Chapter 102 The Destruction of Yongan City

in the suite.

Youni raised her eyebrows and looked at the slow-moving people, her round face wrinkled into a ball, walking back and forth, stamping her feet anxiously, and said eagerly: "Brothers, can you hurry up!"

"They're all gone, surely they won't be able to catch up"

"Hurry up! The tortoises are faster than you, your martial arts are useless."

You Zhuo stood on the side leisurely, hooked his lips and said indifferently: "Nini, whether the speed is fast or not has nothing to do with martial arts, stop screaming, the more you call them, the slower you will be."

Youni put her hands on her waist, stared at those people with round eyes, snorted a few times, curled her lips and said, "It's really slow, like a woman, no, slower than a woman"

Hearing her complaining tone, You Zhuo smiled, "Okay! Don't be angry, that's how they are"

Youni stared, pointed her finger and said, "Then you're bragging about them!"

You Zhuo: "..."

A few minutes later, the car gradually drove out. In the car, Youni puffed her face angrily, talking about how slow the people were, over and over again, until her mouth was tired, and then she stopped down.

Youni leaned against the seat, turned her head and squinted out of the car window, and whispered softly: "I don't know if I can catch up with them, sister fairy, wait for me! I must know your name next time we meet,"

at the same time.

Several trucks stopped on the side of the road, and there were several teams of survivors and soldiers lined up beside the cars, and the soldiers killed the rushing zombies from time to time.

The survivors stood for a long time, hungry and tired, and finally complained, "Why haven't we set off for so long!"

"That's right, we're all tired from standing, and we're starving to death, and we won't be given food"

"That's it"

Chen Ming glanced at them with deep cold eyes, then looked at the time on the watch on his hand, and said in a loud voice: "Get in the car, let's go"

When the survivors heard the sound, they rushed into the car one after another. The soldiers carried the survivors who were not lined up to the end. Now the survivors stopped pushing and lined up to get into the car in an orderly manner.

Soon the survivors and the army went out, and it wasn't until Chen Ming saw the large trucks behind him that he asked several drivers to start the car and set off.

One after another, large military vehicles gradually drove on the road, and there were some private cars, etc., and they all drove in one direction.

Not long after, a large number of zombies and mutated animals were received to pass through Yong'an City. After hearing the news, the troops of Yong'an City evacuated separately, and some survivors who stayed also evacuated, and rushed to the highway in unison.

For a while, cars followed closely on a certain section of the expressway.

Some of the last survivors ran for their lives fiercely, and some survivors cried miserably.

"Please, take me with you!"

"Take us"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way," said a rough voice.

With a sound of "bang", the woman was kicked out, and several zombies next to her jumped on her, and there were screams and screams continuously.

Several people were also in distress. They did not dare to block the car, but begged other passing vehicles.

The survivors who passed by didn't even look at them, they just drove away, some drove directly at a fast speed, in short, they were as heartless as they wanted.

Waves of sound came from the player, stuttering, neither loud nor soft, just enough that everyone in the car could hear the sound.

When the sound stopped, Xia Chuxiao reached out and turned off the player, and said calmly, "I've finished listening, do you have anything to say?"

The news from the player is bad news. Several cities were destroyed by the passing zombies. None of the troops and survivors who stayed there survived. Among them, there were two cities where they walked. The one that was destroyed was Yong'an City, an hour ago, when they had just left.

(End of this chapter)

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