Chapter 261 Snake Nest
"The top is also a snake, and the bottom is also a snake. We are stuck with snakes!" Feng Pan shrank his neck when he thought of those pictures, and curled his lips.

The group of people thought of the scene of that night, and their faces darkened a bit. Only Gong Yuhan's face remained calm and did not change.

Xia Chuxiao continued, "The snake should not be big, it's not a boa constrictor!"

Nan Gongling said bluntly, "That's also a snake!"

The truth is!
Xia Chuxiao raised her eyebrows, took a bite of the bread and ate it, and continued, "The situation below is complicated. Listening to the screams, the soldiers who died should still be alive, and there is still room for resistance!"

"We have a chance to save them. The specific situation depends on the situation. When we go down, we should be careful not to be spotted by those snakes,"

He took another bite of bread and ate it, and continued, "Then save if you can, and run for your life if you can't!"

Captain Wu's face was a bit complicated when he heard her last words, Gong Yuhan's cold eyes swept over, and he curled his lips and said in an evil tone, "Just do it this way, while you are sure to protect yourself, you are going to save others! "

Everyone had no objections, Xia Chuxiao glanced at it a few times, then averted her gaze lightly, thinking in her heart, it seems that the person's goal is down there, what is there to attract those people down there.

Xia Chuxiao and the two walked in the front, leading the way down step by step.

On the other end, a group of people were also walking cautiously.

For a while.

They finally saw something in front of them, the light was shining straight, illuminating the entire downstairs of the empty attic, the wide circular area was covered with many snakes, they were walking, Ouyang Yu stopped, and stretched out with a gesture, The people behind understood and stopped.

"Boss! How about us?" Xiao Wen asked.

"Shh, don't talk!" Ouyang Yu pointed to the big snake with a thick adult body in the corridor.

The big snake was about to pass by them, and the others also saw it. Ouyang Yu made a gesture to move back, and the others also moved back.

Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to speak. Watching the big snake pass by slowly, Xiao Wen became even more nervous, for fear of being discovered and it would be over.

Ouyang Yu glanced at him and told him to relax, Xiao Wen nodded.

Xiaowen has a fair and tender little round face. He is obviously a man but looks like a woman's round face. Sometimes I feel that he is quite cute. He is not very tall and looks like a woman. Ouyang Yu glanced again, his eyes flickered slightly, and his thin lips were pursed tightly.

Xiao Wen felt that warm gaze sweeping over his face, and he became unnaturally nervous, his slender eyelashes trembled, his head slightly lowered to one side, and his red lips were pursed into a line, "Boss, the big snake is gone!" !"

Ouyang Yu withdrew his eyes from him, narrowed his deep eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

Xiao Wen lowered her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she didn't see anything.


Xiao Wen was stunned when he heard the voice, "Okay, boss!"

Xia Chuxiao opened her eyes, focused her eyes on the opposite building, curled her lips and said with an evil smile, "Xiao Hanhan! They are on the opposite side!"

Gong Yuhan glanced a few times, his pupils shrank, took her hand and took a few steps back, pursed his lips and said deeply, "Well, Xiaoxiao! Be careful, I feel that there is always a pair of eyes staring at us look!"

Hearing this, Xia Chuxiao's eyes lit up, squinted across his face, and said what she felt, "I feel it too!"

The two said at the same time, "Start from entering and passing through that passage!"

Xia Chuxiao froze for a moment, and stared at him for a few seconds.

Gong Yuhan's eyes flickered slightly, and he curled his lips, "The eyes are getting more and more obvious when we get here!"

"Yeah!" She felt it too, those eyes were as strong as a beast, but they didn't know that those eyes belonged to that thing.

(End of this chapter)

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