Chapter 269 The Giant Snake 3
The voice was not loud, but Gong Yuhan, who just followed behind, heard it. Looking at the giant snake, his heart became alarmed, and he quickly walked to Ren'er's side to protect him.

The giant snake was stunned, unexpectedly this human being was not afraid of it, and dared to speak like that.

Xia Chuxiao looked at the huge snake head, and smiled a few times, "Well, I just said it casually, don't worry about the big snake!"

When the giant snake heard her say that again, it was startled again. Xia Chuxiao ignored it and walked towards the target in front. Gong Yuhan's sharp eyes flashed towards the giant snake, and walked past calmly.

At this time, the giant snake wondered in his heart, these two human beings are so weird that they are not afraid of it, the human beings over there all gather together to avoid it, and these two people are too. . .

At the beginning of Xia, Xiaogong Yuhan and the two didn't know what the giant snake was thinking, and they were busy at this moment.

Bai Zimu and the others were stunned, they trembled and hesitated when they spoke, "I really admire the courage of the little sister-in-law and the second master!"

"It's too bold to be so close without being afraid!"

"The two of you have never been afraid of death, so let's keep up! Don't be so timid!" Bai Ziyue pushed his glasses, raised his head, and said calmly.

"Hehe! This is not a matter of cowardice. If a normal person sees this giant snake, he will be terrified and dare not get close to it. It's okay for the two of them." Feng Pantan touched his hands and said. .

"Xiao Pan, you are saying that the second master and the others are not normal people!" Bai Zimu put his hand on his shoulder and said in a whisper.

Feng Pan laughed a few times, "..."

"The two of them are not normal people!" Nan Gongling said bluntly.

Feng Pan said, "Xiaobai, it's not me who said it this time!"

Nan Gongling added a few more words, "They are supernatural beings, and so are we. They are a little stronger than normal, with strength and courage!"


A few people were helpless enough to his way of thinking.

From the corner of Xia Chuxiao's mouth came out! There was a "hiss" sound, and at the same time, the giant snake also let out a cry of pain.

Xia Chuxiao and the two reacted and looked over, and everyone also looked over. At this time, the giant snake was screaming in pain, and the giant body was slowly getting smaller. The giant snake was in pain, and the giant body turned over On one side, away from them for a distance.

"What's going on here?" Xiaowen got out of someone's arms, saw the giant snake, and said calmly.

"Xiao Wen, you two..." At this time, Xiao Liu next to him said with a wicked smile.

It was only at this moment that Xiao Wen realized that he was being hugged, his face turned red immediately, Ouyang Yu let him go, and he didn't care too much in times of danger, "Xiao Wen, I'm a conditioned reflex!"

Xiao Wen felt lingering fear in his heart, pursed the corners of his lips, raised his head, stared at him with watery eyes, didn't know what to say, "Hmm!"

She is actually a woman, and I know this gender myself, and I have thought about confessing to him, but. . .

Several people here looked at the painful giant snake, swallowed their throats, and Bai Zimu said, "This giant snake, what's going on, this is also..."

"Didn't you say that this snake is powerful? Why is it like this!"

At this time, an evil laugh came from above, "Hahaha, you can't escape, if you get my prescription, you will obediently become my puppet! Hahaha,"

"My pet, be obedient!"

The person who was originally tied to the pillar "bang" opened the vines tied to his body, and floated down from above like a devil.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, this person changed so fast.

Seeing this, the two Xia Chuxiao, who were close in front, had a calm expression and became vigilant, watching with both eyes.

The giant snake's painful voice came, "Despicable and shameless human beings are taking advantage of others!"

(End of this chapter)

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