Chapter 257 Green King Point 14
Captain Wu reacted with a heavy face, and ordered several soldiers to sprinkle some deodorizing dust on the thing.

It was a person with only a half body left. I don't know what kind of life and death this person has experienced to escape, and his appearance is extremely broken.


Xia Chuxiao recognized it as a military uniform at a glance, but she didn't know which base it was from. There was a high probability that it was from M Base, their base.

Seeing this miserable person, everyone was sure that the missing army must be inside this ancient tomb.

A soldier searched for a military household certificate. Captain Wu frowned, looking at the name on the certificate and the familiar seal of the base, his face was a bit ugly, and he was sure.

"This person is a soldier of our base!"

The soldiers behind heard it, their faces were not generally good, they were silent, and the atmosphere became heavy.

Xia Chuxiao's body was turned backwards, the back of her head was held by someone, one side of her small face was pressed against her hard chest, Xia Chuxiao's eyes were shining brightly, the corners of her mouth were pursed, and she said dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing!"

"Xiaoxiao, don't look, that's disgusting!" Gong Yuhan's eyes flickered slightly, and he said solemnly, with a hint of tenderness and doting in his tone.

His little girl shouldn't have seen this scene. At this moment, Gong Yuhan completely forgot about Xia Chuxiao's strong bearing ability.

Xia Chuxiao pursed her lips and beat her lightly twice, thinking in her heart that this guy once again regarded her as a delicate little woman.

This hand keeps touching his face, why does it feel like he is eating his own tofu!
Gong Yuhan's callused hands rubbed her tender face, feeling the dissatisfied eyes staring at him, he paused, his eyes flashed sharply, and raised his lips, "How is the inspection going! "

Bai Ziyue pushed his glasses, carefully observed the person on the ground, and said in a calm tone, "Judging from the stiffness of this person, it should only be two or three days! It won't exceed four days! This dead man Traces, there is a trace of pulling, it should look like it was bitten off! Or it was pulled off!"

Feng Pan's expression was a little dull, and he said slowly, "In other words, when he came to the top, this person might have been killed at that time!"

Nan Gongling narrowed her eyes and said bluntly, "It's also possible that this person was killed when we were at the snake's nest!"

Bai Ziyue said in a deep voice, "It's all possible!"

Bai Zimu's focus was on how this person was killed, "One bite, what kind of thing does this have to bite a person! This thing must be a big guy!"

Xia Chuxiao narrowed her long and beautiful eyes, curled her lips into an evil smile, and joked, "Mutated python!"

Several people shrank their bodies when they heard this, everyone was thinking that this place is indeed very dangerous, their faces were gloomy, Captain Wu thought for a while, looked at the two of them, and asked, "Then we still..."

Gong Yu frowned slightly, and glanced at him, "Of course, let's go!"

Xia Chuxiao tugged at the corner of his clothes, Gong Yuhan looked down at her, and said in a magnetic and pleasant voice, "En! What's wrong!"

"Hand! Your hand!" Xia Chuxiao gasped.

Gong Yuhan put down his hands obediently, put on the mask for her, took her hand, the two walked forward, the others looked at each other, and then followed.

There must be danger!
Xia Chuxiao casually looked at everything around him. There were no traces of species crawling through the passage, and there were no traces of anything left behind. The passage was dusty except for some dust.

So how did this dead man get here!

The few people behind were chatting softly about that person, Xia Chuxiao told them to be quiet, "Xiaobai Xiaopan, be quiet!"

The few people fell silent, and Xia Chuxiao used her supernatural ability to listen to the sounds from all directions, not letting go of a single sound, not even the sound of her heart beating.

(End of this chapter)

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