhappy, and wanted to turn around and leave, but Mu Jinchuan stopped flinching and held her back.

"There are some things I still want to clarify with you. If the princess doesn't like Yue Sichun, I can order someone to remove her identity now."

"If anyone here displeases the princess, I can solve it for the princess."

Even if she said such things, Chu Luoyi felt that she was only speaking for himself, and there was a trace of disdain on her face.

Seeing this situation, Mu Jinchuan continued to speak.

"What? Does the princess believe what this king said? This king and Nayue Sichun are just brothers and sisters, and there is no relationship between men and women."

"If the princess is jealous because of this matter, I'm afraid I will feel a little sorry."

She never thought that Mu Jinchuan would use such words to describe this matter, so she snorted a few times coldly.

"My lord actually said some pretty words in front of me. If my lord really had the heart to do it, then Yue Sichun would probably not be in this mansion long ago."

"To be able to stay here for so long, I'm afraid the prince's protection is indispensable."

Her tone of voice revealed that she was very jealous.

Originally, Mu Jinchuan wanted to explain a few words for himself, but Chu Luoyi ruthlessly pushed him out of the room, and then heard the sound of closing the door.

All of a sudden, Mu Jinchuan stood at the door, and he was shut down. He still recalled what he said just now, and felt that there was no major problem.

She kept thinking in her heart that if Chu Luoyi didn't like Yue Sichun, she could just find a reason to prevaricate Yue Sichun.

Mu Jinchuan felt very uncomfortable, and returned to his room. At this time, Mu Qingze also came in.

Seeing Mu Jinchuan's face full of sorrow, he asked: "Don't tell me too much, I've heard about the same thing today, you should go to Chu Luoyi at this time, you deserve to be shut down by yourself .”

"It's just out of anger. You just want to talk about this matter. It doesn't make sense at all."

On the way back, Mu Qingze had already thought about this matter clearly, and spoke directly.

"As long as Si Chun is removed from the position of side concubine this month, everything can be resolved."

When Mu Qingze ridiculed Mu Jinchuan's face, his face immediately became ugly. I didn't expect that Mu Qingze would come to his place today.

"The king didn't take the initiative to invite you here. I'm sorry, you are not welcome here. If you have nothing to do, go back."

Mu Qingze just smiled thoughtfully, that deep smile deeply satirized Mu Jinchuan.

Mu Jinchuan only felt very depressed in his heart, and besides that, there was a trace of irritability.

He carried her into the room and covered her with a quilt.

"Take good care of the side concubine, if she wakes up and you tell me what she needs, you must satisfy her,"

Mama Wang next to her thought that their idea had succeeded.I couldn't help but chuckled in my heart, thinking that the side concubine did a pretty good job.

But Mu Qingze's words made her still have a grudge in her heart.In the blink of an eye, he left Xiangxue Pavilion and came to the courtyard where Chu Luoyi was.

"Wangfei didn't expect that the prince would come here. I thought he would stay there for a day or two."

Compared with the happiness of the slaves.Chu Luoyi frowned.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Chu Luoyi lying on the window, with a very leisurely expression.

"The princess is in a good mood today. Now that she is still thinking about reading? It seems that you have not fulfilled the responsibility of the princess."

Mu Jinchuan was very angry in his heart, didn't he hear that he went to the front yard, and there was no trace of jealousy on his face.

Doesn't this mean that she doesn't like him?
But he had already thought about getting rid of his side concubine, why did Chu Luoyi still show such a helpless look?
"If the prince is not happy, he can replace me at any time. Anyway, it's the same for everyone, isn't it?"

After Chu Luoyi heard these words, she was immediately annoyed.

She turned her head, but her face was calm.

Mu Jinchuan was immediately angry because of this sentence, and after discussing it, he came in front of him and pinched her chin directly.

"Is it in your eyes? Is this king the kind of person?"

Is she a fool or a big fool?
Can't you see the meaning of this?
"My lord is right in one thing. Today you can remove the side concubine's position, and another day you can also remove my princess position and hand it over to someone else."

Chu Luoyi finished this sentence slowly, raised her head and said slowly again.

