Chapter 236 Escaped

Li Weiwei took her to make gourmet cakes and so on, so as not to worry her.

The distressed people outside the gate begged pitifully, and started spreading rumors about how cruel and heartless they were. Ouyang Hua had nothing to do, and came here as a patrolman. When he saw the big iron gate Those who do things.

I couldn't hold back my temper and blasted all these people away!
However, what Ouyang Hua didn't know was that this action of his caused even more distorted discussions, until it spread throughout the base.

After training, Lu Wei frowned when she saw an acquaintance outside the door, walked over, opened the iron door, and asked, "Xiaohua, why are you here?"

"Brother Lu, let me come and see you!" Ouyang Hua said with a chuckle, and walked in.

"En!" Lu Wei responded lightly.

As if entering his own home, Ouyang Hua walked into the villa familiarly, changed his shoes familiarly, walked in, and greeted several people.

Ouyang Hua's mouth became greedy when he smelled the fragrance, and his eyes lit up when he saw the snack brought by his aunt, "Auntie, this is too delicious!"

"Xiaohua, I'm so hungry, try more, this is made by Auntie and Weiwei," Liu Fang said with a smile and kindness.

"Yeah!" Ouyang Hua nodded fiercely, took the chopsticks and the bowl, and took a bite of the snack between them.

"Big brother, is it delicious!" A soft voice came.

Ouyang Hua paused for a moment, and followed the source of the sound with his eyes, only to see the little milk baby walking beside him at some point, looking at him with big clear and bright eyes, his pink and delicate face Raising his head, Ouyang Hua pinched his face with itchy hands, "Little Taotao! Want to eat? My brother will pinch it for you!"

As a result, Xiao Taotao didn't buy into him, and kept saying, "Big brother, it's delicious!"

"My mom made this!"

That look says, "How amazing my mom is!"

Ouyang Hua smiled and said, "Yeah! It's delicious! Do you want Xiao Taotao to eat!"

Xiao Taotao opened her big dark eyes and moved around a few times nimbly, pouting her mouth and said in a milky voice, "Eat, wait for mom!"

Then Xiao Taotao talked non-stop, sometimes Ouyang Hua didn't know what the little baby was talking about.

The two, one big and one small, fell into the eyes of several people.

Lu Wei and Nan Gongning walked in from the outside, and Aunt Gong came out of the kitchen. They both had smiles on their faces when they saw this warm scene.

"Come on, try them all!"

"Auntie, I've seen what's going on outside, so I'll drive you away!" Ouyang Hua chatted while eating.

Liu Fang sighed, and said lightly, "Hey! Xiaohua, don't pay attention to those people!"

Ouyang Hua was puzzled, but still nodded, "Okay!"

Li Weiwei and his wife are feeding Xiao Taotao to eat rice porridge. Xiao Taotao likes to eat dim sum and the like recently. If there is no snack, he will not eat the staple food. This makes the couple very worried, so Li Weiwei started to make dim sum.

After eating snacks, Liu Fang went up to sweep the snow for the planting shed built by her daughter-in-law.

When she saw lifelike green and healthy vegetables growing in the planting shed, she was stunned for a long time, and went in to check again to confirm whether she had presbyopia.

I reached out and touched the Chinese cabbage, and tried to poke it again!
"This, this dish! Really!"

At this moment, she confirmed that she did not have presbyopia, and that this dish was real. At this moment, she finally understood the confident words of her daughter-in-law.

Excited, she slowly suppressed it, took the vegetable and walked down to tell them the good news.

Xia Chuxiao, who was far away, didn't know about the growth of Chinese cabbage. At this time, Xia Chuxiao and the others had just escaped from danger and were planning the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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