Chapter 263 Mutated Field Eel 2
"And the big guy hasn't come out yet!"

Captain Wu asked puzzledly, "There are other big things!"

Xia Chuxiao curled her lips into a charming smile. That smile was not only sweet, but also fearful and uneasy, as if she had seen through everything.

Captain Wu had a high opinion of this girl again in his heart. The future is boundless, and he will surely achieve great things. A calm attitude has long been a habit.

"Captain Wu, just ask the subordinate next to you and you will know what's going on!"

Captain Wu's face changed when he heard her words, and he turned his head to look at the two people on the right with questioning eyes. The two soldiers looked at a loss and became nervous.

"Captain Wu, we don't know what Team Xia means!"

Captain Wu saw that they looked like they didn't understand, subconsciously didn't believe it, and turned to look at the people in front, "Team Xia! They..."

Xia Chuxiao glanced over a few times, hooked her lips and said with a sneer, "Tell me! What is your purpose for coming here? Why did you bring us here?"

Captain Wu was stunned by her words, and when he came back to his senses, seeing the person she was pressing, he probably knew that something was wrong.

The soldier lowered his head and didn't say a word, his whole person gave off a sinister feeling, Xia Chuxiao curled his lips into an evil smile, "Xiao Hanhan, what if he doesn't say anything!"

"Sentence directly!" Gong Yuhan said in a deep tone.

The soldier was a little flustered at first, and a poisonous light flashed in his eyes.

Stretching out his hand and pushing, Captain Wu felt his body fly out and cried out.

Then gunshots rang out.

the other side.

The group of people heard the voice and looked over, only to see the scene where a person fell from above. Xiao Wen saw a familiar figure and said, "That's Captain Wu!"

As soon as the words fell, a thick vine quickly bound the person who fell.

Xiaowen was surprised and said again, "This speed is so fast!"

Ouyang Yu's dark and deep eyes flashed, he looked up and focused on those figures, his lips curved into a smile, "The movement is really fast!"

Xiao Wen lowered her eyes and pondered for a while.

Captain Wu was rescued, and the soldier was restrained. Captain Wu wiped off his sweat and patted his chest, "Phew, this heart is about to startle!"

The army's ability to withstand is not very strong, so it can't stand it.

Xia Chuxiao glanced at him, then looked at the eels crawling towards them, and said coldly, "This action has completely attracted the mutant eels, attack directly!"

After the words were finished, a few vines pierced through the mutated eels that were rushing towards them. Gong Yuhan cooperated, the two of them were left and right, and Bai Ziyue and the others ran down to help.

The soldier stared at her with gloomy eyes, and laughed, "It's you, your abilities are really extraordinary!"

"I want to see you so much, I'll find you a seat and enjoy it!" Xia Chu Xiaoxie said with a smile.

next second.

The soldier saw what she was going to do, his face changed slightly, and he shouted to let go, stop.

"Anyone who dares to hit my attention will have a hard time!"

Xia Chuxiao's icy eyes flashed, her whole body was a little bit stronger, Gong Yuhan felt the little woman's anger, and said a few words of comfort, "Xiaoxiao, don't be angry, it's not worth it, I won't let him go!"

At this time, the man was bound by vines to the pillar in the middle of the empty building, and the mutated eel began to climb up the pillar. Gong Yuhan hit the man with a few short knives on the body, feet, hands, etc. Fix the person again.

The man screamed, and the pain made him feel worse than death.

Soon they were down below, and Xia Chuxiao said to the soldiers behind him, let them go to save people first, while she and the others cover.

Bai Ziyue and the others were killing the small mutated eels. At this time, a dozen big and thick mutated eels attacked them from all around.

(End of this chapter)

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