"Anyway, I don't have the appearance of a princess. In your eyes, I only have a side concubine, right? She is gentle and considerate, and she is obedient to you. There is no man in the world who would not like such a gentle woman. I see her very She has the bearing of a princess."

Chu Luoyi was very leisurely, as if she didn't pay any attention to it, and turned her back to him after she finished speaking.

"If you think it's okay, you can also hand over the position of the princess to her. Anyway, I can give up the position of the princess. After all, I can't wrong my sister, can I?"

After hearing this, the servant girl next to her almost covered her mouth in surprise.

What kind of madman's language is this?Is the concubine's head flooded?Put forward the request to give up the position of princess.

"I tell you to shut up, this king tells you to shut up, if you dare to say this again in the future, this king will definitely..."

Chu Luoyi stared into his scarlet eyes, he didn't say the last sentence, but held her wrist tightly.

"I can't say this again in the future, I don't want to hear it." What's more, it came out of her mouth.

Chu Luoyi was also angry. Hearing the news that the side concubine had fainted, he immediately rushed to the front yard without stopping, and sent her to the room. Isn't that nervous?
She despises this kind of man who is on several boats.

"Why did I mention your pain? Don't you just want to give her the position of princess? After all, a woman like me who doesn't know what to do should give up the position of princess, let alone me She never looked like a princess."

She was totally out of anger.The two were angry and angry.Both said hurtful things to each other.

But these words didn't take Mu Jinchuan's considerations into account at all, she became angry all of a sudden, and hugged Chu Luoyi forcefully.

With the violent kiss, it also fell on her body.

"shut up."

Mu Jinchuan's sudden kiss made Chu Luoyi stunned.He pressed the person onto the bed, and began to struggle violently without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yue couldn't help but widen her eyes. It seems that the prince is really angry, and the princess doesn't know what's going on today?Suddenly said such angry words.

Seeing this scene, Bai Shu held Liu Yue.She dragged him and walked outside. Do you still want to stay and watch the show?
"Why are you dragging me? You didn't see that the princess was bullied by the prince."

Bai Shu laughed angrily at him.This little girl has no eyesight at all.

"You little girl, don't you have any eyesight at all? They are husband and wife. After all, the prince and the princess are husband and wife. Do you still want to stay and watch the show?"

Liu Yue's eyes widened, but she couldn't say a word, after all, what he said made sense.

The temperature in the room was gradually rising, and it seemed that pink bubbles were popping up in the entire sky, with a hint of ambiguity.

Chu Luoyi felt a little reconciled, she blushed and wanted to struggle, and pushed the man in front of her away.

"You have to pay attention to such scenes in the future, don't be stupid, I see you, this little brain is not clever."

Bai Shu also just wanted to say a few words about her, but she didn't expect the little girl to turn her face directly.

Liu Yue pouted, somewhat disagreeing with his decision. "What, don't forget my master, but the princess. If the princess didn't tell me to do these things, I would never leave."

Bai Shu held her forehead helplessly, this little girl is really not enlightened, her mouth is stubborn.

"Okay, okay, then I can't say no to you, but in the future, you should pay more attention to this kind of scene?"

Liu Yue is also inexperienced, so she froze in place for a while, which is obviously not her fault.

Just as the two of them were staring blankly, suddenly there was a loud noise in the room, and in the next second they saw a man break through the door and fall to the ground.

The man who fell to the ground in embarrassment was none other than their prince.

Mu Jinchuan clutched his chest and got up from the ground with a cold face.

"Chu Luoyi, you are so cruel."

He clutched his chest and couldn't help coughing twice, as if he was very uncomfortable.

But Bai Shu and Liu Yue next to him were inconceivable, and they didn't know what expression to use to describe their mood at this time.

"Go away, don't let me see you again."

Chu Luoyi blushed and kept sticking her mouth, and her clothes were still a little messy.

Mu Jinchuan snorted coldly, turned around and flung his sleeves to leave.

A woman who doesn't know what's good or bad, don't worry about it!

At the moment of leaving, Bai Shu turned around and looked at Liu Yue meaningfully.

Liu Yue also secretly glanced at him, then turned and walked into the house.

"Princess, are you okay?"

The scene just now really surprised her, she hurried in and asked if Chu Luoyi was okay?
(End of this chapter)

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