Chapter 179 Spatial Changes
There was another news from the base that those army teams went hunting mutant animals today, they were not as lucky as yesterday, and even injured several soldiers.

The fact that the temperature drop continued to drop has already spread throughout the base and some survivors who are rushing to the base for lifesaving.

In a study room, the sound of several people talking came.

"Xiaohao, I hope you will think about what I said!" A deep old voice came out.

Gong Hao rested his hands on his lap, his sharp and deep eyes flickered slightly, his calm look seemed to be hesitating.

Glancing aside from the corner of the eye, Gong Yuhan was holding a cup of tea in his hand, drinking it leisurely, as if their conversation had nothing to do with him, Gong Hao withdrew his corner of the eye, still hesitating.

Gong Yuhan raised his eyes, pursed his lips and said, "Go ahead! Dad, you have nothing to do, and you just happen to have something to do!"

Gong Hao thought about it for a while, and felt that what his son said was correct, it was just that there was an extra position. In fact, he also wanted to agree without hesitation, but thought that they should have a more suitable one, so he did. . .


The bright lights of the Hope Garden Villa were illuminated, and the sky outside was already pitch black, and there was a terrifying sound of "woo" from the back mountain from time to time.

Xia Chuxiao woke up and found that it was already very late, so she went downstairs feeling hungry.

In the living room, Xia Chuxiao saw Aunt Gong and the others serving dishes and putting them on the table just now. She didn't go straight to the dining table until Aunt Gong called her.

At this time, Gong Yuhan and the two came back from the outside, Xia Chuxiao saw the two of them were stunned for a moment, and felt that they had something to do, so she didn't ask.

After the meal, Uncle Gong directly told everyone that as a member of the army, he will lead the team in the future.

The military builders are the ones who design the buildings, and take care of the buildings in one step. They don't need to do it all the time, just take care of it, that's fine!As long as Uncle Gong likes something, everyone supports it.

Xia Chuxiao expressed concern.

When everyone was full, they all went back to their rooms to wash and sleep.

in space.

Xia Chuxiao looked at the prairie and smiled. The prairie has expanded a lot. The one, two or three villas in the corner are neatly lined up on one side. The main entrance of the villas faces the side of the mist, not the tile-roofed houses. .

The front and side of the villa have obviously become wider. Before walking a dozen steps, you could reach the dozens of trees, but now the villa is far away from the trees that moved in.

This change is okay!

The chickens, ducks and small animals are also much farther away from the villa, and the field has also expanded a little. Looking at the lifelike food, I smiled, thinking that it is great, the field has expanded, and I can grow more food.

The house has also expanded a bit, and it is much brighter and more beautiful. The backyard has also expanded a lot, and there are a few more pavilions. These extra pavilions made her a little confused.

"This expands the space, and can grow a pavilion! It's a bit weird!"

"Then will it grow a house next time?"

Xia Chuxiao muttered to this point, she couldn't figure it out, so she simply didn't want to go ahead and talk about other things later.

The only thing that has not changed is the position in front of the house, the tree, and the well, nothing has changed.

Xia Chuxiao looked around for a while, turned over a few packets of seeds, and planted some vegetable seeds. Vegetable seeds are easy to grow, and they can be sprinkled as soon as they are planted. There is no need to plant seeds one by one. Sprinkle a little more soil to cover it.

A good seed is a good seed, but she alone can't plant much land.

"Another day, pull Xiao Hanhan into the space as a coolie,"

The sweet potatoes are a large piece, which is a bit difficult to deal with. Watered with spiritual water, they grow really fast, and they grow well. The vine leaves are all green and shiny. The sweet potatoes are slim and long, and some are fat and big. of.

The sweet potatoes she grows are slender and long. They are roasted like sweet potatoes, and taste more fragrant and delicious. Those fat and big ones are used for cooking soup and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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