Chapter 207 Su Zi 2
"It's cold! Just put on first!" Su Zi looked at her and said in a deep voice.

Youni looked at him fixedly, and was stunned for a while. After a few seconds, she pursed her lips and said, "Thank you! The clothes are so warm, you are so kind!"

After Youni finished speaking, her eyes lowered slightly, she grabbed the baggy clothes with her hands, and began to mutter to herself.

Why does it feel like this brother Junbing suddenly treats him well!He was still indifferent to her just now, but now he feels a little weird, his attitude has changed drastically.

This Junbing brother has a handsome knife officer face with corners and corners, and his bushy eyebrows are raised slightly, so beautiful!It's not the same as his brother's handsome.

I feel that he is gentle to me!Why did she feel this way? It was because she was frozen stupid that she had this illusion!

Thinking of this possibility, Youni stretched out her hand and patted her head.

Su Zi watched her expression change, and saw her mouth moving and muttering, and the corners of her mouth inadvertently curled up. When she saw her slapping her head with her hand, Su Zi reached out and held it, and said softly, " Don't hit your head, you'll be stupid!"

When Youni heard his words, she was stunned, looked at his handsome face, listened to his tone, and nodded obediently inadvertently.

This brother Junbing, it must be love at first sight, he fell in love with me!
Although I also have little expectations, it would be nice to have such a good-looking boyfriend, but she doesn't understand this guy, what if she has a bad heart in the future!
Youni finally asked, "Brother Junbing! You seem to be very kind to me, you are not..."

"I want to know, come with me and I'll tell you!" Su Zi listened to her words, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he caught the figure keenly from the corner of his eye, his face turned cold, and the corners of his mouth flattened, and he said seriously.

His words interrupted what she said later, and Youni was a little confused again when she heard his voice, and nodded, "Oh! Okay!"

"Keep up!"

Su Zi glanced at her, turned around and left, and Youni followed in his footsteps, thinking in his heart, why this person became cold again, he treated her well just now, but the result was not good, serious and serious.

I dare not look directly at her too close, it's too weird, double-faced personality!This soldier is really different!
Brothers are right, soldiers have multiple personalities.

While walking, Su Zi stopped suddenly, turned around, and just behind You Ni bumped into her directly, "Ouch!" A sense of pain came.

Youni touched the bumped forehead, raised her head, and blurted out, "It hurts, why did you stop!"

Su Zi reached out and touched her blushing forehead, then his eyes fell on the small side face with red paw prints, and asked with concern, "Are you all right! Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts, your chest is made of stone! It's so hard," Youni pointed in front of him, pouted and said directly.

After finishing speaking, she felt very quiet. When Youni thought of something, her face changed slightly. After thinking about it, her brother said that the soldier has a bad temper, so she just said that about him, maybe. . .Youni tried her best to look up at him, and said with a dry smile, "Well, Brother Junbing, I didn't mean that!"

Su Zi saw through her little expression at a glance, and when she saw the little woman who knew her mistake, she pursed her lips and smiled, "Yeah!"

"Su Zi!"

Youni said "Hmm!", and then said, "My name is Youni!"

"Yeah! I know!" Su Zi half-closed her eyes and pursed her lips.

Youni raised her eyes and glanced at him a few times, thinking, laughing!what does it mean!

Hearing movement with keen ears, Su Zi turned and walked away, asking her to follow.

Soon they came to the top floor and entered a large inner room.

"Crack," the door closed, and Su Zi asked her to sit casually.

A gust of heat came rushing in, and Youni felt that her legs and feet were finally no longer cold, and looked at the situation here!
(End of this chapter)

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